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Self-Improvement vs True Arrival
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Mr. Kapil Gupta. How are you? Very well. Thank you. Well, before we attempt to entertain everyone for the next 30 minutes or so, we want to make sure that we send our very best to each of you. As we all continue to navigate this interesting new world that we're living in. So, so, let's Dive In.
I'm sure that you are probably done talking about the state of the world. So I want to get into something, I think would be useful to people and certainly to me you and I talked a lot about DNA, you know, specially when it comes to Athletics and I want to get your thoughts on whether or not you feel that an entrepreneur is just wired to create, you know, zero. Do you sense that the that some entrepreneurs are just wired to be entrepreneurs.
Yeah, there's a DNA for everyone. So it depends upon the person. It isn't really just because someone's labeled an entrepreneur. It it really depends upon the DNA of the individual regardless of his title.
So when you, when what I hear, a lot of people talk about his experience, extremely amazing time to use the state of the world to create and to innovate and so forth. And so on here, a lot of people talk about
Ideas, very few of these things come to fruition. Do you feel like it's because most of the people out there, lack, that sincerity to do to follow through on their
ideas. You know, I think it's just the, I think the question really only a pertains to the ones who, for whatever reason, have the compulsion to create as opposed to
You know why it is that the others don't? I mean those who don't are not going to and those who do can't help but to so it is what it is.
I know that you you personally don't believe in a processor technique, but I'm going to ask this question. Anyway, I was up spent several hours today talking to a group of really talented people, business people and one of the things that they were talking the phrase that I heard probably 50 times during the hour and a half of conversation was protect the
Us protect the process that way we get out of this thing is to protect the process. So either we innovate is to protect the process. You don't believe in a process.
Well, I don't believe in anything because on about belief, you know, human beings like to hang onto terms and ideas and Concepts and they turn those into gods. And they begin worshiping at the feet of a concept. And so like the truth is, whatever it is, right. It isn't about. Plucking one idea out and then worship worship worshipping at that Altar. And so that's kind of what everyone does. I mean, vulnerability and process and this, and the and and they idolize the
And it's never the term. It's never, it's never the word. It's never the concept because if you if you look at things through that lens, you will become very myopic. You won't see the whole picture. So, you don't, if you're, if you're beholden to ideas and Concepts, then you don't really have the eyes to see the entire
truth. Well, they use it a lot because of athletes, right? They sense that.
Well, you have to, you have to understand,
Something, you know, intelligence is seeing the pattern behind things. And if you, if you look at the themes and you look at the patterns of human beings, what they do is, you know, they try to get people to do X because they don't like why. And when they, when they say x they just they just basically go to the extreme of the X. Everything is a reaction to. So the only reason that they mentioned process is because people started looking at results and then they got nervous about the result. So then they created
Focus on the process as a direct knee-jerk reaction to result. So they just replaced result with process, and it's all just a shell game. It doesn't. It isn't for sincere, serious individuals, you know, it's so I don't want you worrying about the result. So let's just, I'm going to be worried about the process as if that's the king. Now, it isn't process or result. I mean, it's it's it's about finding out where you want to go. It's not about. It's not about
About worshipping words and that's where everyone is, you know, this, you know, all these, like I said, you know, be courageous and be vulnerable and be prideful and this is all just nonsense, idiot, talk. It's not reality. It's just turning. The English language into a bunch of demigods to follow.
What do you what do you think about when you hear that? Because obviously, I mean we have probably heard more about resilience and courage.
Own ability over the last month and a half then you know in a long time but they are buzzwords and business. Do you just not think about
that? Well, I think well, I think you know, there's no good or bad wrong or right, that just there's just the truth and the truth. Is that very, very, very, very, very, very, very few human beings on this planet are looking for the truth and that isn't a bad thing or a good thing. And, and when a person is not looking for the truth,
Then all of these side effects and circumstances, however, they manifest themselves such as worshipping words and ideas and Concepts, and all these things. Those are the natural result of not seeking the truth. And they're like us that it's must be critically understood that. It isn't about the fact that you should seek the truth. It's just the way it is
and and, and the truth.
