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Rational Optimism Is the Way Out
Rational Optimism Is the Way Out

Rational Optimism Is the Way Out

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Naval Ravikant, Brett Hall
4 Clips
May 24, 2021
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Episode Transcript
In general professions in which you get your feedback from other members that profession tend to get corrupted. When you see a journalist writing articles to impress other journalists, or a restaurant or running a restaurant that's designed to impress other Foodies and other restaurant towards those end up not being practical and high-quality, they may receive accolades and prizes within certain Elite circles, but they're not reflecting reality where someone who is getting feedback from either Mother Nature like a scientist and experimentalists or from free.
It's where other people are voting with their money and their time, those are going to be much better predictors. The people who are operating in the real world and are getting paid for. It tend to be optimistic people who are operating Ivory Towers are incented to be pessimists
to be an entrepreneur. You need to be optimistic about the fact that you're creating something that other people are going to find a value in. And people who have a pessimistic philosophy, tend to have a pessimistic psychology as well. If you're constantly thinking about all the ways in which the world is going to rack and ruin then,
Has a day-to-day impact upon your outlook on the rest of society and on your family, on your friends on everything, because you think that this world is condemned, so you're going to feel that weight upon your shoulders. And it's going to come through in the way in which you present yourself to the rest of the world. We see a lot of this on social media right now, entrepreneurs are typically too busy to spend a whole lot of time on social media, but you do get scientists academics journalists who are depressed with life because they have a
A pessimistic view of reality and that's got to have an impact upon their subjective experience of the world, unlike people who are creating trying to bring something new into existence,
but unfortunately, the pessimism is self-fulfilling. And here we take the stance that all Evils are due to lack of knowledge. Rational, optimism is the way out, the data supports it, history supports it. And we can always come up with good, explanations through creativity, to improve our lives and everybody else's lives. So, stay