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Jocko Evaluates Celebrities Slapping Each Other. Will Smith / Chris Rock. Oscars.
Jocko Evaluates Celebrities Slapping Each Other. Will Smith / Chris Rock. Oscars.

Jocko Evaluates Celebrities Slapping Each Other. Will Smith / Chris Rock. Oscars.

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Echo Charles, Jocko Willink
15 Clips
Mar 29, 2022
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Will Smith slapped, Chris Rock.
obviously, a lot of people are talking about it. I guess we're talking about it now, too. But here's the thing, my first reaction honestly, when I saw this happen, I was, you know, thought to myself. Hey, this you know, that's what happens. You talk smack. If you talk smack occasionally, you're going to get smacked, right? That's what
happens. And the reason I feel so now I was I didn't think much about it as an all. He's got smacked. I kind of chuckled whatever, but then everyone started getting like hype about it, right? Okay, so when you're in a seal platoon,
Occasionally someone's going to get smacked, right? But you're on a construction site, occasionally. Someone's going to get smacked obvious, but I guess more back in the day. But still, when you're at your house, with your brother, someone's going to get smacked, right? I mean it occasionally happens, things escalate now.
Does this mean that I condone violence, right?
A platoon scrap is not violence. You know what I'm saying? Like to high school kids on the same football team that that get in each others face, and maybe they get, maybe they had, maybe there's a takedown happen. Maybe there's a couple of slaps.
I guess we could include that as violence, but I don't, I guess I condone that kind of violence. Is that bad? No, and it's for a specific reason. Okay, like you're talking about Mutual, like accepted like two people fighting. That's different. Yeah, like yeah. Walking up to, you know, there's a reason though it first of all, a platoon scrap is not actual violence. It's a tension, release and it and it establishes or maintains, or keeps maintenance of the pack.
Order. Now, here's the thing, mind, you just like chimpanzees, right? You know, the chimpanzees, the fiscal power, like the biggest strongest chimpanzee. He won't actually maintain control of the tribe because eventually if he's an asshole, the other two or three chimps that are a little bit smaller, will gang up on him and put him out of power. It's the same thing in a seal platoon. You can't just go around beating everyone up or you're going to catch a Beatdown. So, there's a there is times when oh, there's going to be a van.
Fight, right? Or the to platoon guys are going to go out behind the mill van and throw it down. So that stuff's going to happen or casing, someone's gonna get slapped up for running their suck. And so it's a thing things, occasionally, get physical. And by the way, a slap isn't like a crazy.
Think slap doesn't really damaged. Right a slap, doesn't really leave damage. It's more humiliating than anything else. Right? It's a, it's a humiliation thing. It's a statement, but it's not to knock someone out. If I want to fight you, I'm not going to slap you. I'm gonna I'm gonna punch you in the face. Right? A closed fist is totally different. If I close my fist and punch you in the face out. I'm trying to hurt
Now listen, I don't get me wrong, if someone slaps you.
You're kind of authorized to retaliate. You could say it's on, right? But but tell me, I'm wrong here. Whoever slapped. You just gave you a warning that you're out of line. They're giving you an option to assess your behavior and Stand Down table slap people before and had them stand out.
So they might be right.
Right. When you if you're getting slapped by someone and you go, oh damn, like I didn't realize Echo was. So sensitive about this thing and I went too far and I assessing a leash. I crossed the line. Now, if you punched me, or it's on, right? There's really no choice. Right? Your if you are, you agree in agreement, that there's a difference. Yes, you punch somebody, you have effectively started a fight. It's a fight. If you slap someone you've really checked them, you pot. You need to be ready to fight because it's
Acceptable that. If you get slapped, you can point you, you're fighting. Yeah, but there is a difference between closed fist punch and a slap to the face.
You might have deserved the slap. Now. Did Chris Rock deserve to get slapped?
In my opinion. No, he's a comedian, bro. He's a comedian. He's roasting people. That's what he does for a living. By the way. He's sitting there. He's gonna roast anyone in that comes to that thing. Yeah. Is a viable option to get roasted and has always been like that by the always been like that. And by the way, Will Smith is a famous and successful actors not like he's picking on you ever heard that thing about punching up. Yeah. Have you heard this? It's okay to punch out.
But it's not okay to punch down. So you're not allowed to make fun of and this is, I'm actually mean this sincerely you're not allow. You shouldn't be making fun of someone that is in the less powerful position than you, right. You shouldn't be making fun of, you know, the the if you're, if you're out for dinner and you're wealthy person and there's a waiter and you start, you know, belittling the waiter.
You might get slapped because you're punching down, but it's generally more. Okay. For someone to take shots at someone that's above them. And and why is that? Well, because the person is in a position of power, they can kind of shrug it off. So this room, by the way, is filled with all people that are all rich and all famous, including Will Smith and including his wife. She's an actress too, you know, so she's
Will Smith slapped him upside the head. So why is that, why that happened? And I didn't really know. I don't know, much about celebrity people about Hollywood, right? I don't know much about this scene. But when I saw that, I saw the replay, right? Because I'm not obviously sitting around watching TV watching the Oscars. So I see the replay and I thought immediately, I thought to myself, he's got some issues. Right? And he had specifically, probably has some issues with his wife.