Typically lives outside of your mind, right? Like you never really
see. Well. Well, well, no, I don't, I don't know. I think that's, I think that's sort of a mind generated statement because that's kind of mine saying, don't bother because it's so far outside your mind that you never going to get to it. So well, because of that, let's just stick with the status quo. And so it really it, you know, I can't stress that emphasize enough. I mean, I can't scream from the rooftops enough that it isn't about seeking the truth. It's just
Who you are? And if that's your DNA, that's what you're going to do. And if it's not, there's no reason to having a conversation that there's really not, I mean, because there's no point in talking to that kind of that type of individual at least, not for me. That's not what I'm interested. And I'm not interested in explaining to someone, why they don't seek the truth and, and in any, in any, you know, clever shape or form suggesting that they should
By and by he Inspire some of us to to at least start to think like
that. Well, well well, well, okay fine, but let's just be honest Mo, right? Let's just be frankly honest. If we met if I did Inspire that, that I wouldn't get these kind of questions, right? If I really inspired you, let's say that I inspired you and I don't mean to and I'm not saying that I'm worthy of inspiring anyone. But let's just say by some accident that I did then I don't think that these would be the type of questions that would naturally.
Truly Blossom inside of you, right? Most, most importantly, most importantly. And like I said, I'm just, we're just having a really, you know, there's no reason having a podcast about crap, like all the rest of them. Right? I mean, this is we're going to talk honestly now, I love it. So, okay, so so though, so there really is and it is about me, condemning. You ready? I'm just speaking openly here. It's it's if, if you really wanted the truth.
And if that really was what you were inspired to do, then, I think it would be all about you. I think that your questions would would arise in a way that would help you get to the truth and the idea of helping quote Society, or the listeners, or the audience, or the world. While while they may be on the other line, listening. So to speak, that wouldn't be where your Allegiance is because the allegiance is never to the other. The allegiance is never to the
World. Those are all just, those are just made up manufactured ideas in the form of ego. It really is if it's about the person himself, if that person is truly genuinely inspired, just because they are, then the the quality of the question that they ask will reflect that.
Why I tell you that, I feel like I have grown infinitely from the standpoint of, this whole notion of helping people. And, you know, and you kind of have a heaven, kind of imprinted in my mind to just be very conscious of that. So as I think about it, it's hard for me to let go of. What is it that we can have conversations around? Certainly, that could help me but have others at the same time. I
Understand that, at some point. I personally have to say, you know, what, here's some things that I need to stop doing in order to
get well, I don't know, I kind of perhaps would say that it isn't about you stopping anything. I think that the stopping happens by itself and I think all things are a an offshoot of realization and understanding and so it is that you have to stop anything because that would be false and that will be just be a reaction to something else.
So it really is the understanding that if for, whatever reason, someone is really desirous of helping someone else, and let's say that that, let's say that for whatever reason, that desire to rule really genuinely inorganically. Help. Other people was was really deep and sincere and a human being then.
The only way to really help anyone else.
Is to understand yourself. I get it because because everyone is in the same boat, every human being rich. Poor any country that they live in any Village all human beings suffer from the same. Plight all human beings. Go through the same types of assaults from the mind and the form of anxiety and fear and concern, and anger, and emotional, upheaval, and uncertainty, and all of these things. And, and so no one's really unique.
In that everyone, everyone, everyone has to go through those storms. And so that being the case, then it really is about having the genuineness to go through that storm for yourself. And if someone was going to learn and become inspired or whatever it may be, then that will be that will come from, not you trying to help them but you essentially, you know, finding that within
When do you get a gauge of that level of sincerity or seriousness, within yourself?
What do you mean?
There's a part of you that feels like, I have an incredible amount of seriousness or sincerity. And I'm trying to kind of think, within the context of how you think to truly for my own well-being, try to understand my own truth.
A lot of times I'm conflicted between is that narrative going on in my head? Or is that sincerity in a way that you look at it?
Yes. So perhaps the safest response is to say that it's always a narrative and it's in it and if it's sincerity, it's insincerity in the willingness to understand that it's all a narrative. As opposed to trying to dissect out the pieces that are true versus false, I think.
At their it's all false. And the only sincerity is the thing that compels you to do what you do. Because whatever you whatever action that you take, that is your natural desire. That will what you do as a reflection of what you really feel inside. And so that is a much better engage than sort of intellectual conversations with yourself about whether something is sincere or not.
