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Real Talk with Zuby
#232 Andrew Tate Vs The Matrix
#232 Andrew Tate Vs The Matrix

#232 Andrew Tate Vs The Matrix

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Andrew Tate, Zuby
54 Clips
Nov 18, 2022
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Hey, what's up? Its Zoo be here. And before we get into this interview with Andrew Tate, I just wanted to give you guys a profanity warning. This episode does contain strong language. So if you have children around, if you normally listen to the podcast with children or you yourself are very very sensitive to profanity and explicit language than just giving you a heads up. Okay? Let's do it in. What's up? Ladies and gentlemen boys and girls around the world. I would like to welcome you back to the real talk with zubi podcast.
Today's episode is being recorded all the way out in Dubai. We are recording this one in person because this is not just any interview. This is a top special interview, it's been highly requested hotly anticipated. This is actually this guest second time on the podcast, we recorded way back in January, 2019 before either of us were anywhere near as well known as we are now. And without further Ado, this is the one and only
Top G and Route 8, what's up, bro? The beer, my friend, good to see you, man. Good to see you, dude. It's been a long time since we not since we last spoke, but since we last spoke publicly in a way that everyone is able to hear us, you were actually the fourth guest on my podcast when I just started it. So, so much stuff has happened in the past almost four years at this point, but first thing then how you doing?
Yeah, I'm good.
The Matrix is obviously trying to destroy me in real time.
I'm but they have failed so as long as I'm still breathing until they decide to try and do something about that, it's a happy day. All in all, I'm pretty good. Yeah what's it been like for you? Over the past couple of months? I mean I've been seeing this watching, I've been watching this happen in real time but what's your experience actually been like,
I mean mentally,
it's been fine. However, I've been very aware and very
As it was happening. I was very aware of how much it would mentally
affect the average person that makes sense. So although I'm completely fine with what they've tried to do to me, I've been sitting here thinking about was a normal, dude, I'd be in serious trouble right now. Like, not just financially, not just
Your economics. But genuinely how you feel when I was cancelled when
they tried their very, very best to lie about me and then delete me from all social medias, it continued to lie about me. When you have the entire
world trying to say you're something
you're not or convince the populace that you're dangerous. When you aren't or convince the world that you're a bad person when you know, you're not and a lot of people, obviously believe it. Then you start getting death threats, your family, start getting death threats, on their safety concerns. And
I was thinking of all is the normal, dude. Living a normal life right
now? This would be a serious problem.
Luckily I'm not a normal dude, which I put a life together that made me difficult to damage long ago, long before this because I knew to a degree, something like this was going to happen but yeah it was certainly an interesting few months when they began the attack. Yeah. And when you talk about the Matrix attacking you for people who are not familiar with the terminology or maybe even the story give us a rundown of actually what's played out sure. Well II called the world. The Matrix, very simply. The people who have seen the movie, they will know that our body heat inside of the movie, the body heat of
Men's is being harvested and used and they occupy our minds of the false reality to keep us producing body heat long enough for the machines to function. And I believe that's a perfect analogy of what happens in the world today. I believe that our Labor's and our intellects and our work is basically being exploited from us and extract it and to keep our minds occupied, they report a false reality.
Perhaps it's not a computer simulation like the movie but it certainly computer-controlled. If the if the social media companies and the media companies can control the information,
Nation people have access to and they'll delete an entire side of the argument for anybody tries to talk against it, then they are creating a false reality and people are buying into this false reality so they can stay asleep long enough to continue to
be a slave. So I
think the Matrix is a perfect example of what's happening in the world today and anybody who stands up and speaks loudly up against the Matrix. If you do it too loud, too long
sooner or later they see you as a problem. They want you to go away and there's three stages to that first. They try and delete you everywhere and cancel. You. Like they've done to me. The
stage is put you in jail for no reason and the third jail, the third stage to kill you. So when one of my lives
have been used up now. So it's kind of scary. You know, you're kind of sitting there going, well, usually at this stage people go away, but if I don't go away, what comes
next? So that's kind of scary. But basically the media machine, The Matrix decided that the impact I was having on the populace, was not beneficial to them and their goals and their aims and that whatever I'm teaching people or making people think about is it necessarily aiding their agenda.
Do they?
I think in with people in my position, some of them will sell their soul or some of them will change their mind and shut up. I'm not that
guy. They tried to I think with a certain degree, they promise you Fame and money or they'll um, Shadow manual. The let you be a certain way. They'll let
you get bigger and let your ego be satisfied. If you'll be quiet, I
refused and then they decided to try and delete me from everywhere. So that's what happened. Yeah, and I think when it comes to the deletions, I don't think people are aware of just how hard they've gone at you. I think people,
No, they took your Facebook and Instagram and YouTube down, but what's been the extent of
it? Yeah. So they took my even I
can't remember everything bro. They took my Uber my Airbnb, which is funny because I never used Airbnb, then they sent me a cancellation emails to only one. I replied to
I was like because they send me some IMA. Hi, my name is David and Ruth Mayer
being be and the idea of inclusions behind airbnb's philosophy and Bug. Blow
some crap about how I'm a bad person
I replied, brother. I don't even know. Didn't even know. I had never been.
account, I can't remember. Ever booking an Airbnb. I don't know why you're trying to feel involved but get fucked so I told them to fuck off but who Burr Airbnb. My payment processor for my business,
stripe, my Gmail, my Instagram, my
my Discord banks for
banks in the UK band. Me transferwise band name, a name a company. Yeah they banned me
like it was it was crazy.
Everybody was Banning me from in everything instantly and
the optimists of the world believe that it's just social pressure and
that one company bands you and the others just fall in line. Whereas me perhaps a pessimist but truthfully a realist. I understand that it's very orchestrated and it's designed to teach you a lesson. They want to teach you a lesson. They want you to be broke. They wanted
to struggle to function in society, and they want you to have no
voice and that's what they want to do. They want to make you scared to continue to talk.
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Now back to the interview ma'am. What's so crazy is listening? Back to the interview. We did over three and a half years ago you foretold this happening so this is almost four years ago and you said I think at this point you are on your fifth Twitter account but you were still on everything else. You weren't on too many people's radar. You had a following but not to the ascent Insanity. It is now. So how were you able to see that coming?
I think it's just basic human nature. I don't think the
people who are running, the world are much different than you, and I perhaps have different resources and different capability, but I think human nature stays constant throughout and me, I run a fairly large empire. Now, let's say I have 200 or 300 people working for me. If there were somebody inside my organization, which ignored my orders and inspired other people inside of my organization to be,
Insubordinate then I would fire them. So when you're running a country or the world and you are and there's somebody inside of
the world that's inspiring others, to be insubordinate. Then you're going to want to fire them to
some degree and I understood that what they're trying to do to depart police. I truly believe is evil. I don't know whether they believe it's evil and they believe it's good. That's their decision. I don't know their moral backing but I personally believe it's evil and I
stand counter to it. So why would they want me to have a voice? Why would they want me to have
influence for the same reason? I wouldn't want an employee.
In my in my company to have influence when he's countering my narrative,
they don't want me to have a voice. So I always understood this. I knew that sooner or later they were going to just look at me and think
he's too big of a problem to exist
and they have to be very they have to
pretend to be balanced and fair because when you're tyrannical, the number one thing, you don't want people to realize is that your tyrannical, right? So you have a massive voice, especially during covid. It was me and you
the number one biggest, Auntie covid guy. We were taught answer.
Completely about it, but they have to let some
people talk against their agendas, because if they delete
everybody instantly, then it shows that there's her, a nickel and a collapses. So you have to pretend they're balanced and fair and they do, but if you reach a critical mass, where you're having a
genuine impact and effect at certain point, I think that they just come for you and shut you up your Twitter accounts. Massive. And you say so many great things on Twitter. If you
were, if you had the same following on other platforms
that you had on Twitter, you be gone. Yeah,
that's that's just what happens? You get to a certain point of critical mass and they go,
To go. Yeah. And when they actually started canceling, you on these different platforms. What did they say was there a specific policy that they claim that you violated or so on? Because I've had people I've been traveling around to lots of different places this year and in the past few months I've been to a few different countries, view different cities and there's been all this. I've heard so many different people talking about you sometimes to me, sometimes just overhearing conversations and some people are saying oh, it was because of this or so he did this or he said this
Or whatever and there's all this speculation going on. But what did they claim that? It actually
was? Well, that's a good question. Some some companies gave me a reason. Some companies
didn't So Meta and YouTube never even sent me an email. They just deleted me completely. And in sink were these massive press releases, which obviously, they had prepared statements to release to the Press, but they never gave me an official Reason by email. So
they've never even told me why? And the reason for that is because I think they understood that
the probably end up in court and they want to be able to
Make up, their reason is to go along in the courtroom. They don't want to stick to a reason on the day. In fact, I've heard from reliable sources that terms and conditions for both of these companies have changed post my van. So they've tried to protect themselves. So that's that
few other companies. The
ones who deleted me like Airbnb, Etc. It was the typical generic Community guidelines standards, don't meet our current expectations of the, it's all vague garbage. And when you click accept to these companies, you're accepting terms and conditions that are
So ridiculously vague. They basically mean we can ban anyone at any time without reason because we decided to so they don't have to
give you a reason. You know, the reason that they told the media as I'm somehow hateful and
misogynistic and I'm dangerous to the world, which I think anybody with a brain knows is absolutely not true. I've opinions. Yes. But those opinions aren't going to be out here, detrimental to society, not the way that most of the genuine evil that the mainstream media. Purports out to the children is actually damaging Society. The reason they
It means because I was massively influential and they didn't like the direction in which I was pushing the Youth of the world, which was to think for themselves. So they thought I had to go. That's that's what the real reason they did it. And they never even told me. Why why do you think they're so scared of that message?
They're scared of a message. They're always going to be
scared of any message that comes from somebody that people idolize and respect, which is basically telling people to be strong,
physically and mentally and to resist a slave mind. And to
think for themselves,
Because their number one, agenda is to create worker drones. They don't want you to think for yourself, which means that to a degree. You need to be weak, both mentally and physically. If you're weak, both mentally and physically one, you're not prepared to defend your ideas but especially if you're mentally weak. This is such a big point of it. And this is why I get so much flak for st. Depressions and real and all these things. If you're mentally weak and you're concerned in your own mind about even living day-to-day life because you find it. So, such a struggle, there's no way you're going to take on a larger battle than yourself. You're not gonna start with
Sting enslavement. You're not going to start fighting against covid
mandates talking to do any of that stuff because you're too busy. Look in the mirror, crying your eyes out, you're selfish, you're self-obsessed. Happy people don't do that. Happy people. Okay, my time life is good. I'm happy. I want my family to be happy all my community to be good. I care about my country. They just one that I want you to be happy. Don't be miserable week and, and they want to delete any morality
from your brain because it's Baseline morality, that prevents them from installing the slave programming, by getting you to a point where you no longer think for yourself, they can
Tell you, anything is true this. That's
what they're doing to us right now is to be what they're doing is convincing people
to ignore their own eyes.
When you walk down when you walk into the
toilet as a woman and you
see a big band and you have to pretend you that that's not a man, you have to pretend. It's not because if you if you acknowledge what your own eyes are telling you you're the enemy right? Once they can convince you to ignore your
own eyes. Well, that's the end of the game, isn't it? Now
now it doesn't matter if they see.
See, the
sky is blue because the media said the sky is red
and that's the final level of slave program. In the trying to get us to, they want us to ignore ignore our own eyes,
ignore our own ears, ignore our innate morality because we're all born with an innate morality inside of us. We believe certain things are wrong and right instinctually they want to ignore that.
Get rid of all of it empty brains, empty hard disks and plug in the new program for whatever they think is applicable at the
time. And it's it's going to be tyranny and slavery. What else would they want to program into us?
It's so interesting because when we spoke in in 2019 and of course, every time we met in person and discuss this stuff privately, we always talk about the there's this fear people are afraid people are afraid in 2019. We were talking about people being afraid to speak out you were like I'm the only guy who's willing to say the stuff. No one else is saying it and it's fun. It's weird because we were we were talking about stuff being crazy in 2019. This is pre.
Pandemic, this is pre a lot of weird things that have happened. This is when, you know, drag queens story time was just kicking off and
there weren't too many videos coming out of all the all the
madness, which is now on people's radar, which I think is good. So there's a there's more pushback and more people speaking on it. But a theme of noticed, is when I travel around, when I do events in different cities, different countries, whether I'm in UK, Australia, USA and so on everyone is saying that they're afraid to speak out first thing.
Lloyd says, thank you. Thank you for speaking out. Thank you. You're courageous, you're brave. I appreciate your voicing it. I can't do. I can't say what you're saying, I can do that. So, even in the so-called freest countries in the world, people are feeling like they cannot, they can't speak. There's this pressure. That's causing them to self-censor beyond what is a reasonable limit to the point where, as you said, people will deny things that are objective facts. Things that you can see with your own eyes things that you can hear.
And everyone's just going with it. And I think a lot of the nonsense we dealt with over the past two and a half years, some of which is still going on, it was just that playing out on a massive, massive scale. So how do you think that question people always ask is how did we, how did we get here? Yeah, cowardice is the problem. The world is full of cowards. We suffer
from a pandemic of
cowardice, we never suffered from any other pandemic. Last three years people are absolutely not only cowards and they do to me what they did to me.
Scare people. You tell the average person, you're going to lose contact with
basically everyone. You can speak to you. Now can have a voice in the morning. I'll kind of a bank account and I'll be able to make money online. Not going to move anywhere. Not going to be able to transact. We're going to wreck
you head to toe. The average person can't deal with that right on top of the fact that the fact
that the average person is employed and they're scared of losing their job. It's going to their employer. I'm in a
unique situation because I'm extremely difficult to hurt but the
average person as soon as you hurt their money their life is over right?
And that's what we've got. We've got to a level of
cowardice amongst the population.