And is that two things I want to bring up here.
What one of the things that you wrote not too long ago? It really got me thinking about that was when you talked about the difference between somebody who's a superstar of what they do. And one who struggles, you know, and it's the person who is a superstar enjoys being a superstar, the other person enjoys the struggle and I think you made a comment that if there's only one person and you know, the Twitter universe, it understands that it is that what we're talking about here.
Well, I
Saying that there might be only one person in the Twitter universe, who understands the messages that come on, to my Twitter account and wasn't, I wasn't talking specifically about that statement, you know, the message is that, you know, that appear on the Twitter account really are, you know, a lot of them are cryptic and a lot of them are are, you know, and they can be difficult to understand. But but, but that's but, you know, everything has to be stated in its raw form and whoever's sort of ready.
To here it is. And who's not is not. And so it isn't about dumbing things down for the public in the masses. I have no interest in that. That's, you know, Society is saturated with, you know, catering to the masses and so for me it really it isn't, you know, those messages are put up to change any one or two, you know, makes someone, you know, follow my way of doing things or to teach anyone.
They just they just are and and then because they're not dumbed-down. Then it really requires a reach on the part of the individual to want to understand them and not that they should but if for whatever crazy reason they're compelled to then, so be it. So it isn't it isn't about bending down and giving to the poor so to speak.
It is it is, you know, the poor man is most helped when he's inspired. He is most helped when he is compelled to get up onto his own two feet because that will last him for the rest of his life. Handouts don't so. And once again, I must be clear. I'm not doing this because I think this is better for Humanity. I'm not doing this because I think this is good for you for you to be able to reach as opposed to me just to give
It to you. I'm not doing it for you. It just sort of comes and it appears on the page.
But and that's what I appreciate so much about it. But this statement really did get me thinking the difference between a Superstar athlete than one who struggles throughout his career. Is the one who enjoys being a superstar in the other enjoys a struggle. So is that telling me that the overwhelming majority of the world just loves to live in
misery. Well, there is great comfort in misery and there's nothing wrong with living in misery and there's
Judgment comfort in misery. Well familiarity, you know where? Whatever someone is most accustomed to, that's the home that a human being has built. And so in that home, he or she knows where the furniture is he, or she knows that even if the lights are turned off he or she knows which Hall to walk down. And then we're exactly the bedroom is and where the library is and where the bathroom is without even having to see. Now if you play
Is that person into a brand new house in a new city? You know, that's there's great discomfort there. And, and by the way, I must stop once again, and I have all these disclaimers because I know where people's minds, go because they're conditioned by Society. It isn't, it isn't good to feel discomfort. It isn't good for you, that you should feel discomfort, but you should get get up. Yeah, that's all crap. That there's no there. Once again. See, I can't say two words without without a bumper sticker showing up and floating across the TV screen, you know what I mean? So,
Um it it's there's no should that? There's no. You should be uncomfortable. No, you shouldn't. You shouldn't do anything. It isn't about doing this or that. So, but that's that's the reason why it's you become comfortable according to what you're accustomed to. And that's kind of the, you know, it's kind of that the idea from the Shawshank Redemption, right? Where the individual was in prison for 50 years and then didn't want to get let out because there was a big new world that the person had no idea.
How to, you know, how to live in. And that's, you know, that was a tool called institutionalized and it's burnt that that's, that's that's a very emblematic of of human beings.
It's funny that you say that I literally just re-watch that movie over the weekend. So do you think that maybe the, perhaps the biggest reason that gets in the way of us choosing to change? Is that that level of familiarity is?
The ball to us,
it is, but there's a change in your voice, which is that you shouldn't be, you know, it's almost like everything that you say is a, because they lessen, you know, and, and like, so, whatever. I'm so, so, so, so I said, so I say, yes, that's correct. I mean, your implication is written on the wall, which says, Thou shalt not be comfortable. And now shall you know what? I mean? It's, it's so implicit in what you're saying, and that's just the cultural conditioning of society. It isn't about helping the audience. Whoever wants to
To get help to believe me. They will they will reach the way they have to reach. They will do what they have to do. But the more that you have to bend down and make up for the lack of sincerity by, you know, the bending of your posture, that's a waste of time and in quite frankly, not only is it a waste of time even if it worked, it's it's of no joy to me to do that. It's boring. You know, the there's I have no interest in
that. So let me ask you then between
In the whole lot. I know your perspective on self-improvement right versus arrival. So what I'm interested in now is I hear you say, that is, what do you call everything good between where you are right now and that arrival destination where you know, you're getting closer to the truth. Is that not progress? Is that not to like, what do you call that?
Yeah. So these are very, very difficult conversations because the language that we're speaking.
You know, maybe English but it's a whole different plane of conversation, you know, it's kind of like when they say that, you know, God does not get sad or, you know, basically, the only the idea of sadness is in the is in the human framework. Why would you even apply sadness to God? And the only reason that you would is because the only way that a human being can view things as through his own framework, right?
So God God if he exists he might say well what is sadness I've ever heard that before. Right? What you mean by that and so so when you say what do you call that? I mean, there's no the name that I gave you your going to apply it in the world of the culture and it's not going to have them. You know, how
do you think of that the in
between so it isn't it isn't there is no in-between. There's only there's only the sincerity of the path that you are on.
On. So when someone is genuinely on the path of Truth, he'll know. He's on the path of truth. From the very first step, when the person is on a path to prescription. He's on prescription from the very first step, and those paths do not meet. So it's the nature of the path. It is at the progress bar. And the reason that you have progress bars is because no one gets anywhere, and the reason that no one gets anywhere is because prescriptions don't get you anywhere. And that doesn't mean that you should not follow prescriptions. They just they just they
Don't. And I implore that no one take that to heart and say, well, I'm not going to follow prescriptions anymore. That would be a waste of time. It's about. It's about if you have the sincerity or the desire or the longing or the interest, or over the attraction, to the idea of looking into prescriptions and how they sabotage human beings, and they simply are have absolutely no possibility of getting anyone anywhere that is consistent or permanent then.
You will if you don't then you don't but it isn't about me to say that you shouldn't follow prescriptions because that itself will be a prescription
for. Of course. I mean I get that part for you personally. Do you do you look at it as a path towards your own truth, or do you look at it? Do you get up every day? And you just know intellectually or, you know, however, you want to think about it that that's your singular mission in life.
And whatever comes through you, that day is leading you towards that.
So, imagine imagine a person who is Smitten by the stock market, right lasso, right? So imagine this a person who just lives eats and breathes the stock market. Now, the moment that he gets up, you know, he starts checking, you know, his portfolio start looking at this talks charge looking at the map markets, are looking at the Dow is looking at all these things. And then on the TV, he has the ticker going across the screen, right? And and he's got the Wall Street.
Journal and he's got all the stuff that was. So everything in his life. You could never. So if a person who is obsessed with the stock market and by the police, nothing little good or bad here. I'm just making an example. A person who is obsessed with e. Yeah. Well, we
me this look be being obsessed with the stock market is, you know, very detrimental to your
health. Nothing is detrimental to anything. If you're, if you're if you're obsessed with, you know, self-improvement that isn't healthy either they're all dead end. So it doesn't really matter.
So, but if you will, so imagine this guy, if you, if you take a cross-section of any point of his day, there is never a time that he is a neither looking or thinking about the stock market. And so that is his path. That wasn't. That wasn't even consciously, chosen it shows him. So it's the same thing with the truth. So it isn't, it isn't, you know, a person who is obsessed with the truth. He never he never leaves that.
At so even if he goes to buy a gallon of milk, he's thinking about truth and and that's why that's why it is. It is really counterproductive and really of no use full of no value for someone to say. Well, you know, well, how often do you think about truth and do you you know, how many times a day? Do you think about a person is a pistol true? He never leaves it, never leaves it and that's why all these part-time spirituality.