Ation where people are just going to sit there and ignore objective reality because they're scared of having this cancellation weapon used against them. So yeah, it's you're right, it's not that people don't agree with us. It's not that. We're not saying the things that everyone knows are intrinsically true.
It's that everybody's afraid to say it. And that can only end when everybody stands up and stops agreeing and playing this game, it stops being cowards. We need Mass numbers of people to say no I'm allowed an opinion. You know what? Nigel farage and I don't
Since you kept ended, I never know about politics. Not it's not even know what he's doing,
but he says something I was really interesting. He was asked
about who runs to world and I guess the person was trying to set him up for a question about the elites. And he said, truthfully, I'll tell you who runs the world we do because we decide how much of this crap. We're gonna put up with the
problem is we're putting up with too much of it. Problem is everyone's a coward and you're right. I get the same thing. Wow, thanks for saying it. Why don't you say it? And, and everyone is just
terrified. And it's,
it really is truly crazy because fear is always been the control.
In ISM of man, the worst things I've ever happened in any society or any civilization since the dawn of
fucking records has been done under the name of fear, get the population afraid. What did gurbles say
the propaganda minister of the Third Reich. Once people are afraid, give them a common enemy to do anything you want. That's the the Nazis knew this everyone knows this right? So it's a basic Playbook but I think it's also a larger issue. I think that things like keeping sure, making sure people are semi depressed, making sure people are divided, making sure people are selfish, making sure.
Or self-obsessed, they're trying to destroy people's will to
stand up and care about anyone other than themselves. And
once you do that, a couple in, with the fact that if you start to care about others, and genuinely care about the world, you'll ruin your own
life it just makes people shut up. Yeah. And it's so interesting. You say that because something that is not often discussed or analyze? One of the strangest things I've seen in the conversation around, you and your meteoric, rise in Fame and popularity this year.
Not a lot of people are thinking, okay, well, for that to happen, he's got to be saying some real stuff, right? Like people are you don't grow by hundreds of thousands of followers per day. Like I was, I've been obviously I've been following you for years, but I think at the beginning of the year, did you have maybe half a million Instagram followers and by the time they took you off, you had about what? Five point seven, five point eight million. This is in the space of a few months. So
Even when I was talking to people who say, they don't like you or like,
I'm like, look, even if you don't like the
message, you don't agree with it rather than just why don't you think about. Okay, what is it, what's happening in the world? And what is it? That this man is saying that this is resonating with so many people to such a strong degree and it seems like people wanted to just
skip over that God. But he, these people can't think these people cannot think it's almost a sad real.
Ization when you wake up and understand that
there's a large contingent of the world who
cannot think. And when I say that, I don't mean that in some kind of, you know, semi Sark sarcastic. Or I mean, that literally there are people who have a strong emotional reaction to subjects. They completely don't understand. There are people out there who will stand up and say I hate and Route 8, why I hate him, he needs to go to jail like okay? Why I hate him, why they don't know why they once you once the Matrix can
I'm an emotional response into you and you can't even logically with your own words. Explain why you have that emotional emotional response, you're completely a slave mind. These people don't think about anything. They believe what they're told to believe there are emotional about what they're told to be emotional about the exact Direction, they're told to be. And that's what the Matrix wants. It wants to be able to say a name until the world to hate them without even giving a reason and just get what they want, these people are so far gone. These individuals who do not be the cannot logically. Explain their own emotions are so
So far
gone. It's ridiculous
as an adult. What you need to do is seriously analyze every strongly held belief, you currently have and work out where it came from. Is it personal experience? Is it from somebody who I care about and who I trust? Is it from what the news has said? Why do I believe this so much? Why do I have an emotional response to this? Where did it come from? People don't do that. They just sit there. Watch the news, what social media. I'm supposed to hate this guy. So I now hate this guy so I know exactly what you're talking about is, maybe because you're right.
These people cannot think they cannot even give a reason. There's a
guy on Tick-Tock of walks around. And says have you heard of and rotate around college campuses and people go? Yeah. And he goes, do you like him and they don't know why he's a misogynist, what's misogynist me
and then they cancer, they don't know what it is. They don't know to means like it's almost sad but then you lifted the last three years and you realize that. Yeah. People can't think there's a large contingent of the world that truly cannot think
the scary. Yeah. It is kind of scary. I mean, it's so interesting because if someone is someone who knows you
And privately and publicly I've defended you a lot this year because people have been saying super wild stuff and you know people don't I posted actually when when we were in Romania 2020 I posted it was while they were in the process of taking away your accounts. I posted a photo with you.
I was just reading the comments
and I was like Wow people have such strong emotional. Why you like people would be mad that we're sitting here right now. You you
I can't talk to this person. You shouldn't talk to that person and so on, and the thing that blows my mind about is number one, I think I'm a pretty good judge of character, like, I'm a good judge of character in general. And also, I think that your overall message to me is very clearly positive. That's the thing about, it's to me, it's like, look,
someone might not
like this bit or that bit, or disagree with that statement that statement, but I'm like, look, overall what this you do? It
It's not that dissimilar to me to what they tried to do with Jordan Pederson. Like you you have, I'd say your mess. The overall message. Perhaps even have all three of us is somewhat similar. There's a certain through-line about personal responsibility. Building yourself up especially as a man, not falling into this victim game, improving your mindset, improving your body, all of these things but people will just ignore all of that. They'll just ignore all the positive. They'll ignore the fact that
You've helping people or motivating, people, helping people, you get emails. I've had emails Fiat, man. You know, I was feeling suicidal. I was feeling this, I was feeling that and just listening to you, help me at motivated me got me in the gym and so on and
people just gloss over all of
that and they make it out as if like all you talk about is women or
something in life and yeah, that's was crazy. But the reason no gloss over all that is because like, well, like I said, you have
to ignore your own eyes. That's what they want when you're fully slave minded,
what I can JH, I will genuinely State this
Act, I will state this as a fact, even though I don't know, it's a fact. But I would love for someone to study go out there in the world and asked 100 people. If you like an Undertaker know and the ones you say yes in the ones to say, no do an IQ test and
I guarantee you the biggest
idiots out there
when I see people who dislike me and I see them trying to explain why, it doesn't even make
sense. It doesn't even make
sense. I selected its English, but it doesn't make logical sense. And yeah, they'll come at me
with the, with the garbage about being a misogynistic cetera. Very not very often to people
I'll argue my points because argue, my points is absolute destruction because they know they're wrong. So what they try and do is
discredit my character. They say he's a bad person, he's a misogynist, he's done this, he's done that, he's
evil. But what does he say that you disagree? What does he say? That's wrong. Oh but
he's a bad person that they can't argue against my points and the only reason they try and say I'm a
bad person is because they're weaponizing virtue to try and find a way to attack me. They can't attack me logically because they know I'm right they can't attack my successes as a man or as a person they can't say. I'm not successful. They
Anything bad to say about me besides bald, which are probably coming at you with but uh, there's a where's your hair? It's like okay, cool. I shaved it off, um, but which is ridiculous in and of itself. But uh, then they say, okay, well then he's a bad person. And, and the thing about it is once they understand that, the only way they
can attack you is by saying you're a bad person, it doesn't matter. Once you that you prove them
wrong, they're not interested in the truth. They're not interested in truth, you can sit and say, here's proof. He saw a misogynist. Here's proof, he's
Dakota record numbers.
Nothing wrong. Here's proof. He's a nice person.
Here's proof, he gives to charity. Here's the orphanage. He built here's the dogs, he rescued, here's the millions. He's giving away here. They don't want to see it there. Just blind to it. Like, no, I nor my own eyes that can't possibly be true because the media told me this guy must be bad and their slave minded. And what's
actually scary is that these people genuinely believe that they're the good people of Earth and it's always completely the opposite. Those who can be programmed by the meat by the media machine and the Matrix to just be
Slave minded not think for themselves of the exact ones who always commit the most
atrocities. These are the always the people who end up doing the most heinous shit. And when you ask them, why they're like, oh well, you know at the time I just, you know, just put on the gas chamber, newspaper, told me to. Oops, that's who these people are. So whenever I see a slave minded person, it's not just a matter of going. Oh well you're a dummy. I look at them with genuine disdain. I look at you and think you're actually a bad person. You're genuinely evil. You cannot think for yourself. I don't even see you as a person I ever want to get
To know or do? I'd love to be programme but it's impossible. These people are genuinely the worst people on the planet and it's kind of convenient to all the people who dislike me of the worst people on the planet. So it's funny. I don't talk to him anyway. But if you look read any history book, read any of it. All the most heinous shit committed by Humanity, where people who just
couldn't think for them fucking cells. Every single time, awful, the worst things that have happened and that happened. I don't believe happened because most people are malicious or evil. I think
It's that they are coward. I think a lot of it is cowardice. I think most people would rather be in the majority than be, right? And once people have made up a decision or been told what to think, doesn't matter what the issue is to get them out of it or to admit that they're coming out of. It is extraordinarily difficult, we're still dealing with this after the past two and a half years, we've lived through with the whole c-19 response and the fact that people are trying to memory whole thing
And act like they never said things and never did things, they want to just, okay? Like we're just totally back to normal as if, you know, a year ago you didn't want to throw people into a gulag or whatever, sorry to drop the. You're so, right? But this is the thing that aggravates me the most, these slave minded individuals are so
They're literally barely
sentient individuals.
If I was to kind of person if I was walking around with a mask on and screaming at my fellow,
man, and
supermarkets. And I've now realized I was wrong because covid is still here.
Yes, and I'm
not wearing a mask anymore, neither has anyone else. I would feel deep, shame, I would be apologetic. I would literally be saying to the world. I can't believe they fooled me like that. I don't know who you were, who I was yelling at in the supermarket you were smarter than
Me, I made a mistake. I'm sorry. They fooled me? They tricked me. These people don't even feel shame. They don't even feel. Sorry, they don't even sit and go. Wow. They made a fool out of me. It doesn't even cross their minds. They're on to the next thing. Now, Slava Ukraine. Next thing they don't give a shit and it's just truly amazing. That it can destroy someone's life for three years and then recruit these people to go out there and push the agenda for them and all the people who were tools of an agenda. Now,
Now the agenda is over, are not sentient enough to sit and go. Wow, they fooled me. I need to think more carefully next time they try and fool me. No, they just continue with the programming. These people are completely and utterly slave minded genuinely slaves. They live inside of a system and the system. They're going to report and fight to defend is going to destroy them. They're not fighting for a system, which is going to give them anything other than
absolute slavery and tyranny. It's truly incredible to watch in real time. This kind of crap happening
but he's people are Beyond saving and obviously people.
Like you and I stand up but even though we're trying to help them once they come for us with the cancellation mob, these people cheat here, it's to degree. You'd like to think it's
demoralizing. You say, well, why am I trying to save people from themselves at the truly this stupid but the old ones that you can speak to in the mines you can free kind of make it worth it. But
yeah, there are so many people out there that literally have never analyzed our own life and decisions. I say this to everybody at home, when I still had Twitter, I see two tweets all the time. Talking about all the influencers including
Conservative right-wing influencers who were pouring and pushing the mask agenda. You need to fucking apologize. You can't just memory hole it. You can't just delete the tweet. I saw it. And the world saw it and you know who you are. Say sorry, say sorry, say I was, I was a fool. They made a fool of me and admit it because you don't admit your mistakes. You're gonna repeat them and there's people out there. Just so yeah. Oops, Yeah. It's only a mask. No, big deal, the losers fucking
losers. I want to talk about that. Let's, let's talk about the mask because I think you
You see the mask the way I do it cuz that it's just a piece of cloth thing.
I'm like, how are people not
seeing what this represents? And that this is a step on a ladder,
right? To me, it was very clear,
once they started with those mandates and it was just all. It's just it's just a piece of cloth. And
then people try to invert it and they're
like, oh, you're scared. You're scared of a piece of cloth or you're scared of it. It's like, no, I'm not. I'm not the afraid one. But to me, firstly, the fact that it's literally a muzzle. Yeah, right. So you're literally going outside with
With your face,
covered. Also, I was just like, look, this is a compliance letter if people had said no to the mask mandate that's mandates wouldn't have even been on the table. It wouldn't have been a consideration. I was like look you're on one step is going to keep going and going and next thing you know you've got your your vax passing so on and then you know, there's the real effects like we're social beings seeing being able to see people's faces is important, Communications important. If you've got young children and they're going to learn how to speak and so on.
For their development. It's important and people are called where you study something. Bro, if you need to study for me to tell you that, it's important to be able to see people's faces and their mouths moving when they're talking to you, if you can't see that there's going to be a detrimental effect with it, there's not going to be some detrimental effect of just locking people in their houses for weeks and months on end. Like I. Yeah, you're right. I can't pull out a study, but I know that if you go to prison and they want to extra punish you,
they put you in. Solitary
confinement. Yeah. So
So tell me,
what are your thoughts on that? No, man, you nailed. It was
a compliance exercise, you're completely right. When it comes to vacs mandates, the only reason all this crap ended. It's because people finally start to wake up if they would have woken up sooner and never would have happened in the first place, which is why when I saw people the beginning of this garbage, purporting and pushing the idea was so infuriated by x0. So obvious to me and I'm talking about big, big figures on Twitter, right wing conservatives,
I couldn't fucking believe how easily they all cut down and cowardice, and were saying, yeah, wear a mask, just a mask just about the no, it's not just a mask. I'm a sentient being and I'm
An individual and I get to decide what I want to do with my body. And if everyone else is wearing a mask, then there are already safe. So why do I fucking need one? I don't want to wear one. Who are they to tell me and forced me to wear something on my face? Next are going to force me to put something in my
bloodstream, which they attempted to do, and they failed. They
did it to millions and millions of people. There was a guy on Twitter, I don't know if
he's even still around because he had a little bit of controversy which we don't need to go into for the sake of morality. But Jack Murphy was his name and he was Pro mask. Remember arguing with the my back when I had an account so Pro the
what's wrong with you? Like
it's not just a mask and then they end up doing another
tweet about how he convinced his how his kids need had to take the vaccine so they can play baseball or some crap. Then he went down the rabbit hole of complete degeneracy. His fall off is pretty interesting
but it's just crazy. I couldn't even from the very beginning understand up who didn't see exactly what it was. It was a compliance exercise
and the people in charge of the
world sat around laughing. And I really do believe, think believe it was laughing, people, sit and say, oh yeah, c-19 was just for money. It's just about profits.
I think that's an optimistic way to look at it. Yes, profits were made. Yes, I agree was just about money and money was involved. However, a lot of people behind this stuff print
money, they don't care about money because they print it. They make it up, they type it into computer screens, so they're not interested in making profits. They can make profit anytime they want by affecting Global markets, right? It's not about that. What it's about is control and power and ego and a lot of the people in the world who
were complying with this crap, we've never had any power or don't understand how the world Works. Don't understand. That is inside of human nature to
To constantly, get an endorphin rush from being becoming more and more powerful. This is why rich men want to become more and more Rich. This why people with fast cars on our drive faster and faster. So I play boys, want more and more
girls as white. That's just human nature. And once you've been powerful for x amount of
time and your family's been powerful for as long as you can remember, and you're a billionaire or trillionaire or whatever you are.
The only thing that's going to make you happy and smile is to feel more powerful. So how do you
do that? You tell people put on a mask. When you walk in the restaurant and get off when you eat put it on when you stand
up, take it off. Will you sit down? This is not the new with medical science.
Compliant. This is just ha. Ha ha, watch them, do watch them. Put it on, but it all stand up. Do the musical. Chairs. Look at these dummies. It's funny. And people don't understand that. So it can't just be for that. They didn't ruin all those lives just because it's a joke. Yes, they did. You didn't go to your parents funeral because it was funny, you stayed in your house for months, for no reason because it was funny, you lost your business because it made someone else laughs. That's all it was. People say around in charge of the world said, fuck them. Let's have a gay. Let's see how long this goes on.
Or so it's been a week. No riots. Yeah, let's try again. Nope. Are you here? No riots yet? Let's up the game. Let's give him an injection. Let's make them all. Take an injection. Let's text him seven times a day for an injection for something that has 99.9 percent chance of not killing them. Anyway, let's give them something more dangerous than the disease itself. Let's mandate, let's stop him from flying. We do riots yet, you're very yeah, no. Not, there's a new one, watch out like and people are just sitting there going. Oh, okay, like it's truly.
Truly incredible like members of my family. Some of them are some of them. Got the vaccine, whatever, whatever
it's like, look, you had a serious health issue when you had cancer, you went to the
NHS and they said, we'll send you a letter and four
weeks and you didn't get letter and you had to call them and chase him and asked when your next appointment was.
But they'll text you eight times a day to get this injection. Do you think they really care about you living her docking when you have cancer? They don't answer you like, wow, how stupid do you have to be? And people would say me yeah, I know it's dumb but
I'll just
Get it. Yeah, like, you know, like you know, what else it is? I mean, 22 points. Number one, is the fact that it was just every day citizens and forcing this on each other, to me, was the worst part. I'm like, look government's going to do what governments going to do. Alright, I lost I lost faith and trusting that, that, that a while ago. But just seeing people, whether I was in the USA or in Mexico, or to be honest, people in the UK, were not too bad with this Portugal. Oh my gosh, terrible.
Like walking down the street outside my first day in Porto Portugal and I get four people shouting at me on the
stripe. I'm just, it's sunny outside nice.
Whether I'm walking down the street, minding my business, people are screaming at me to put on a mask. I'm like,
no one has told you to
do that. You are not a police officer, you're in no position of authority. You want to go into a restaurant and they want they won't, you won't let me into the restaurant. Like, is there if there was a police officer behind you is enforcing it.
Kind, I kind of get it more but it was like, people were just doing this on their own to or,
and they're not, sorry, they're not apologizing, they're not looking in the mirror and realizing what a dummy. They were nothing. Absolutely zero and it truly makes me lose faith in humanity because you're right. The government's gonna do with the government's going to do but they can only push as far as two, human us amongst each other will tolerate, and put off with. And that's why I'm saying, slave mines are dangerous. This is why I compared the world to The Matrix inside the Matrix. Morpheus says,
anyone who has not been unplugged, is part of that system, they will fight to defend the system. They need it, you
People will fight to defend the system and it's everywhere you go. It's the same crap. I walked into Prague and I was in Prague and I went to a restaurant. The guy goes if you have ax pastors like, brother, my brother, you know, this is stupid. Why are you doing this? Oh, the girl, the police, there's no police here. Just let me sit down and eat the police. There's no police here. Stop using police has an excuse for you being a fucking coward. You know, this is stupid.
Can't, I can't. So you're a dummy. You're a dumb. Come and I got to the point where I had to tell him. I was like, there's a reason you're broke and your waiter. This is why cause you can't think outside of a fucking box. You're a dummy. And I got to the part where I was literally koban. Worst time in my life. I'm a peaceful man because he's so mad. I'm a peaceful man, bro. There's mr. Number one time, my life. I became a violent individual. It got to the point where I would not let people tell me what to do to that level after two or three years of it. My patients was down to fucking zero and I had and I just
It developed the the innate response to just snap. I just walk in a gas station with no mask mask. And instead of saying, no, no, I just literally snapped, fuck. You Colonel walk in and be like that guy. Because after three years of trying to reason with people after three years of trying to explain to them how stupid they are, I just ran out of patience and I guess the fact that I'm just a big scary guy, served me, well, because I thought there was just some people to get fucked. I went to a gas station even Romania, where they were.
Bad. I went to a gas station Romania. He said Master said, fuck you're not wearing masks. You said no mask. I won't serve you. I said, okay, it's the gas free because the gases in the car. So it's a gas for, you know, you must hate then Sorvino, I won't serve you as like a fucking. I throw the money on the floor. They get fucked danis and, and they went out to get the money from the floor and then he called three of the other attendants. There's like,
four on one. They kind of come over to get intimidating. I stand as listen. I
don't know why, any of you even care? I don't give a shit. Listen, if you paid me three hundred dollars
a month to work in a gas
station, you could walk into my
A gas station and start a fire. You could be in the corner with a buzzer. You're gonna be stealing, you're gonna do what I'll be like, please stop it ain't mine. Like why do you also have one of you guys you're about to all get the shit kicked out of you for a mask. It's not even your gas station. It's like you lose your. These people are losing their minds over these mandates and these rules and there was a couple times where I had these big events. He's big like throwdowns
Where I could see the other men around, with masks on. And I could see they felt shame in their eyes. I could see, they were like, he's The Brave One. Why? Because they wouldn't say anything, I could see, they were all shameful and I was like, just take it off. Everyone, just take it off. What's it? Why can't we all just take it off while I'm like I couldn't understand it. But bro, it was the worst time in my life. I really got to a point of just genuinely screaming at people. You know what else I did? Do that was great. I start my number one response.
Women because with men, it was just fuck. You do something
about it. But with women, I had to be a little more
tactful. So with women when they say, oh, you need to wear a mask. That's a, I'm a doctor. You're a doctor. Are you a doctor? No, I'm a doctor. Shut up.
And they just shut up. I said all the doctor to people and they be quiet, but the whole thing was just asinine. It was probably, it was generally so the worst years of my life. Not because of the mandates
because I ignored all of them,
I didn't obey a single fucking one. I did whatever I wanted the entire
time didn't get ejected, they wear masks, didn't stay
home. I broke all the rules, but just dealing with idiots trying to tell me what to do. I couldn't tolerate after 3 years. I'm telling you, it's a good thing. It may be, they ended it because of me. Maybe they were analyzing me and I thought he's at the end of his temper things.
Going to go wrong because he's just walking around swearing at people. Now let less of drop this crap, I couldn't
believe it was so disheartening it was really disheartening and it really made me understand how all the nasty horrible stuff that happened in the 20th century.
I had always had this some understanding
of how that type of thing is possible but I was just like, yeah I get it, I totally get it and all you people who think you're all virtuous and
heroic and whatever. I know exactly what.
You would have done, had you been in that scenario?
Those few decades back, you've everyone played their hand. And I think that as depressing is that it is,
as this applies, this as disappointing as it is, it's like, you
know, you know, every single person on the planet play, their hand multiple times and so you just you just got to see it. What blew my mind about that whole experience is?
I don't know why Sweden
of all countries didn't
That's weird. Because if you're a say, Andrew choose a country that won't go down this nonsense,
I would have choose maybe Russia or like somewhere.
That's not glow last summer, based Sweden host. Like they're the biggest pussies of all and how does this make sense? So like because at the very, very beginning of it, my brother and I went to Sweden day one. At the beginning of the pandemic, when they had all the videos, and people were
falling down and dying in the street and Italian hospital, all this garbage to Big psyop. When at the beginning, whenever
We won believe me. Interest is that they're said listen, if this can kill me and you military-age males and perfect health. And the world's over,
like this is a civilization, is we now know it is done. So the boy
hiding, let's just go docking.
So that was our basic logical conversation. We flew to Sweden to Sweden was wide open. And after two months of partying every night and Swedish
nightclubs, or like, this
is some kind of style because, obviously, we're fine, obviously the swedes are fine. They are death rates are lower than what is locked in our house. The English for clapping like performing, seal to the NHS,
It's just like talk about. Siop people have forgotten. How much
goofy stuff happened.
People are afraid. If you go back to
early 2020 and you go the,
that's the thing that kept blowing, my mind, if it was like one or
two things didn't make sense, or didn't add up, it's like, okay, fair enough. But I was like, guys, top to bottom not, this is not making sense.
And then remember, summer 2020, and you know tens of thousands of people out
protesting even the the
health officials declared that
while racism is a bigger pandemic.
Then the virus
and that doesn't. Yeah, these protests don't spread the virus, these protests to spread the virus this country's open and it's fine. This one's closed and there's a pandemic. Like you're right, bro. Like but but but but you're right. It destroys your faith in humanity and what's scary. Is the next thing that come
along with, you know, I mean a lot of people died from the results of the lockdown of Kelsey 1900. There was a lot of genuine destruction to the world. I would argue that the mandates and solution to the disease. Was much worth verse in the disease itself, especially for her.
Include their fucking injection of theirs.
But the next thing they come along with people going to slave mind, there were made way into it. It's even happening right now. I don't talk about this subject a lot
because I don't want to guess assonate it and I'm getting there. But the whole
Cove the whole Russia Ukraine conflict. The idea that Putin's lost his
mind that he's an imperialist. These invading for no reason and Ukraine never did anything wrong and NATO, never
did anything wrong and we never aggravated Russia. We never poked them at all. We never pissed them off. And the fact now that we have large
Segments of the population which are once again like covid-19
make doing things and making decisions and taking action, which are against their own interests. And
the idea of the siop behind it, people who obeyed the covid rules. It wasn't for your own interest. You worse. I opted into believing it was and now we have large contingents of the you of the European population who believe it's in their own interest to
have heating bills, go up 8X and
inflation go up. 20% a year to send money and guns to Ukraine.
For a proxy war. Like why, why would you want that to happen? If the media wasn't sigh opping, you why would you want inflation to gotta control your household bills, guy control to fund a proxy war with between NATO and Russia. What did I even give a ship anyone with a brain would say, you know what? No, just leave my electricity
alone and let me earn money.
Like, like, it's completely crazy. But the media machine tells him to and they'll just sit there and destroy themselves at will put a gun to your head and shoot yourself. Do.
Ooh, it's for your health. Okay. Okay, this crazy things. If it just affected the
individuals who are in that mindset and that would be one thing. But Jocelyn,
yeah, yeah, that would be fixed. But
it's like, it's not enough for you to go for your jog, with your mask on, you want to force me to do it, you want to force you to do it. You
wanted for, I'm like, bro. If you want, I've told off
zero people in person, I've screamed at zero people for wearing masks and I've screamed at zero people for not wearing them. I've attacked zero people for
In the shot of at x0 people from I'm like bro mind your business. That's another thing that just went out the window. I'm like dude is nothing private anymore since when is it okay to tell people to do this or to ask people's questions about their medical history? And this is just all this weirdo stuff, got normalized. Yeah, it's it was truly clown world and I have a thousand examples of Commerce, the conversations I had but yet it was truly clown, World Masters trap, laying out. And it's going to be it's going to. That was a test a test for whether they're media machine in their propaganda, machine can still work amongst the populace, they test
It it I think they're pretty pretty happy with how it went. It didn't go as far as they wanted to go. I think they had much grander plans, so that one point they were really pushing for some really crazy things but that's the way these things work. When it comes to Global control, right? You
push you push, you push, you push. You push to get the
point. We realize you can't push anymore. The people won't accept it, you give 98% of it back. And then you gain 2% and you continue to do it on and on and
on and something else will come along
sooner or later. And I do think that humanity and the world itself is heading for genuine Global slavery.
I do think that with things like a eye and see bdcs. And as the world gets more and more technologically advanced and add the as these people have a greater need for control as the one bad thing about waking people up is the more people we wake up the more threaten the system feels? Yes. And then they need a response to that and their responses to shut up the people who talk. So it's getting interesting but I think our children's children will live in a world which is very different from our own and I don't think it'll be more free.
I would I can only argue would be the opposite I think it's gonna be a lot less free. I think it's going to be a lot more difficult to do, anything all social Mobility is going to be destroyed. It's going to be an interesting Planet man. That's what I always try to tell people because the most common pushback I get. When I talk about this stuff is it's easy for you to say because you're self-employed, you're not married, and don't have kids yet, you're able to you're in this position and my counter. To that is, you should be going even
Harder on this because you have children
think about their future, you're already here going to be. How did it get to this stage? It all happened. So quickly, I'm like, well
where do you think it's going to be in 20 years in 30 years in 50 years, if you continue to just allow every single one of these narratives being pushed by one percent of the population to run Riot, do you want your daughter competing, not even being able to play sports because
everyone in women's sports. Ismail? Right. Do you
want, do you want penises in your daughter's change?