You almond go meditate for an hour or 20 minutes. And then I'm going to go see this over here, you know those things once again, they're not wrong. They're not wrong. You're not killing anybody, not wrong, right? Leaving killing. Someone's done wrong, but that's another podcast. But, but, but but they're not, you know, wrong. It's just, it's just that's, that's prescriptive. And even being prescriptive is not wrong. It's just that, that won't get you anywhere and even that's not wrong. It's just if someone really wants to get
Get there for that rare person who really wants to get there and to arrive and has gotten sidetracked by the misinformation that prescription is the way to get there. Then that person may benefit from knowing and and experimenting with the idea that prescription will not get him there because because quite frankly, for the most people, They Don't Really Care. The prescription won't get them there because they're only looking to get anywhere, right? They enjoyed. As you said the
They enjoy the practicing, right? They enjoy the. This is part of my day and I go exercise over here and I go see the meditation instructor over here and I get my yoga mat over here and there's nothing wrong. I'm not belittling them. That's just what they do. So they're not interested in an arrival. So for them, it really is of no consequence to know that prescription is not the way because that isn't, they actually seek prescription. That's what they actually want. So this is for the one who really wants to arrive but
gotten sidetracked
and do you get a sense of that arrival? When the things that used to arise in your mind? Don't arise anymore. Do you know that? Yeah, is that kind of have this, what you start to feel?
Yes. Yeah. Something within you, begin to transform and it happens all by itself, and it's all about, it's all about exposure. If you were only exposed to One Thing, One Thing, meaning one way, which is the prescription way. That's all you will.
That's you. What else would there be? And that's why it is such an antithetical concept for most. It's a, it's a tectonic shift concept. That is. It's, it's almost insane. What do you mean there is? No. How because when someone it's all that they've known for 40 50, 60, 80 years is the how and there's been, no, no, contrary view, right? No opposing view to that that there is or even an
Eggs, then naturally. That's the only thing they're going to know
computers the writing that you do everyday, help you with your
mind, you know, the writing, the writing just comes from this ethereal place that I can't explain and it it really is. It really is about the, the emergency
integrated think it's
poetic. Well, you know, the poetic, you know, if it, if it happens to be poetic that some Demon poetic that perhaps
Is a is an intersection of the sort of the speaking in tongues, you know, unselfconscious free-flowing stream of of internal feeling that sort of being channeled from somewhere else, intersected with some small facility of talent for the act of writing. And so that maybe, you know, where some words might come from, or
You know a sentence that you know, one person may perhaps think is nicely phrased. You know, I think it's the intersection of those two things.
And are you writing for yourself or are
you know, it's, you know, share with others. Yeah. It's a good question. You know, it really it really for me is about the immersion and if I if I write to teach, if I write to instruct, if I write to even the right to help from right for another
It really, isn't it? It really, it really isn't a an out-of-body experience. It becomes more like a work and I have no interest in working. So, so it isn't, you know, I could say, I suppose you could say in some ways. It's for myself, but it's even beyond that. I would say. It's it's from Beyond myself somewhere. It just, it just comes. So it isn't, it isn't, you know, will read this, and then go implement this, you know, and you know, that's
I know that's what the world is used to, but that's not just not what this is. It just comes from somewhere. So it really isn't a for something, or someone. You know what I mean?
So, it's definitely not for an audience. And you certainly, I assume you're at a point where approval disapproval you're completely agnostic to that.
Yeah, and and, and I hate to even say that because because I don't want to take a shit. Yeah. The thing is though. It's true, but I don't.
I don't want to take ownership of that to say to imply like like look where I've arrived. Like, I don't care what anyone thinks, you know, it's I will say very, very softly and almost apologetically that way, I don't really care if someone likes it or not, or if they agree with it or not. In fact, I don't like agreement. I don't I don't it doesn't interest me. I mean to get in all these things sound so out of the mainstream, right? You know, yeah, I
A lot of emails saying you know, thank you. I guess you know, changed my life and it wasn't me. It was the words. And if they if there was some it was some communion between you and the words, right? He was that communion which helped you in some way but so I don't want to see it. Yeah, I don't care whether you like it or not as if I'm taking ownership of some characteristic that I've successfully achieved. Its it just happens to be that way. That I am not really interested in if someone likes it or not.
Yes, but I but I say it very softly not so that I won't be offensive. I say it softly because I don't want to have any ownership of any. Any characteristic that I can sort of plant a flag and say, this is what I've achieved. I've not to be humble. I just have no interest in that.
I know that and I appreciate that and certainly like the comments that you get when people say that you changed her impact. However, you want to take a look at it of people's lives. It certainly happens, and I'm always saying that to you.