Jing room. Do you want everyone to you? Would you want your kids to be judged, based on their skin color, right, whether they're white or they're black, or whatever? Do you want these weird and racial narratives, do you want CBD, seas and the government completely dies? They already control the money but controlling it at a minut degree where they can just switch your money off and you can no longer buy food because you said the I'm like, do you want your kids to deal with is not going to be you who deals with it. But your children, your grandchildren are going to and
Yeah, that's and you're right. And they're still cowards. They're still cowards. It's truly, it truly is crazy. Going back to our friend, Jack. That's why I said that to him. I said, bro, you think you are a coward and you think that telling her son's to get the injection simply baseball, makes you a good dacus baseball so important. No teaching your son's to not be cowards, is what's important. You are a coward and your children are going to be fucking cowards. Just like you you're a dummy
and and and this thing we suffer from cowardice and you're right, people don't even with children as
motivation. They just they just
And a, they find a way to be
afraid, but I'd argue that I don't even think that's the reason they are
cowards. I think of these people didn't have kids in a mortgage, they still be pussy. Oh, I agree, I agree. Yeah, but I'm saying that that's what people say. Or if some people say it's a has nothing to do with money either because there's people who are worth 100 million worth of billion and they're cowards. Yeah, right. There's people ultra-wealthy celebrity never has to work again, you're set for life. They still will not step slightly out
of life and then you've got the do heroic conflict. What? There's a
Are people out there in the world
today who think they can avoid this war? They understand there's a war going on. You have those who are completely ignorant, ignorant to it and pretend that there's no war. But I don't actually believe this very many of the population. Most people understand there's a war going on there, trying to avoid it because they don't get caught up in any kind of messy situations. But what they do not understand is that the war has come for all of us. And your choices are very simple, either you have your mind, right? And you understand objective reality and you're resisting against the Matrix and their narratives or you're upset accepting their garbage. So you don't have to resist against
Them. And
now you're arguing with your own mind, the people who
are reporting these ideas and the people who are sticking up for the Matrix and all of its garbage, the hardest are also the people who are talking about depression, talking about anxiety, talking about
watched it Reader, Twitter, feeds, anyone who disagrees with objective reality by circumstance or by happenstance seems to have some kind of mental defect or they're unhappy or they're on antidepressants or their of anxiety, or they're stressed, or they need time off for mental health, concerns or all this crap. Your mind and your body and your soul.
All created by God have a degree of
innate understanding of
what's right and what's wrong. And if you go
against that you're going to feel it of you're going to feel guilt and you're gonna
feel shame and you're going to feel uneasy
and you're not going to feel normal. If you're going to go through life and accept all the garbage, they tell you to put inside of your brain, I don't believe you can be happy that way. I don't believe you can be a happy individual walking around. Pretending that blue is green. Pretending that green is red like staying in your house. Being fearful being afraid, hating your fellow man. I
Believing in these narratives, that is no way you can ever get ahead because you're systematically oppressed and held down by some whatever. And if you absorb all this crap, you're gonna be unhappy person. So I think that either your mind is right and you're happy and you're resisting against the Matrix or you're an unhappy person who's absorbed The Matrix programming, and you're resisting against yourself. We're all going to fight. You're either fighting the system where you're fighting your own brain, you need to make a choice. Now, I personally would rather fight the system than sit inside of a self-destructive.
Go looking at myself in the mirror. Yes, I need my eight injection. Yes, I'm so sad. Like I that sounds worse to me than being canceled so you can cancel me. But this battles here for everyone. And I think if the world
understood that if people understood that a lot more of them would stand up but they think they can avoid it. And they can't, I think what a lot of people don't understand, is how all these things are connected. You said something interesting. There very quickly, you talked about the mental health, physical health, and well-being, and spiritual health, and we live in this weird,
Time where people talk about these things, as if they're completely siloed off from each other, it's actually one of them. There's a lot of annoying things about the mental health conversation but one of them to me is they talk about mental health and physical health is if they're completely separate. Yeah. Like if I'm there telling people, you know, if you go to the gym and you exercise regularly and you eat well, your mental health will improve and they're looking at me like I just said that the the Earth is flat and space is fake. I know
you don't see that connection. Well, well, it's
They pretend not to see it because they don't want to
try. This is the thing. If you tell people the solution to something and they don't like the solution, then, they'll pretend you're wrong,
right? You? I'm depressed. That's why I'm
fat. No, no, that's, that's not, that's, you're not fat because you're depressed, you're depressed, because you're fat. So
how about this go to the gym and train? Oh, that's
hard. Well, then, stay depressed. Like, who can do what you want? What answer do you want?
No, I want a way to be as fat and unhealthy as possible. While also having a perfectly capable,
Well, mind and feeling
fantastic. Well then you get down the route of just drugging yourself, right?
The the mind is a very
sophisticated chemical Factory in your body produces chemicals. What's the complication you Mike?
Why is it hard to work out that if your body is efficient and doing what it's supposed to do and strong and is optimal then your minds from going to follow, what's their complicated to understand that habits which are beneficial to you, are going to allow you to build a
more discipline to be more motivated
individual and also change your objective reality. People also want to disconnect, not only mental health from
Well, but they also try and disconnect mental health from objective reality.
I have all the time they go oh he's depressed, it's not his fault. I said listen, he's a loser and his life is shit if I was him, I'd be depressed. So let's not pretend that his mental health is completely separate to the objective reality of the fact that he is a lonely dork, of course, he's depressed. Who wouldn't be? If you, if he got up and tried his best and was disciplined and was motivated. And he was important, and actually became somebody, guess what? You start to feel better. So you're completely
Be right, they have separated from physical health is separated from
spiritual health because also if, you know you're doing bad things inside of your heart and I feel guilt, which is why all the people who've absorb, the Matrix, programming, end up being so unhappy,
but it also, the biggest disconnect for me is mental health and physical reality. I've sent the depressed people before I'm depressed. I have a
disease, okay? You have a disease, describe your life away and they describe their life so you don't have to see, Jim shit life.
But that's it, you have a shit life. So you don't got to seize just fucking loser, fix your life, you'll feel better. No, it's not that simple. It is that simple. My friend.
I'll tell you something on the happiest man on the planet, but if I was you, I'd be depressed cause you're a fucking loser. So that's it. That's it. That's it. You're a fucking loser, you're a fucking loser, but I say this stuff, and the reason I say, it's so brutal. He's because I don't believe the people who are losers, didn't decide to be losers. If you're a loser, you chose to be. But a same reason, if you're fat, you chose to be fat. I don't fucking by any bullshit that someone is forced feeding you decided to be. I think the universe is a very giving place. I think that God is very giving. I think that in reality objective,
Reality. If you truly try your best, you'll get it. I've yet to meet somebody. Maybe you can correct me who eats, right? Goes to the gym everyday and trains as hard as they could. Who's not in fantastic shape, I've never seen it. It's like so you're all the people who are in fantastic shape, but people who decided not to do those things. So they decided so I don't feel sorry for them. I'm done having pity with people. I'm done. Fucking sitting there going. Oh, doopty, do. No, you decided to be a fucking loser. So, your life shit, so you're depressed good. That's your, that's, that's what you decided to pull from Universe. I decided to
The absolute
opposite. And this is where see, this is where your message and communication style is very polarizing, because there's a type of person who hears that, as, like, this tape guy, is the biggest a hole in the world complete? He is toxic. He is saying, horrible. There's another type of person who regardless of the position they're in, is like, that's freakin motivating, that's empowering. Because the thing that's important is,
This is a temporary thing. This is the thing, people have control over, right? You're not talking about something that people have
control over, right? If you've just something
you've got some particular issue, you've got some type of disability or something, you know, your you've got certain type of illness which just came out and that's a that's a whole different situation. You're talking about a temporary situation which you within yourself have the power to control. You only eat for yourself, you can only train for yourself. You can
It only really work for yourself and so on, you can you can Inspire and motivate other people, but you have to do it yourself. Like I can give you the tools and give you some knowledge, but I can't work out. I can't go to the gym for you, bro. I can't lift the weights for you. I'm not. I can't go for a run for you. I can't eat for you, right? The food.
I eat does not affect your body,
so that's all on you and depending on where someone is, that either is extremely empowering and motivating and makes them go. You
know what? Yeah, you're right. You know what? Like,
I don't.
Be a loser. I don't want to be in this position. I don't want to be broke, I don't want to be fat. Let me put in some work and someone else is the reason that it triggers them is. And here's something else I've noticed and this plays into a lot of other narratives out there this place into the some of the feminist narratives and some of the racial narratives and some of the other things is I've noticed that people a lot of people like to have what I call a permanent Alibi. Oh a permanent Alibi, a permanent excuse.
Some type
of system or person it could be white supremacy. It could be the patriarchy. It could be systemic oppression. It could be, you know, the corporate corporate greed. There's something out there, that's not you. That is the ultimate source of all your problems, and that's why these people never focus on themselves.
And they hate the concept of personal responsibility. So they're always screaming at everyone else and trying to so-called change the system dismantle disrupt everything. Even though in many cases, the particular system, they're referring to actually is functioning fine. Yeah. But rather than just got high, you know, actually maybe it's not, maybe I'm not fat because of the corporations or
because of what? Maybe I should stop. Suing McDonald's. Not me and have you seen if you're trying to like say that they're obese because of white supremacy, and I don't like that, and you're just like, bro, but this is the thing. Yeah. Yeah.
Self-accountability is truly terrifying to a loser. Who knows? Always be a loser, right? If you once you realize that you don't have the mental fortitude
to get up and change yourself, then the last thing you want is meant self-accountability. That's
the laughs that's very scary to you and that's where they fight very hard to push against it and pretend it's not true. What's funny about? These
people are always trying to change the world and change the way things work in the system's, the oppression and the fucking gender pay Gap and whatever. All the other crap, they come up
with what they fail to understand, is that it doesn't matter what
system you implement doesn't matter.
Democracy or communism, doesn't have as a monarchy, doesn't matter what it is the world is competitive and there's going to be people who do better than me and
sooner or later regardless of how you organize or structure a system, the people
who work harder or smarter or more inventive, or do better
are going to end up with a better scenario or better situation, if you try and construct a society where that's literally impossible than
Society fails. So
even inside of Communism, the people ended up higher members of the party, or people end up owning the factory or the people ended up finding a little black market thing on the side and people lived it.
Our life and communism. Were the hustlers, were the ambitious, people were the hard-working people. They're the ones managed to find a way to get blue jeans in or Michael Jackson CD, or whatever it was, and make some money. So it doesn't matter what system you can stropped. If you are a lazy loser, you're going to still be at the bottom of the totem pole because people like me, I'm destroying you in capitalism and I will promise you, as God is my witness. I would destroy you under communism. Just the exact fucking saying because I'm smarter than you and I work harder than you and that's who I am as a man. I will always beat you.
You so it doesn't matter what system you try. Put together, the winners going to win, and the loser is going to lose. So a lot of these people who are so obsessed with trying to change the system, as if it's going to give them a fighting chance. No. Because the world is competitive as player versus player. A lot of people don't understand that every single thing of value that you want, the reason it has value in. The reason you want to is because other people want it, that hot girl, you want other men want. That's why you want her to get her to show its valuable. If she, if no one else wanted her, she wouldn't be considered hot and then you wouldn't want it all. That's
That point of it. So you're always competing against other people. Every dollar you want somebody else wants every car. You want somebody else wants, it's completely and utterly competitive and it doesn't matter what structure you put on top of society. That's, that's base human nature. And if you're going to be a loser, and you're not getting self-accountability, and you're not going to wake up and realize the absolute everything in your life, is your own fault and you can affect it, then you are going to lose and I'm done. Zu. B. I'm done. Feel, sorry for these people. I don't feel sorry for me. Don't build, not an ounce of PE anymore. Don't give a shit because they
Decided to be losers. That's my that's what I've
learned. Another thing I find interesting with, when people have this mindset is that they this things that they claim to not care about they then,
Rank themselves or they have the same sort of
you can tell people's value structure, oftentimes
by the things that they're envious of or jealous of the things they spend their time on and so on. So, like how much money you earn
Cool. I'm a God bless that people ever make as much money as you
want. I'm not sitting here feeling like, oh, you know, take makes this much and I make this much so I need to tear him down and
change the I'm like to me genuinely money is not money is important, but there are several things to me that are more important than money. So I don't need to go past a certain level and if I did honestly, after just start giving it all, giving it away, but it's interesting because you'll
get people who are like
Money, doesn't matter. I'm not materialistic this and that, but then, you're obsessed with how much everyone
else is earning, you see a guy with a nice car and you are angry at him. I'm
like, wait, I thought you said you don't care that much about your not Material if you're not
materialistic a dude, having a Lambo, or a Bentley should not bother you in the slightest. Use me like nice one,
bro. I got my nightlife here, I got my wife, I got my kids, I'm living my life. I'm in good shape. Like I'm cool. I'm not the richest man in
the world, but I'm cool. I'm great at these other things and I'm happy. But it's weird because I find it. So weird when people
Do this pocket watching thing and they're always trying to stoke this resentment of like, oh, this person's earning that much like I
genuinely don't care how much money
anyone is there any right if poverty is a problem?
Income inequality like okay I mean I guess if it gets to a super extreme level than it can cause some D stability, but it's just it's resentment, it's jealousy, it's envy. And I think it's weird to say you don't care about something and then you see someone else who has it or is doing well, in that level. And you want to make these nasty comments at them. That's very weird. Yeah, they hate themselves and they hate the world, they're nasty better people. And then they try and hide behind virtue to attack others to try and pretend that that person having a car is not
See on their parts, because they care so much about the starving kids who that money could go to some kid. Every time you seen that show on Twitter. Yeah.
Oh, you bought that car but you could have donated the Cherry. How much do you know, donate to charity? When's the last time you did anything good for anyone, besides sit, around, throwing around
fake virtue, that you've weaponized to be hateful.
That's all their other hateful people that you don't know what people do. You know the
one where I really wear? This was a few years ago but I remember Jeff Bezos donated, I want to say a hundred million dollars I
want. Yeah, I've got mad. It wasn't enough.
They're like oh this is only X percent right there go and fight. Look up his net worth and then they do the calculation and they're like that's only you know, 0.6% of it.
I'm like bro. It's a hundred million dollars to homeless people. How much you,
I'm like, I'm sure you guys are walking past homeless people, all day. You're
not, you're not giving them any money, you're not even speaking to me, you're stepping over them. And so on this guy's
donate 100 million who cares. If he has billions
more, that's 100, I was just, you know, what these people are you, you know? But you know,
it's a, bro, you can't satisfy these people and you're right, they'll step over homeless.
First of all day long and they won't give one percent of their net worth away. Well, it's actually
scary though. Once you kind of get to a certain level of wealth, you get these charity things, all the time, people come to me and
say, what are you guys? You are going to get a cherry and I don't, I don't advertise
my charitable donations because I don't think, I don't want to buy
virtue because that's why I think it is. If you give a bunch of money away and then you tell anyone about it, you're just buying your just bought. I feel like you're paying to be like, as
opposed to giving to charity. So I don't really mention it. But
what I have charged start
noticing is it's hard to give to charity because most
Aries are fucking scam. So
like if I just like, I
feel orphanage in Romania and I have my own charity, that rescue Street dogs and then I do a lot of Charity. Personally, like if I know somebody and they have a problem, I will do. I'll give the money. I had a friend whose daughter was sick. I gave them money, or I have a friend, and he said I'll give him money, but
people want to give my cherry. It would, it would really bother me to get five million dollars to some
cherry, some organization and less than 1% that end up, helping anybody.
And that's the truth about most Charities. So every will go give money to Sharia. Say do most cherries just ngos and covers and
Hams, I'm not funding Summit. Some Chief Executives. Lambo, the guy. You see in the lab on the street here, mad at runs a charity. Like these people don't understand how the world Works. They didn't understand the world. So, it's live in that easy to just
give money away, like they pretend it is. But these people don't care about Humanity. These people are
anti-human. These people
just care about trying to feel better about themselves, and there's a reason why they say misery loves company. And when you truly hateful, and you hate yourself, because you've absorbed The Matrix programming, and like I said, you're always
To be unhappy because of that, then the number one way you can feel better. In fact, probably the only way you can feel better besides snapping out of the stepping out of the dream is to attack other people and make them feel
bad. There II know
I'll say this now and I was going to say that's arrogant but it's true. The reason the hate storm around me is so fervent and the reason it got so to such fever pitch is not because of the things I say it's because I am
tall and strong and funny and sexy and humble, and charismatic, and Rich As Fuck.
That's why they looked at me and
He has everything. But now's my chance it's like trying to get the school bully. Even though I've even though it bullied, no one is trying to get the cool kid in school. He's too cool guy. Look, he has all this money and he's tall and he's got his fun life. He's got his jet and he's got and he's smart. There's nothing. I can attack this guy with he takes every box but now we're ganging up on him. The rats are ganging up on the tiger we can get a bite, it now's the chance. If I was any if I was any less fucking
successful or
objectively objectively? If God hadn't given me so many of his favorite attributes. If I didn't have everything, every man could dream of. They would have attacked me. Let me did. The reason they did is because there's people out there who have none of the things I
have. And they just said, and they were just angry, they're angry.
It's nothing to do with what I say. If anyone actually listens to what I say and doesn't get their ego, get in the way, they'll understand that. It's a massively positive message. You're right the way I word things could offend some but those people who are too,
it's take pulse it from it or a lost. Cause anyway, good. We are a
lost, cause goodbye, but the people most people listen to my stuff can understand it. But yeah, that's what it truly happens. These people are just hateful people that they're full of hate. There's a least tolerant, most hateful people on the
planet. Yeah. What I like to say is with people even people who take an issue with you or some other people is I say, look you can eat the meat and spit out the bones, right? So if it's your like, you know, that 3012, that twenty percent, not 10%,
And I don't like, I don't agree. I find that part objectionable. I'm like, you can still gain value from the part. You like, there's a billion people on this planet. No, two of us. Agree on absolutely everything. But if you see someone having success in any Dimension, you can 100% learn from that person. It doesn't matter if it's, if it's physical, if it's knowledge, if its finances, whatever. You don't need to like them. You don't need to think that they're you do. You can learn from people. You don't even like and it's a
In the process you might find that. I'll actually I do kind of like this guy, you know, there he's not as bad as what I thought he was or whatever and I think something that's that I've noticed in this time and I'd like to get your perspective on this. It's something I've been thinking about is we seem to be living in a time where people are harsher. The court of public opinion is harsher and more judgmental of words and tone than of actions. I agree.
Because we're living in a world which has just become soft and it's all about feelings, right? It's absolutely not lie. Crazy. Because this is what happens when you have a society that's devoid into tracted, from reality. The fact that I was considered the number one threat to society. Some reason and I had to be punished for that, not the pedophiles, not the rapists, not the murderers of the kidnappers. Know me
not the drugs. Cartels know the man who says that women can't park cars. He is the number one Public Enemy, right? And it's because we lived in a world where people
Detached from reality. If you live in an, if you're if you're a realistic, then you're not going to give a shit
about having someone with a different opinion to you. There's a reason why when I go to countries which are not as economically, successful as the West, nobody has a problem. They're like,
yeah, I like what you say, I just grew some things, but, you know, I also I have I
need to feed my family, so cool. They
don't have time to be offended. Like, these people do these people are absolutely massively coddled their spoil. And they think that by just attacking people like me that somehow, they're going to feel better about themselves.
That's what they don't understand. The
great irony of is, is the reason we all know the age-old saying, strong men, create good times, good times, great week, men, blah blah, but it's true. The people, they are these people out there who are living such a spoiled called existence that they have the
time to research. Everything I've ever said, find the 15 seconds out of the four years of podcast. I've done that really truly offend them, then cut it up, then make a Twitter account dedicated to spreading that as far as possible, the only reason they can live in a society. So software, they even have time to do that
Just because of men like me.
So they're attacking the creators of their own fucking cradle. It's truly crazy because it's men like me of drive and determination and purpose who stood up and didn't upset the Sleep programming of the time that built
countries like America and the UK that built these countries. So they're
attacking me. Not understanding, they're destroying their biting. The hand that feeds them because when men like me, give up on you. And we all disappear and you're left with only people like
yourselves. You just eat yourself to fall apart and you get destroyed.
So it's kind of like full circle. God has a plan. All the people who hate me you're going to end up paying for it because they need,
Me, they need men like me. And I know this, I say this to feminist all the time.
My biggest argument against feminism and I get a lot of them. I say, listen, I have no problem with women being equal under the law. In fact, you already are, I'd argue you have benefits under the law. If you look at divorce laws and at work or
custody law, I can't think of a
single law where a man has an advantage over woman. Not want. I can think of one. What is it?
Men can be bare-chested in public.
I stand corrected,
literally the only one I stand corrected. I stand corrected, I stand corrected. I think we can fix that one for the ladies if they wanna have a go at it. But in general, I think we're already equal under the
law. I don't believe in the gender pay Gap. That's been debunked a billion
times, but I sit there and I say to these feminists who say that we don't need men for
anything. I had, I've had it won an argument with him. She was. Why do we even need men? I said, listen, my dear, my dear, when she hated my dear, you need men to defend feminism because we're seeing here in arguing and were differing on app engine.
Ends and there's four of you women this here by myself and we're different were different. But if this argument were to become heated and fever pitch, and let's say you were to attack me with an ashtray, right? And I were to defend myself. The only chance you for would stand is calling a man a police
officer to come and protect. You you need men to stand up for your ideals you want to feministic society but of another country
comes to destroy you. You need men to go fight in the Army. If there's going to be crime in your
feminist excite, you need men to concern up and deal with it. You're the only reason feminism survives is because men will allow you to have your idea.
And defend your idea for you when the Taliban took back Afghanistan. The reason that the local people that the
USA had trained, the USA trained in The Afghani Defense Force. The
reason the ADF gave up so quickly is because they looked around the ideals. They were
defending and realize, this is bullshit. Imagine this
America are there, they're giving you money. You haven't, you're not really even in a war or sit around with a gun.
Taliban are just chilling. It's pretty easy, right? America, leave Taliban
start, mobilizing up. You're standing there next to a girl
Girls school with your AK. We're going to look at the girls school, go.
Fuck it. You're gonna quit. Why are you gonna fight for that defense? That girl school now
feminism. So real one of the girls fight for their their school.
So it turns out that when there are men prepared to die for feminism, it all goes away when our men prepared to defend the feministic ideal, the feminism. So, even a real thing, you need men who are prepared to die for this garbage. So what a feminist it goes, what do we need? Men? For for feminism, because when when the women had to defend their own School, guess what happened? It closed down. It's not even a real concept men.
Are always going to be the physical bottom line of society. Violence is always going to be the unfortunate underpinning of civilized society. And men are simply more capable of violence. So, any idea you hold any idea you want in your mind, understand that any idea, any law, and all of these things are underpinned by violence. You're only allowed to have the idea because Society of said, so if they say you're not allowed it and you continue to have it sooner or later, they'll become violent against you. Like they have against me. That's what happens. So, when feminists it there, so we don't need men. They are just so blue brutally ignorant to the fact that yes you do.
You wouldn't be able to function or have an opinion differing to a man, and Society of the runt men prepared to defend you. So, absolute and are bullshit.
This is the thing. The concept of privilege has been bastardized a lot over the last few years, but you truly have to be an incredibly privileged position to even ask that question as to, why is one of the Sexes even necessary, but goes for either one, right? You you're not. You're living in unicornia if you can't even think in your branding and you've been living there,
For a long time. If you can't even perceive in your brain as to okay, maybe I feel this way. But yeah. Actually, if I think okay, men are necessary. Oh, yeah, actually women. And yeah, we we need both and that's
the thing. And I'll sit here and say, as the number one, most hated fucking misogynist on the internet and because I say, I'm
something, I'm not. I always say, women are beautiful. Women should be protected. We should protect provide fewer woman. We need women relationships, are beautiful families. Beautiful. I never see her and say sorry
I never say her and say that women are not necessary. Where's the other side?
Saying the complete opposite seen them men should be euthanized and and they're all over social media. It's crazy man on my last emergency
meeting because I'm on Rumble now. For anyone is asking where I am YouTube, delete me, I've moved to rumble.com Rumble.com /. Take speech. I didn't emergency meeting there and there was a story about five
women who made up a story that they were sexually assaulted at Paris by a guy purely because they didn't like
him and they kept the story up the entire summer. The guy was kicked out of school was arrested had to pay a bail
before eventually when the pressure got
up all five of them
admitted that they literally completely made up because they didn't like him. He lost his school, lost his job, he was suicidal, he was referring to months in jail
excetera. Guess what? All five of them are still in Instagram.
I'm not.
What did I say? I literally said the reason I am. Now a misogynist because I literally said that I believe men are better at parking cars and women because I have the number of times I've been with a woman trying to park a car she's like please do it for me and I'm like
okay no problem and I do it for because I'm a fucking gentleman that's
that's why I'm misogynistic. It's great.
Saying that I should defend a woman because I'm physically stronger. That's why I'm misogynistic is insane. It is clown world. And the women who stand up and try and argue against me, their feeble attempts at exceptions, trying to disprove the rule or some garbage. Listen, there's nothing wrong with accepting that men and women are different. We have different skills, different strengths. Women are better at some things than men, absolutely, or not lie. I completely believe that there are some things. I'll only trust a woman with and I will not trust a man. With I say this all the time, they ignore all of that, they ignore.
Or it and to find the one time I said about parking and they won't shut up about it. It's truly is truly incredible. This is all goes down to the slave mind and people not wanting to understand and accept the reality of
situations and it's scary. I think people get way more triggered and offended by things that have either are true and are inconvenient or at least have a kernel of Truth to them. If you just straight up lie to people, I don't care if you say something that's true but it's inconvenient or it's unpleasant, or you don't want it.
B, or you are the exception to the general rule or you know, the exact that's the stuff that really bothers people. I've noticed that. But yeah,
I've always walking around just
lying. I wouldn't have
got cancelled. Know you would be considered it. So the exactly. So I'm a threat because I'm saying things that
people know are innately, at least to a degree, truth, to some, to some degree. And you're right. I don't expect someone to agree with everything I say. Of course, I'm not, I'd be completely insane of me, but
I also didn't put a
magic spell on the world. This is another thing people have to understand. At one point. I was the most Googled man on the planet.
I you don't get there by putting a magic spell in the world or by lying. You did there because you're speaking to people who feel disaffected and speaking to people, to slip it on the voice. And there's a
whole lives, a large contingent of men out
there in the world today, who does not want to wear makeup. They
don't want to become trans. They don't want to ignore their eyes. They don't want to pretend, they're stupid or bad for being a man or wanting a hot girl, a nice card to play sports and being strong and they are looking around. And they're saying, oh, finally, somebody who understands and gets me, there's a reason why these
people find Affinity to me. It's not because I'm a
Spell on them. It's because I'm speaking to their natural innate, require the natural innate desires to
become a man. And we're trying to erase that whole idea from society and they find the field disaffected and that's why canceling me is failed because they've deleted me
from YouTube, for example, right? A large Channel
and they've tried to the algorithm is tried to replace it with somebody else but the people they're trying to replace it with aren't telling the truth to these people. They don't feel if any you can't just delete and then put Jeffree Star in there, saying, put lipstick on.