Isn't that also were kind of Freedom lies is when you have that sense of independent from what people
think and an obvious. There's absolutely enormous. That's one that's one of the the greatest Milestones of Freedom that there is is to be completely independent of the opinion of others and even more, critically. The next level is to be completely independent of the opinions of yourself.
Do you analyze it all the relationship that you have with yourself? I know it said that an incredible amount.
Version and obsession with doing what you're doing. But do you, do you feel like you have a peaceful relationship with
yourself? You know, I'm sort of so deep into the fibers of it that I that I don't really take a step back to say, what, you know, where where it is so that I can put a plaque on it. You know what I mean? So like there. There's, there's such a natural Obsession. It's not good or bad. They're there just is such a natural Obsession for
The arrival at truth and all things that I never liked stop and then take, you know, step back, 10 feet and say, what is the relationship? It will be call this piece. What will be called this, you know, not not really interested. I mean, it nothing is ever that clean, right? I mean, even if you look at, even if you look at a river, I mean, the, the purest River, you'll have some places where it's murky and then you'll have some places where it is crystal, clear? And in the murky part isn't trying,
And to become clear there, just happens to me, maybe some seaweed in that area or a collection of rocks or a little bit of sediment which makes it look more key. So it nothing is ever linear. And nothing is ever clean. Its everything. Everything is an immersive that which is genuine as an immersive process and there really is no judgment as to whether it's this sort of
that, you to me, are in constant examination mode. And as I was sharing with you on this,
You call this morning with, with a couple of these leaders. I could just sense in the tone of their language and in the verbiage and just what I see on camera is that they're not actually struggling with their companies are struggling with themselves. And that's what triggered me asking you that question. I was it's very visible. When you, when you see somebody who has a really appears to have a really challenging relationship with themselves.
Well, there are no business problems. There are no Sports problems. They're only human problems.
Alms all conflict is self conflict. That's right, right. Yeah, that's something. That's probably been etched in my mind for a while. A friend wanted to go asked me to wanted me to ask you a question about friendship. How do you look at friendship? And how valuable is it to
you? It's a good question. You know, like, I'm not any standard right to which to by which to judge. So it's not about following any
Thing that I, you know, how I view things it, you know, everyone has their own life and what we're not, you know, what I will say, what I will say is this and and before even saying it, it's once again, it's critical not to take it to heart because if you follow it and prescription eyes, it it's useless to you if it connects with you on a non intellectual level. Then so be it anything that you attach to in this life. You'll pay a price and whether it's a thing or whether it's a person.
And and and you just can't have a conversation with someone who responds to that by saying, then what should I do? Should I not have any friends? Should I not the answer to that? Is this silence that you can't respond to that? Because that isn't a sincere question, you know, it isn't about if, if that statement struck something in you than it did, if it didn't, then obviously it didn't if it led to that kind of question. So, the truth is that any form of attack?
Mint, dependency, or Reliance in any way upon any human being? I don't care if it's your children or your wife. It doesn't matter. I don't care if it's your parents. I mean parents will go out of their way pairs will give their lives for their children. Okay, but if but if you but you have to understand that a human is a human first and that isn't to be compassionate. That's just a fact. A human is a human before he is a father or mother or brother a sister a
Son, whatever. He may be, is a human first. And if we, if we, if you view humans as humans, and you understand that fundamentally a human will always be a human first before. He will be any role that he or she plays. Then you will understand that to attach yourselves to, that human is to attach yourself based upon the role that you have created, and to attach yourself based upon the role that you have created.
You are going to invite loads of misery because that is a square peg. In a round hole. You are viewing the human through the role, you know, child-parent Sister whatever it is, but that isn't the allegiance of the human, the allegiance of a human is to his humanness, to his freedom, much more than it is to his role. And I'm not saying that they will be allegiance to the roll.
But that won't comfort. That primarily on a primal basis that will not come first and that it and that isn't good or bad. It isn't right or wrong.
That makes so much sense to me. If, if you're sitting around with your boys, having a conversation about friendships or relationships. Do you ever inject your own perspective or
do you know, that's a dangerous question? I, you know, yeah, so it's what are you going to get? If you talk to me, right? I mean
I'm going to tell you what it is, and you're probably not going to be ready to hear it and that isn't a hierarchical thing. It's just, it's, it's just so many crazy talk, right? So, yeah, I've told, I've told them both that, you know, you don't really have any friends. There's, you know, at the end of the day, the person that you can rely upon most is yourself, you know, and we'll be here to help you but at the end of the day, especially as an adolescent friend.