And think the girl, the guys are going like, well, okay, no, that's not what they want to do, right? So as hard as the Matrix is trying, as hard as the media
machine, the propaganda machine is trying to subvert and destroy the minds of the youth. Obviously, they have a success among such a small percentage of the population, the innate,
the innate,
Tendencies. So what I wanted, the innate Tendencies of
man, and they make Tendencies put inside of us by God or remaining, right? And I it's a miracle that people don't understand. That's the reason I am, as popular as I am. Speaking to the innate, Tendencies of young men saying, look, this is how you become strong
successful and important. That's it. Yeah, and even if they do that, the ideas are still out there. The ideas, the thread that allowed you to gain so many millions of followers and so much interest over such a short period of time. They need to understand that. Yeah, you can.
And you can Target this one individual, but the ideas, and what's in people's heads, you ultimately can control that you can cut out people's tongues but the idea is are still there, so address and confront, the idea is, let people talk, let people debate see where the truth is. Sometimes it needs to be moderated a little bit. Okay. Oh maybe, maybe went too far on that one and it can be walk back a little bit. Oh, you know what? There's that perspective. That was forgotten. Let's bring it in and yeah, I agree with you. I think.
Long-term that there's sowing the seeds for their own destruction, their sowing, the seeds for competitors. Obviously, but also, just in terms of the long-term societal trajectory as scary as it may be in this moment with all this D platforming and censoring. And so on happening, I'm like, well, you can't get rid of the, you can't get rid of the ideas, ultimately, correct. They can't get rid of the ideas and, and, and that's the thing that they're, I mean, they're trying very, very hard to. They've been trying for a very long time, but the ideas remain God.
God. Instilled them inside of us. We have an eight understandings and they're struggling very much against it. And that's the reason why when I speak to these innate understanding say they don't want people to be reminded of them.
They've literally I
can't imagine being a man and believing or acting the way they want me to act or two things. They want me to believe. I'm trying to imagine being myself but believing The Things They want me to believe in acting the way they want me to act. I literally I don't know how I function Society. I think that life is very, very hard for a man. It was certainly very, very
hard for me. I can't imagine having no mental resilience. I can't imagine being that fragile. I can't imagine being that fundable. I can't imagine believing there were systems which are going to oppress me and prevent me from ever becoming everything. I want to
be. I can't imagine being that way if I were to try and absorb all those
mentalities and and then live a normal life. I don't think I can do it. I
literature. There's a reason why these people end up on ADHD didn't
the anxiety depression and
I get it because it's just suicide. It's meant it's literally mental suicide, it's suicide
What do you think is the
hardest challenge for the average man today?
That's a good question. Is a really good question.
I think that a lot of people don't understand that, it's all of the challenges and
struggles, that's going to make them. It's either going to make or break them. I read, I don't read studies very often, but I was sent a study about stress from somebody, that's probably the best study I ever read. And it's talked about the placebo effect of stress and it said that there are, they took some of the most stressed people in the world, CEOs, Etc. And the ones who believed that stress was really bad for them were dying earlier because of the cortisol inside of their blood and they said stress early bathroom. They're having heart attack.
Yes. But the ones who believed that stress was good for them and it made them perform. I perform Under Pressure stress is good for me, they were living longer. So the same drug inside of their blood,
how they framed it inside their mind
had different effects on their body. So from that point onwards, even though I already thought this way, I knew I was the right way. I knew it was the right way to think innately, because I've done pretty good in life that way. But this confirmed it every time I feel stressed or under pressure, I get excited. I hate to not be
stressed. I wake up and I'm like, everything's fucked good. That's like that's just how I am, right? But
It's how you adopt it, it's how you look at the problems and how you use them to fuel you.
So the question was, what's the problem for the average man? Today was the biggest problem. I think there's a whole host of problems. But what you have to do is frame it inside of your mind and understand that all of those problems are going to allow you to give you the fuel, the unlimited motivation that you need to become a successful and and beautiful individual. If you
frame it in the right way, if you take a man and give him a life,
shielded from problems and he never has any to face. I guarantee you he's terrible at being a man, the best men in the world have gone through shit that's just
Just, that's why women
love scars. The didn't kill you, that's the whole point of it, right? So, the best thing you can do is a man, is looking go. Okay, this is hard. This is hard. This is hard. This is hard. I feel - because these are also difficult, I'm struggling with X, Y Zed, let me internalized, all of that and turn it into a superpower. Let me become genuinely uncomfortable with my situation in life and go and
fix things because like I said, the universe is absolutely not be very giving and if you truly hated being in the position you were in, you wouldn't be there very long. So I think that the
The one
problem with with the world today and the biggest problem that men face
isn't the problems themselves. It's just the way that they are. Didn't been taught to mentally frame issues. People think when bad things happen to them, that somehow they're a victim to the universe and bad things, only happened to me and this
is so terrible. They do understand that bad things happen to everybody in the most successful person, you know, had all those probably maybe even worse at least the
same bad things happened to them. They just framed it
differently. Used it. That's, that's the difference. So
I don't pray for an
easy life. I pray for a life.
Of difficulty that allows me to come a better and better person. I prayed to become more competent to handle problems. I prayed to put myself in a position where if the mass media machine attempts is very best to destroy my life. I can laugh and smile from my villain to buy.
This is who I pray to become. I don't pray that nobody
hurts me. I pray to be able to fight, so it's just a different mentality.
Where did that mentality come from? I've heard the I know your background story. I've heard listen to tons of your interviews. I know the big impact, especially your father had on your life was there.
A single or where there's a handful of pivotal moments for you. Where your mindset just shifted. I know you've talked before about being young and seeing people driving by and flashy cars and it annoying you and not annoying the people around you. But I'm really curious to know where the where the tape mindset came from to good question. I
think a lot of people build their
mindsets around trying to feel good so that's why we were talking earlier about people who want to
nor the idea of personal responsibility or self-accountability because they feel better if they pretend it's not real thing, they feel better if they pretend, everything's someone else's fault.
A lot of people's mental model and
how they view the world is based around them feeling as good as possible. So when you sit there and talk to somebody as the mask on and they refuse to believe the the elites are laughing at them, it's
not because they can't comprehend
the ideas is because they feel better. If they don't believe that they are clown to the elites, I feel better. If this is really all innocent and it's really all about a disease.
So people are trapped based, they're basing their mindsets around, trying to feel good.
I have always tried to based on mindset around absolute competence regardless of how I feel. And there are there are certainly disadvantages to that. There are times. You're going to be a lot more pessimistic or you're going to be a lot more stressed or a lot more. You know,
pissed off about certain things and others. Yeah,
that can be seen as a downside. But like I said, I use all of those things for unlimited motivation to propel My Endless upward trajectory. But
if you construct the mindset that
allows you to
To be as competent as possible as opposed to field any different or feel better.
Then you're going to naturally come to the conclusions. I've come to your as competent as
possible. If you believe you can affect absolutely everything about your life, your as competent as possible. If you believe, absolutely everything that's happened to you, whether good or bad is completely your fault, you're as competent as possible. If you believe the bad things that happen to you or going to allow you to work harder and become even better when bad things happen to me. The first thing that my mouth is good.
Good Andrew. This took ten million dollars at the bank because you didn't cancel you good.
Good, that's just my response. Good Andrew, this happen. Good, good, good. Now now I'm really pissed look like it's that this mind side. Constructed allows me to be as fearsome, a competitor, as possible allows me
to be a fear of opponent in any realm of human endeavor. And that's
the point of a mindset. Why would you have a
mental model or a mentality that made you anything less in the ultra competitive world that we've just discussed discussing that everybody wants the things you have. Why would you absorb information or construct a mental model that doesn't allow you to be as
Competitive as possible.
I am afeard competitor in anything. I do anyone who's up against me at anything is going to feel a degree of nervousness just because it's me it doesn't matter what it is. If you say look, you're gonna go learn how to play piano, and you're going to play against someone else's
never played piano, and you're gonna learn. And that guy's Andrew, take your knee. But fuck,
I can't even play piano, but part of him is gonna be like, oh, not take good even though even though I have no piano experience because they just know me. They know my mindset, they know. I determination. They know I'm stubborn.
That I don't quit. They know I'm they know. I'm going to win. That's just who I am. So I've constructed a mental model that allows me to be competent and to always succeed. And that's how I've come to the conclusion. I've come to and I truly once again, don't understand how people go to the world without with any other mental model. I get asked all the time. What do you feel or what about happiness or depression that that doesn't even how I feel doesn't cross my mind. I don't know how else to explain it. There are days where I'm pissed off or sad or happy. It doesn't cross.
Cross my mind as just like I woke up whatever mood, I happened to be in. I have things I need to do. It's a busy day. Ruby's here soon. I need to go training before he gets here, I had a meeting with the bank at 7:15, a.m. I have shit to do. Like I didn't cross my mind about as happy sad excited. I just had to work. So I I think my mental model to a degree, I'm certainly not a person who doesn't feel emotions, because we're all human. I certainly do, but I've
never prioritized them in any regard. I haven't built a
Model that affects
I haven't put them in in the middle of my mental model and that affected my actions based on how I feel for each one, it's absolutely and completely the opposite. I would love to do a podcast on a day where i'm particularly
sad. And the podcast on a day, when I'm particularly happy and I guarantee you, you will sell the fucking
difference. So that's what allows me to be competitive, right? Cause you're competitive, you're the most competitive Pettit predator on the planet. You would be able to hunt in the day in the night. You'd be able to do both you to be able to perform when you're happy and sad. You can't you can't only be able to perform when you're happy, you can.
Not only go to the gym when you're motivated. You can't only be a competent person, when your life's going well because when your life's not going, well you're no longer competent, then you're gonna lose to people like me and it's player versus player. If you're the kind of person who can only do well when you're happy and you're competing against someone like me, you can do well, all the fucking time, guess what
you lose.
So my mental model, the answer is most of my opinions are just based around constructing a mental model. That allows
me to be
brutally competitive. It's why I say depression
isn't real
I've argued this point endlessly
and I try to explain to people, but they're not smart enough to understand that. I don't care if I'm wrong, I don't care. I am more competitive as an individual. If I don't believe, I could become depressed. So I don't give a fuck if I'm right or wrong because no matter what bad happens to me in my life. Even if heaven forbid, the worst things on earth, that could happen happened to me. I could never become clinically depressed because I would never self diagnose myself as clinically depressed, cause I don't believe it. I believe that I am concerned currently sad, but I have work to do and eventually I will feel better. I
Ever get to a point of absolute desperation kill myself because I don't, I'm never going to appoint helplessness because I don't believe in the idea of hopelessness. You cannot try and make me adopt thinking that will reduce. My competitiveness is an individual so I don't give a fuck if I'm wrong. I don't believe it. That's it. End of story. So I don't believe in things that take power away from me. I don't believe in things. That made me less competitive and I don't adult mental models that
may be less competitive. Every single mental model, I have are the most efficient ones I could find to
the mental model. I found that if I adopt I become a more
Um, Predator, that's it. So
this is how I've come to all of my
conclusions as an individual here, that something that I really wanted to discuss with you actually is faith.
January 2019 on that podcast. You explicitly said I am an atheist and you've definitely been on some type of Journey again, I've been listening to interviews and podcasts and there was a time where I don't know, first it, what do you want from atheism? To saying, I think you believe in God and I think you said Christianity is kind of cooked but you'd probably be Islam is the only religion that potentially work for you and then
You said, start saying that you are a Christian and Orthodox and now there's I'm hearing that you're Muslim now but talk me through it sure. So firstly, I found scientific proof rebelled.
I'm the Man. Everyone's been sitting here. All the atheist saying there's no proof
for God. I've got it. Okay, let's see. Here's the scientific proof for God. I've
got all of it.
I think it's his third law, it might be as well to look it up. If it's 3rd or 2nd law of one of Newton's law is that for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction for every force is equal and opposite Force.
Anyone who's perspicacious enough to
look around them and seized true evil, in the world today understands that there must be an equal and opposite to that true evil, which is good, which means that God must be real. If all of the evil in the world today is to act of demons and devil, and people will try and pretend it isn't. But if you truly understood things, like the elites making you, miss your
Ramos, funeral to laughing, you like cutting up the, the dicks of kids because of the siop on the Disney Channel. When you
truly understand the level of evil in the world today, then you must understand the only equal and opposite force can be God.
Another thing I've argued, they teased about, they don't understand that. Even God is a concept, even just as a concept in another himself, becomes a real thing. If you have a thousand people and those thousand people believe in a
god, even if there's no man in the sky, but those thousand people believing in a god
makes him act righteously that. Even as a concept in and of itself, God is a real Force, God, the idea as a force
It's making the people act righteously so God must exist in some form. So I understood that the thing that made me stopping an atheist is simply the medieval us all around me
as I get this much evil. If
the say, if Satan is going to appear Satan appears in front of you, you're gonna have to say okay well then God must be real and that's the point we got to. I realize there was so much evil and so much Injustice so much typically it was is just the endless genuine. Deliberate attempts at destroying the
the Baseline morality of humans, just making us believe that to the point where pedophilia is even bad name. Like incest is okay. Like things we know are wrong. We just innately know it's wrong and they're just trying their best to destroy our. Moralities and these moralities were installed in Us by somebody or
something. I believe God.
Now and they are are attempting to destroy them. Who would attempt to destroy the Baseline morality that was
god-given sayin
that. So if say it is trying to destroy our morality then God must be real. So
Equal and opposite forces Newton's law, prove God. So once I realized God was real
sick, okay. Then you
have all these different interpretation interpretations of God,
which is interesting. What's interesting about the Christianity Islamic debate? He said they're both Abraham abrahamic and also people said to me, well, you're
not from the Middle East. Why would you be Muslim? And it kind of makes me laugh and say, Christianity didn't all happen in Palestine, like all of it comes from the same place, right? I'm not a scholar, so I don't want to get on the skull skull, istic route, but Christianity and Islam have a lot in common,
They worship a lot. The same people,
Islam has another book the last book, which was seal,
and truthfully. If we're going to step away from the scholarship angles and
talk about the Bible in The Chronic cetera. I look at it in a different angle. I look at the world through a very realistic understanding of force, and I understand that if you're not prepared to defend something that will be taken and destroyed. I understand that, like we said earlier violence is the underpinning of all civilized societies. Even when I look at a big tree, I see violence. I understand that tree is the biggest because it destroyed all the other
Round it, if you're not prepared to defend or fight,
then you're going to be destroyed. So when I look at Christianity
in its current form, I don't think that they can be right in terms of their interpretation of interpretation of God because if they were correct, God would give them the strength to defend themselves and they don't Christianity doesn't mean anything anymore.
If the Christian interpretation of God was correct, then God would be giving them the strength to resist but they don't resist anything. I don't believe Christians have preserved a single thing in modern time. I know in America.
Erica. There's this Hardline Christians who believe that they're trying hard, they are still
failing on a daily basis. And in most of the world, especially in Europe, Christianity is absolutely not only a joke. The thing that actually finally converted me was about three weeks ago. I'll send you the Tick-Tock. It was the first drag queen Methodist preacher. Oh, geez, man.
Yeah. But, but this is the point. If you're, if you're tolerant of everything, then you stand for nothing. So, once you say I'm a Christian, but I tolerate everything, under the name of Tolerance. Well, then you no longer have any beliefs. So if you have no,
Leafs then all of it is garbage. If you're the only way you can worship a God, as if that God gives you instructions and if those instructions are adhered to and respected by the followers. And also, if the
followers of this of the, of the particular God, I'm not gonna say names
stick up for and defend those beliefs and are prepared to be ridiculed or prepare to be stigmatized. And to, like I said, earlier, a bottom line of societies violence to fight to defend those beliefs. If you have a belief system that nobody will fight to defend, then you don't have to leaves just like feminism if nobody fights, his friend.
It, it goes away. But Christianity, nobody stands up for the
rules. It goes away. There is one religion on the planet today, in which people stand up for the rules. They stick by the rules, they refuse to be mocked and they refused to
completely throw away their values and belief systems under the guise of Tolerance because they don't want to be tolerant of
everything. They said, no, we're not
tolerant everything because when you tell her, if everything is no morality, as we talked about earlier Baseline, morality means you're some things. You're intolerant all because you're a moral person. So, to be moral, you have to be intolerant to a degree.
There's one religion on the planet and that's this long. So if I'm going to, if I'm going to worship God, and I'm going to worship God in a way, which is true to my own personal beliefs. Also, what I understand about the world, what I understand about strength, what I understand about defending ideals, that there's only one religion on Earth, I can respect, I can't respect Christians anymore, they set Notre Dame on fire, they didn't imagine that was the other way around. Like think about it for a second. Think about for a second, I say this all the time. People walk around with t-shirts. Jesus is gay, and T and TVs.
They're making fun of Christianity on TV. They're mocking your God in front of your face. And Christians, don't say a word, they don't say a word, they will take a preacher of whatever background which directly contradicts your holy book and put him in a church to teach to your children. And they will not say a fucking word and then they set their goal. Well, they say tolerant because they're cowards, but the truth is
this, if your interpretation of God in the world was, right,
I don't believe. God would allow
you to sit there.
There and be such a fucking coward. That's what I don't believe. I don't think that God would allow you to do
that. I think he'd say no you need to defend our ideals because our ideals are good
for Humanity and Christians fail to defend them. So they built a defending they do not exist there's only one religion left on the planet.
Wow, that's Islam.
That's it. But it's the only religion. It's so it's so
interesting because, you know, I'm a, I'm a Christian have been lifelong, right? And so in terms of the conclusion, I obviously have a different conclusion, but
I totally get what you're saying and myself have, and have made over the years. Many of the same criticisms, particularly in the western anglosphere. Right? And I think, I don't think the greatest threat to Christianity is atheism or atheists or other religions, I think the greatest threat to Christianity is this weird hyper watered-down, hiper Dino,
Looted so-called they call it Progressive Christianity. I'm like, that's not a thing. Do you know why? I'm right, if you have a drag queen in church, if you have a rainbow flag in church, we're not saying out in the city at some private establishment in your church.
I'm like, you know, people like that, as far as I'm concerned, I'm like, that is undermining. The,
and this is the point. The reason so many people are happy to stand up. And say, yeah, I'm a Christian is because it takes zero effort, like most Christians in the west. I'm a Christian, but I don't go to church, and I'm a ho, and I like it, of course, you're Christian with an only fans, you know, you're hooked. It doesn't make sense, but that's why they get to say it. I want, I want you to be wrong about that, but it's true. So if you're tolerant of everything, you stand for naps,
Only nothing and this is my problem with Christianity. They're going to stay there, going to refuse to defend their beliefs, then they don't have beliefs and that's, and that's the bottom line and they do Under This Guy's you're right, this hyper wore down tolerance garbage. No, I want to worship God, in a way that takes effort. I want to have to give up things or do things in my life and actually understand that. There's certain things in life that are certain moral lines, that can't be crossed. And I also want to have a religious system that people don't mock. I'd be in being a Christian and absolutely don't mean to disrespect you my friend. But when I was a Christian,
It's almost embarrassing to say sometimes like you're a Christian really the
this is Christian
like and and was most crazy as this.
When you understand that the only antidote to all of this
Insanity, we've been discussing this entire podcast, is God like there.
It's only the god that gives a baseline morality that can resist this total enslavement.
We're now in Dubai, there are people out there in the desert heat working on construction sites for $200, a month. And here to go off from a million dollars to insult the prophet. They would not do that. No, they
would, they would even cross their mind, right? There's Baseline morality
installed inside of the populace via religion.
So, if you understand that, the whole point of
Gin is to preserve the
Baseline, morality of humanity and that Christianity doesn't do that because they're so tolerant that their Baseline rallies are all ignored. Then then, it's not real. Can I ask something? Sure? Because I think specifically this view of Christianity is largely coming from the modern West and especially the the anglosphere, where the dilution has been so heavy. I mean, if you look at Christianity around the world, across Africa, with in the Middle East, so on it's great, it's very easy
and I lived
Romania. So I'll Romania is a very Christian country and there is Orthodox. Christian,
and there, it's much stronger than it is in the west. That is true. However,
I still believe, even in all
areas that isn't it in a decline? I still think that the, as a whole, the idea is the idea of Christianity isn't respected. I'll simplify it a simple way. If I were to say to you right now, you had to say a sentence that pissed off every Christian in the world or say a sentence that pissed off every Muslim in the world for your own personal preservation, you would choose
Choose to piss off the Christian as it wasn't. So what I
and, and that means that there's there's a belief system out there, which is fearsome. And I
think that God in fact, it even says in the Bible, is a fearsome, jealous God. So if God is a powerful man, you don't want to upset, then I think the the truest way to worship Him must worship him in a way, which is respect to the point that nobody wants to upset the Believers of said religion. So I think it's all about strength and I think it's about moral codes. I think it's about genuine effect on the world. This is the reason I
I gravitated towards his mom because I just understood how fervently they believe and I believe in God completely and absolutely and I liked, I liked to see there were red lines and I think there are a lot of Christians in the world who would also like to see red lines. But, but, but there
isn't, it has too many who don't I just,
yeah. What, what's, what's weird with? I think. What's happening with Christianity is
How do I put this?
Trying to make it living in it. It's a live in the USA, USA or UK, right? A so-called liberal Democratic country where, of course, you have freedom of speech, you have freedom of religion. So while you know, you know, they're, they're somewhat more libertarian societies, right. So there's a separation between these things and I think an interesting question for whether someone's a certainly, an interesting question for Christians, whatever, someone's belief system is.
Where's that, how do you balance these things, right? How do you balance religious faith, and the respect for religion and ultimate respect for God. And so on with also absolute freedom of speech and freedom of or from religion. And this super inclusive, everyone do a go out. It's a, it's a weird. It's a weird line. I don't know the answer. It's actually something I've been
During for quite a while. Because I think when, when people were just generally more sane,
I'd like just going back. Even I don't 20
years ago, where you didn't really have to the evil agenda that you talk about, right? It wasn't being pushed. Like, even if you look at some of the new laws and bills that they're having to draft in the USA, I'm like, you shouldn't need to pass a law for that. People should just inherently know that. Okay. Well, you're just
Don't do that thing, right? You don't need a law in the book. Like, come on. That's stupid. You don't, you don't need a lot but now, it's like, they're having to pass legislation to say, oh, you know, I actually don't teach six-year-olds about, like, you know, sexuality and sex and kings are, you shouldn't need Allah for that. So yeah, I mean it's a very interesting discussion because I share as especially as a I
share a lot of those, a lot of those frustrations
and it's like, how is that need?
To be to be to be threaded and these churches where they've just gone fully woke and there's no cross in the church, but there's a rainbow flag, there's a BLM flag, there's a trans flag, like to meet these things, aren't meant to mix. I'll completely and this is the unfortunate reality is that if you have a belief system, any belief system, you're intolerant to a degree.
Just likes that because you believe in something. If you believe in something, your must be a degree of
intolerance it. That's all.
It is, if I believe that meat is better than fish, then I'm intolerant of fish to a degree, right? Let
this is just Humanity but this whole new guise of Tolerance most people don't understand. The true psyop. The true psyop is trying to convince you to be
so tolerant that you have no more Ali. Your,
they're not trying to convince you to be tolerant to your immoral person. You accept others. That's a lie. The trying to convince you to be so tolerant. That you have no morality at all. You're tolerant of everything. Sure, take all my money lock me, my house. Sure, mess my kids brains up in school. Sure, I'm tolerant. I'm taller.
No, you're a dummy. So that's what this whole tolerance disguise is to try.
And make sure you have no Baseline morality to make sure you have no opinion and you offer no resistance to the enslavement by the machine. That's what they
want. And this is why they keep talking about tolerance, so hard. Most people don't even realize. Most parents aren't even aware of the fact that they don't even raise their own kids. You don't raise your children, you go to
work all day, your wife goes to work all day because of inflated you into the ground. There's no longer just a man, working. Your woman doesn't get to
stay home and is still the beliefs
that you and her share know your kids go to
And the school
tells him what to fucking believe. When they
finish school, they sent the internet, and internet tells them what to believe, and they sit there, and they're just told, what to believe from people other than you. And they're told that you need to be tolerant of these beliefs. No matter what they are. Why are they doing this? They can brainwash your children. I've seen videos on YouTube of children, arguing with their own parents about things. And I said, where'd you hear that school there? You don't even raise your own kids anymore. And when I sit here and try and teach your kids, something I don't know, which is basically completely
normal in the world was saying, like
you said, the things I say, if I said 20 years,
Go, everyone would go huh. Literally I say water is wet and people like whoa, intolerant it's crazy. So when I stand up and try and resist that programming, they delete me. But all the people who are for the agenda and for the
system, stay little known as the the rapper he gets to have sex with the devil, right? And they'll
sit there and they'll have full grown adults. Telling your 67 year old kid that they feel like something else that
day, they get to be something else and they should have surgery that's going to affect them
forever and they're going to poison your kids.
Mind, you even raise your own
children anymore. It's fucking scary world. And, and this is the, this is the base reality of what's happening out there and they're drunk, they're going to do
all of it, every single bit of it, all of this evil is done. All this degeneracy is done under the guise
of Tolerance. Tolerance is a scam.
You have to be intolerant a point, I'm assuming intolerant of everything. I'm going to be a bad person most like, attack, anybody, or hurt, anybody. I'm saying that you need to get at least become a point where you as an individual
are intolerant of certain ideals.
If somebody else has different ideals, I don't give a shit while figuring out what to do with his life. Fine. But do not bring it into my life. Do not affect my children, do not infect my circle. I am intolerant of X ideals and everyone I love and care about why every am responsible for will
also be
intolerant. That's what's scary. This is what I say all the time. I have no problem with LGBT no problem, I don't care, you're a full-grown, I don't, you can do whatever
you want. That's your
prerogative. I believe you should be able to do that. That's fine. I don't agree with you.
Among other people's children. That's why I don't do with. Because you didn't have kids, you can program your own children, that's fine. If you decided to have sex to particular way that prevents you from having children that is once again your problem. But if you manage to have kids, you can program them. However, you see fit, you can instill Your World Views in them. As I will instill the reviews. I have, and my children. I do not think it's fair for me and my wife to be working our asses off because our
currencies inflated because of fucking Global Elites.
Making sure we barely on the breadline and then you walk into a school with my children and
My children things that I don't believe, that's where I draw the line, I become intolerant when you want to infect my kids with ideals, I disagree with. But if I say
that, I'm a bigot,
right? I'm people want me to say no. Andrew be so tolerant that you will accept anybody saying anything to your children and ruining their minds. And when I say ruining yes, in my world view, they would be ruined. I had kids so I could make them like me. I look after them. I pay for them. I will raise them to be.
Be like me, that is My Prerogative. And this is the whole thing behind tolerance, tolerance. In and of itself, the whole reason, they pushed the whole reason. They're so fucking desperate for people to become tolerant is because they don't want you to resist and become to a point where you stand up and wake up and say no. That is unacceptable. And that's that's the scam of
it. Yeah. Tolerance is only a virtual to an extent and then beyond that it's advice. Yeah. Its power is telling us. Yeah, that's cowardice. And the truth is it's not tolerance unless it's to way. Yeah, it's not tolerant. Sweet.