Chip is a disaster because in because this the environment, the culture and the generation in which we live in now, is the single most degraded generation ever to walk the face of the Earth for sure. And so if everyone perfect segue, right? If everyone's infected right by mass media and the
Language being used and the pop culture and the music which curses every other word and the movies that are, you know, put out from Hollywood are so bad that they're not even worth their time. And even the podcast that are put out there, all just prescription eyes, self-help. Jargon just garbage. I'm sorry. It just is man and the books that are published on the bestseller list. So when you live in a world in which
Each 360 everything around you is of of harmful, low quality, then anything or person that you pluck out of that place is likely to be saturated with these infections. So, unless you happen to pluck, that one in a million individual, who renounces, all of these things. You're not going to pluck Gandhi out of the, you just not. All right, so
So naturally, you have to look at the source. If you go to a polluted Pond, you're going to get polluted fish. So it isn't so much about people. It's about the environment. It's about the culture. If you happen to so-called befriend a person who lives in a remote Village in Africa or in India or somewhere, you know it you can't say for sure but there's because that source is more pure.
In more unless touched by the hand of modernity, then I would say there perhaps is a certainly, a more, a higher likelihood that that individual is, someone who will be a good influence upon you, but societal urbanites of the modern culture.
You you're the one in a hundred million chance that you're going to be friend or surround yourself with those who are going to bring you to higher Heights. In fact, I'm going to bring you to lower lows. And since you become your environment, regardless of your intentions, or your efforts, then it naturally is logical that so-called friendship and relations are a non-starter and
They're very
harmful. Does it surprise you that that people despite the fact that you are? Your purpose is not to help others gravitate to every word. You say?
I'm not sure how much how many gravitate you know, I'm not sure it. I would certainly say that those people who are fed up with the status quo and the the traditional norms and Cultural Society. Certainly might
Find a home in in, you know in this in this sort of approach and in these words, but I would say that for the most, it's too far outside the mainstream to, to Really perhaps catch their interest in any significant way, I mean. And and, and once again, what I just said, has no significance whatsoever because I have no idea how people feel show me. Sure. I'll, you know, I get the emails and I get that but
Once again, I mean this, there's a there's there after the last word to you the world. No, I mean
and I say it with all due respect because
well, I mean, you know, I mean you've asked me before you've asked me doesn't that make you feel good? And isn't that awesome? And I don't know. I mean, it's I would say it's good for them. You know, it isn't, it isn't good or bad for me. It's good for them. It's it's it's helpful for them if
They happen to connect with something and it Sparks something in them and it changed, you know, their way of living or existence, whatever it may be. That's that's great for them. But like, I don't I don't go on the lookout for those kind of emails and and responses on Twitter and you know, like that's, you know, and take like all those Pride from it. And once again, I'm not saying that that's like I'm so evolve that I do. I just want my, I can only raise my hands.
I can only raise my hands and say, listen. I can't, I just the interest isn't really there, like, it doesn't, you know what? I mean? That's not why I did it. So I don't take pride from that. They happen to get something. From the words. It was a communion between the words in them. And so be it. I mean, what else can I say? I don't want to take ownership of anything as if I'm going to stand tall and say yes, that does not affect me. And I don't want to own that. I don't, I'm just describing the way that I feel.
Oh wait, let me ask you to more other quick things. Again, a couple of kind of emerged today. And this is again. I really want your honest opinion on that. A lot of people were talking about. You know, this is a really great time to get in, you know, to find your flow. This is a really great time to train your mind to get in the zone and so forth. Well, but
hang on, but we'll stop, stop right there. This is a really great time to do all the as opposed to what as opposed to what
time as
Opposed to being comfortable with normality which is get up and go to work. And you
know what? It doesn't matter if it's, you know, if this thing happens to spark something in you, which lasts a lifetime, fine, but it's very likely that even even if your mind drifted towards. This is a very good time to do X, once the time changes. You'll revert back. So it's back to like, you know, New Year, resolution type things.
You know, what does that?
At flow or in the zone, mean, to you personally is that is
that it's a state of no-mind.
And and is that something that you find yourself there throughout the day or do you? Can you call that on demand? If you find your mind
cluttered? Yes, I can. But I asked for a thousand policies for saying that because I just do I it's very apologetic for me to say that. I'm just answering your question directly.
Because because that is not, that is an accomplishment that I'm proud of. It's, it's just, you know, it's just, I kind of just found my way my way there because I had to find the way there, you know, it was, it was, it was that obsessive to me. It was so that deep, but desire to me and therefore, I did, and that applies to any human being whatever. Someone's really obsessed by they'll get there, and they'll find it because there's no choice for them. And so,
And so, you know, so I say it apologetically because it's not some, some kind of, you know, feather in the cap that I want to walk around with and just don't, but I just answer your question
directly. Well, I appreciate it. So let me end with this and in terms of the deep examination that you're constantly doing on yourself. Are you primarily studying all the mistakes that you've made and trying to understand why they happened and what's causing
them? Oh, no, I already know.
All the mistakes. And
so what, what, what are you doing that? During that if, you know, mistake X happened? Are you just digging deeper into the lair of why they
happened? No, it's just about a genuine desire to understand the whole picture. It's about a genuine and obsessive desire of the longing to arrive at the truth, about all things. So mistakes are the natural result of lack of understanding. And a lack of understanding is to a large and significant degree. The natural result.
Of wanting to seek prescriptions instead of understanding. So, wherever a person airs, that is, you know, a person functions according to his level of understanding,
and it's all on inside game. Meaning what? It's all in your
head. But that has many connotations, you know, words are dangerous. Were what you did. Well, you know, what, you just said is going to be taken the cultural way and therefore, it's, you know, it's yes, it is.
All internal it is, it is not in other words. It's not that you did this and you should have done that, right? That isn't the mistake. The mistake is the mistake is to believe that there is of that that and once again, we're going to go with that, right? I mean, this is so ridiculously off the wall that, you know, we're on the other side of the Himalayas over here and we're talking to, you know, you know, we're talking on this side of the Himalayas at the Foothills, right?
Right. So so what you going to do with that? Right to say, there is no this or that but if you're going to, if you're going to put a gun to someone's head and say, you must say, what wrong are you? Okay? What's wrong, is this is wrong, and that is wrong, you know, the idea that you believe that there's a, there's a right way, is, is wrong. It's not truth. So the understanding in the arrival at that, understanding that it isn't about doing this or that, that is the understanding that one does not.
Have when they make error pain. Are it isn't because the lack of intelligence and or anything else. It isn't because behavior modification in Psychotherapy and don't get me angry. I don't go down that road, you know, all this self helps to you know, it just isn't there. It is about a fundamental lack of understanding as a result of a fundamental lack of the desire to understand.
I just I have to ask you this. Do you see generationally that the world evolves out of
the situation that we're dealing with better off worse off the same.
Well, if it's better off its going to revert, so it doesn't really matter at the end of the day, it is the, you know, this virus situation is just one more manifestation of just how far humans have drifted from their own nature. So this is just a detail.
So, what's different about war, right? I mean, there's Wars all around the world. Yeah. So if you look at every part of Of Human Action all around the world, you will see that the degradation of human beings is Manifest in every possible way. This is just another detail. This is this just another exhibit. A
And there's going to be more of this. So this is just happens to be under the category of, you know, biological infection and there's a hundred categories and they're all degraded. It's just that we haven't. So no one is, you know, everyone's sort of desensitized to war because it's been going on for so long. Well, this is the virus thing is, is sort of new to this scale, especially, and therefore, it's at the Forefront because this category hasn't
Lee been at least you know, in modern times seen to this degree and so these are all just categories human being. The human civilization has has sunk so low because it isn't because they did the wrong things and they need all this Kumbaya crap. It's it's because it's because
They have moved away from their fundamental nature. And whenever you move away from nature, catastrophe is the natural consequence.
Well, it's pretty anybody who questions that it's about as clear as it comes. Listen, man. It's always a highlight for me. I always appreciate your perspective, whether you like it or not, and, you know, it's always enlightening to me. Thank
you. Thank you, boo.