About something previous podcast actually years ago, it's not tolerance, unless it's reciprocated. So we see people are not. You know I love the fact that, you know, due to our inclusion policy. We need to exclude
tape. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Do you to our diversity policy? Yeah, we need to shut down an opinion. Yeah. Due to our you know our tolerance
over. Do we need to be in? It's called it's why actually the concept is actually called for oppressive tolerance. Yeah. I like that. Yeah. The first intolerance it's a far left Disturbed. That's actually the strategy games. Yeah. It's called repressive tolerance. So they only tolerate what is within
In their sphere at are hyper intolerant, but then they'll be preaching using the word. And so, it's actually a very effective affect the left. This idea of Tolerance. The leftist idea of diversity and inclusion is everybody who looks different, but thinks the same things, but if you don't think the same, then they become the most intolerant people on the planet instantly is
right. So you're right, it's not
reciprocate and it's all a fucking scam and it's and it's dangerous. The problem we have the reason they're going to try and kill me sooner or later. It's because I'm inspired people to stand up and say, no, I'm intolerant of this idea. I'm sorry you can go do it.
Fine, I wish you the best, I don't wish you any harm, I think your sovereign individual who make their own choices and I hope you live a long and fantastic compute for life. But me, my people, my family, my team were intolerant of xid, leave us alone. That's it. And and, and they see that as a threat because they don't want me to inspire people to think that way. I'm sure you've been asked this question before. But what do you think is the greatest misconception about especially now? Yeah I
it's kind of interesting because
as a professional when I was saying earlier like I believe every single thing about me and every single thing
That's happened in my life. Is my own fault. I accept responsibility for all of it, there are some misconceptions I kind of understand and there also some
there are some attitudes about me that I understand why people have
them. I know that they're wrong, but I understand why people have them.
Like, I'll be honest with you. I
understand and I'm intrinsic, believe one of the reasons why people think I'm such a bad person. He's because of this because I'm scary. I'm big, I'm aggressive when I talk I live in Romania. I'm a professional fighter on my Instagram, run around with
guns. I literally think people look at me and go bad guy, I look like a bad guy. I completely
Might be ignorant. I'm driving my, my Lamborghini and I'd be, I'd be ignorant to sit and say, I don't look like a bad guy, right? So I'm a professional and I don't approach approach things emotionally. I approach them very professionally and I understand there are
some people who believe I'm a bad guy, but simply because I look like one and because they're not capable of understanding my words through the tone in which they're delivered.
So I get that. That's the first misconception is,
I'm a bad guy
because I'm not a bad person at all. I'm
actually completely the opposite.
I'm the guy if anybody who is close to
me in their life, they have
Paul said this to me at some point, you're the guy, everyone calls,
it doesn't matter. It, what goes wrong in anybody's life,
who knows? Me doesn't matter if their bank accounts, gets frozen doesn't matter if their car breaks, that doesn't have to go kidnapped the
first, and only call
would be me, arrested
me? I'm that guy call. Andrew, it'll be fixed. Right. So I'm the absolute opposite of a bad guy. I'm the best person?
Some of the best. Me fucking know. That's the first thing. So that's the first misconception. The second misconceptions. I'm hateful.
Everything I say comes from a place of genuinely,
Caring about Humanity, everything I say is coming from a place of genuinely trying to make the world a better place.
I'm genuinely philanthropy. And if I say
something which is deemed intolerant is for the reasons, we just
discussed is because I actually believe
it's good for Humanity as a whole, and there's always an equal and opposite Force. And, and these people out here, trying to say, you should be tolerant of everything. Like, we've just discussed are genuinely the evil ones. I am not an evil person. I'm not a bad person. The last thing I am is hateful.
I am a man and as a man, I'm not gonna apologize for being having a temper. I'm
Going to apologize for understanding my physicality in standing up for My
Views. I'm not going to apologize for understanding, like I said earlier, if I walk into a place and steal something to get fucked over a master to be afraid of
me, I'm not gonna apologize from the seems dumb fucking full grown man, and I'm a man who's in the real
world, but I'm not hateful person. There's no hate inside of me.
Everyone who I'm close to. I love my family, I love nobody close to me, dislikes. Me. And the scariest thing is all. All the people on the internet, who hate me, don't understand that. Since
this massive Fame kicked off, let's say, a year ago since I became the most Google man, the planet I have
Of taken 60 to 70 thousand pictures of people from the street. And I must have spoken to maybe a quarter million people on the street. And I can promise you now with God as my witness, I've never had a single negative Direction ever,
ever. So, these hateful people on the internet are very
vocal minority because the
large contingent of the world, the majority of the
populations have no problems with our ideas, right? Because they know we're right. And they
like us and even they don't agree with everything we say. They, like we stand up for ourselves.
And that we articulate our ideas and we take the time out of our day to sit and explain to people what's happening in the world. You know, what
else it is that you're honest, we live in this world of manipulation and lies and deceit. You turn on the TV you listen to politicians, they're just lying, lying lying lying and people don't get mad at that, right? And so even if someone thinks you're wrong or you've reached the wrong conclusion, they know that that's what you actually believe. That's what you think. You'll repeat it. You'll explain it. You're not trying to shut down.
One else who doesn't agree with it, you're happy to talk to them, sit down with them, debate them, whatever it is. And I'm like, I will always respect someone who's like that, because that's why it's like cool. Well, you know, there's people out there, you know, we're a line on a lot of stuff. But, you know, there's people out there who I disagree with on a lot of things, but I might, but they're what they're honest, they're real. Like, you won't, you won't put a fact in front of their face and they totally deny it. Or they'll say something and I asked, okay, well why do you think that like, I might disagree with how they got there or there?
Okay, cool. Like I get what you're, I see how you've arrived at that conclusion, you know, and to me, the people who are super deceptive and dishonest or those who are trying to shut down all the conversation, shut down the debate sensor, this person D platform, any idea that does not go. All you mean along with its taller and taller ones want to shut up, anybody who has exactly I mean and and the way they've done it. Now with so called the science,
right? We're not to go back into it too much but it's like yo, if it's
And you can question it. You can challenge it in the past. Scientists would be like, look, this is, this is
my, this is my hypothesis. What I think, prove me wrong, show me how I'm wrong.
Let's go through this now. It's like, okay, that's what we think. Like, we need to censor. Oh, there's another doctor on Twitter
disagree. Get rid of him. Oh, this is, this is study called. No, get rid of that study, and here's where we come full circle.
This is why I say we live in a matrix because our body heat and our efforts and our Ingenuity are being used by the machines. They are making us go to work and be as the
The hardest-working smartish versions of ourselves are using our bodies but they want our minds live in a false reality. They don't want you to understand the truth about anything. They give you a computer-generated false reality for you to buy into to occupy your mind. Long enough to keep you functional enough to work but not sentient enough to understand your being fucked and just sit there until you pay and pay taxes until you die. That's all they want. They don't want people to truly understand anything about the world. There's a reason why you go to school and you do not learn about taxes or money or banking or
inflation or any of the fucking shit that's going on now.
You don't learn the true version of History. The reason when you watch the news now, they don't do the truth by anything that's happening ever. And
the only thing I could say to people is if, you know, they've manipulated you in the past if you're not. So ignorant as to believe that you've been told the truth the entire time. If you understand reality, you know, that they've been implicated in the past. Why do you think I'm doing right now? Why do you think I won't do it again?
It's all a lie. Everything's a lie, head to toe. It's a lot. It may be a scary idea but I promise you,
the medical system just proved itself to be fucking corrupt. The judicial system, proved itself to be to corrupt the fucking Financial system through this.
Be corrupt the legal system through the cell to be
corrupt every system you use and live under that is designed to protect. You is corrupt. Even me before covid. I would only go back and
do some tricks that you know forever.
But even before covid, I would think well, the medical, the medical systems probably, not that corrupt. I mean I knew it was corrupt because a healthcare and an American prices are too high but I thought surely, you know, the World Health Organization, they're just a bunch of doctors who want to help people
in my ignorance, how foolish of me to not understand but they are funded and they're funded by people who are corrupt and to funded by big Pharma. And if I'm going once,
Money. And then they realize they don't just want money, they want power, and they want influence in our lobby, government will control things and that.
So it's like every single organization on the face of planet is corrupt. This is why I say to people I say listen, I'm gonna say this on this podcast. Now it's saying every other one I would never ever kill myself. I truly believe they're gonna come in. They're gonna try and kill me on a long enough
time frame because they tried to shut me up and I won't shut up. You're gonna try and put me in jail. They're going to kill me and I would never kill myself under any circumstances ever. And the reason I say this and I say this people, they go,
what can they put you in jail for and I'm like, how ignorant are you in your ignorance to believe? They need a reason.
Do you believe it's fair? You believe I can get a lawyer and prove myself innocent. That's not how it works. They decide you're guilty long before and they find a reason why and it doesn't matter what you do about it. You will pay the fucking price, it's not fair. None of it is, every single system is corrupt. It actually annoys me when people say it to you will juice girl or why they can't put you in jail, if you're
innocent. Yes, they fucking
can. And that's what people don't understand about the world. They can and they do and they fucking will. And that's what's
scary. I think it's so far. Removed from most people's
Reality that they can't really comprehend it even even with the the D platforming and all those. It's too far removed. If you've got a big audience, hundreds of thousands millions of people on social media, which I mean, what percentage of the population has that right? See if it's very, it's a tiny. Tiny sliver. So even to be able to relate to that,
or even to understand the impact of
it because some people are just like, oh, it's just Twitter is just Facebook is just as it's like. Yeah you have 45
Followers. So you, if you lost your Twitter, it's not a big blow in any type of way, right? You haven't got people out there who you're influencing and you're getting out of message and so on. So people I think people just don't understand it because they don't understand what they what people don't understand is why influence is so important. This is why I'm saying here in a dimly stating that they're going to try and kill me if they're not already thinking about already because I know how influential I am and influence is everything. The reason there is a war
now, in regions of Ukraine, is so that somebody gets to be in charge and influence the population. You get to influence how they think you can to influence the language they speak influence to currency. They use
influence, there are Machines of war and destruction, in the fields of Ukraine, right now. And thousands of men had a dying for influence the media machine. The only reason they pump it into every airport and put all over the TV and convince you to believe in it is so they can influence you. The only reason you go to school so the teacher can influence your mind. The reason, the algorithms will social media platforms decide,
To show you the videos, they show you is to influence you. People say, oh you had a big following but that's not enough reason to kill you. Oh, you mean I can influence the world? That's not enough reason to kill me. All, they fucking want to do is influence people. It's the number one, most important thing on the planet influences. All this has never been about. So when you become the most Google Now on Earth and you're influencing people in the opposite direction, it would be ignorant for me to see and not understand. There are people sitting around thinking, how do we make this guy go away? And the answer was canceled me and they fail. So what's answer to
It's a scary realization, but it's the truth. I know this intimately. It's absolutely not. Only a bottom-line fact, it's a fact. But this is where we come in to what we were saying earlier again. About Baseline morale, he's as a religious man, I can't sit and lie. I can't sell my soul and ignore my own eyes. I can't sit and tell people things that I know aren't true, because I don't know the struggle with
myself, the battle continues.
You either fight against them where you fight against yourself. You have to make a choice. I can't fight against my
soul in my heart, my mind.
I want them to be on my side, so I must fight against the Matrix and if they kill me I didn't kill myself and that's the end of it. And I'm gonna
do my very, very best to stay alive. But if they really want you to look at you, we need to protect top G, bro. Honestly, the way I was something I want to say to you is I think it was a fellow believer of God, firstly, I'm glad you found God. That's a, that's actually a major. That's a major deal. I love seeing people who have big followings and influence speaking about
God in a positive light. And I think that whole concept, especially in the west, we people have like run away and shied away from it for so long. And I think we're seeing we're seeing the consequences of that playing out, right? That's iíve said, joke before that we live in one of the most religious times ever. But one of the most Godless, right, people are latching onto. All these are making up their own secular religions and their their hyping that up. But I believe that God has given you as you humbly acknowledged already.
a extraordinarily unique set of talents and abilities and eloquence and resources and I pray that
Number one, you live obviously long and healthy life inshallah but also that that is used as I think it's already being used as a net positive. But man, I think the amount of good that someone like yourself can do in this world and I hope other people recognize this as well. Regardless of what you someone made currently think of and Route. A, I want people to recognize that I think people like yourself. You're so think, you know, your voice
it is important but I think it's even more important than you realize. I think over the course of the next year's and decades as we all go into the future and we're living in this Brave New World of social media, and influencers, and this, and that
Those voices, those independent voices are just going to become more and more important. And there's going to be people out there pushing all kinds of negativity and degeneracy and outright evil. And I think there's going to be people pushing back on the other side and man they may God use you to do. Well absolutely. And with great power comes great responsibility and the battles just begun and I think the lines being drawn now in real time. So I'm glad we're on the same side front. Awesome, man, before we finish up. Andrew, where can people find you online? I know, you're on Rumble working.
Yes. So
I'm on Rumble.com tape speech.
That's my you tube placement, it's better than YouTube and every way I recommend absolutely everybody move over to rumble because there is no point putting your time and effort and life into a platform that will delete you at random, right? So what did the Bible say? You're a Christian is said, build your house on Stone not saying, right? So rumbles to Stone. So I'm a rumble.com /, take speech and once again I implore everybody to do the same. I'm on get her instead of Twitter at Cobra Tate.
Eight some on. Both of these platforms, this very refreshing to speak freely. So nice to just type, and not have to worry about if it's going to get reported that, I just tell the truth. So in both these platforms, also, my personal website is Cobra taped up cam on corporate eight.com. I have a newsletter, I have an email list, you can sign up for, it's completely free. Send out an email every single day. Discussing some of the topics we talked about mental Framing and that kind of thing. So, on corporate eight.com and also the war room, and the real world are two things I own and I operate which are based around finance and network, which are
Also available Capital coming and find out more about them there. So that's where that's where I am on the internet and those three places get her at corporate. A Trumbull, it takes Beach and corporate eight.com. They can't delete me from. So, that's where I'm going to stay my man. Appreciate you. But
I am the man sick with the slings thinking of destined for fame.