Anything about this dude, but I look any play in the replay. You could see he was lat, Will Smith was laughing. Mmm. That's a funny joke. He looked at his wife. She was pissed, then he gets up and smacks Chris Rock.
Were you say something? Nope? Okay, you're listening. Okay, so, well, if I'm Rob presumably from wrong because I'm just kind of, I don't know everything about this. I don't even know about these people, right? So, there's a bunch of different separate elements that make up this whole incident. Well, here's the thing. After I said to myself, there's something wrong with this, dude. There's something wrong with their relationship and turns. I was 100%, right? I was 100%, right? I found out that his wife that Will Smith's wife. She's and I don't know the details, but 100%, she's been involved.
With other dudes, right? Which is apparently they split up for a while or or they were together or whatever. But she was out with other dudes, and and I read a little section. She got interviewed about it and said, you got what's that? They both did. Okay. They yeah, they totally went public with that part. Well, check this out. She said she got quote, entangled with some other dude, and then this other dude, writes a rap song about being entangled with her like as
As if what that actually means. Yes, sir. So you got all this stuff eating at Will Smith, right? I mean this is eating at him as a. Now I I always thought to me in my opinion. I don't know anything about Will Smith. All I know is what I see, you know, on the front lines of media, right? This is the Fresh Prince Prince of Bel-Air, right? He just seemed like a nice squared Omega. That's what a strike, kind of what I was, as soon as I didn't know about all this other stuff. I know he had this crazy relationship with his wife. She's out.
Being with other guys and stuff, that's kind of drive him crazy, right frustrated. And then it's like they got, they got money going to Scientology up start uncovering, this kind of stuff with he gets wild real quick. So he's got all kinds of call, you got issues. And this is like a road rage incident, right? Or a person, or a person that swears at the cashier in the grocery store, right? Or a person that starts a fight in the bar. They're not mad at the cashier. They're not mad at the person that caught him.
Woof. They're not mad at the person. They're brought bump into in a bar. They're having a bad day or they're having a and Will Smith case. He's having a couple bad years, right? If, so, they're going to lash out and it's not good. It's week, he shows in security. I mean, you're super insecure. If you got a lash out like this it reveals a lack of
And it's just not strong Behavior.
Because the strong person is not going to get bothered by this kind of thing, right? It's a joke, right? You can't let that and this goes for her too. Yeah, right. Is there anything better to do? If I go Echo, you know, you wish you had some hair. Is there any better response than for you to say? I wish I did too. Hahaha. We all laugh, right? Or for you to go. Hey, don't make fun of my hair but like all day long. It's not a laughing. Matter of fact, you gave you gave one of the best responses I've ever seen.
On social media. I'm being totally serious. One of the best responses somebody on social media. I posted about a podcast and somebody wrote. Somebody wrote somebody wrote. I don't know why the other guy echo in the quotes even talks. He's got nothing to offer. He doesn't bring anything to the table and we, I wish he would just be quiet and let Jocko talk and you responded, and you responded. And you said honestly, I think that's a pretty fair assessment and I was like, dude, Echo.
Just won the internet. That's how you respond when someone's trying to, you know, trying to get in on, you know, trying to get their little Mark in on you.
when you go in the other direction, it gets super defensive. It's showing that it's bothering you. It's showing you that you are are insecure about the situation if you're a strong man, right?
You're kind of in an unassailable unassailable position. You people can say things units, not going to really bother you when you're a weak person or your, you feel like you're in a week situation, you feel exposed and you feel like you got to lash out, but there's nothing little, especially when someone just talks you nothing's gonna bite someone. That's a strong powerful human. They don't get bothered when someone chirp chirp side of it. Just rolls off their back, whatever, man.
But if you do get bothered, then there's something wrong. There's some kind of insecurity there, which is exactly what I think. This revealed Will Smith is probably insecure about his position that he is in, with his wife, which is a bummer man. I like I said, he seems like a nice guy and he acted out in a way
that, that makes him look like that. Look, could you say look? He Dishonored my wife. That's what it was essentially all about that. There was, there was, there was, there's the
You could go the path of look. This guy Dishonored, my wife.
Hey, if someone touches your wife cool, your cleared hot, right? If somebody does, something that's like radically offensive to her likes it. Maybe they say something that's just off the top ropes offencive. And you feel like, you gotta, you feel like you gotta crush somebody. Cool. Yeah, go go.
But if someone makes a joke about her, yes, e brought its kind of cut and dry with that horn. Okay. I didn't know it's cut and dry. Yes, if he says, here's his exact kind of cut and drugs is not yet. Nothing's really kind of. Yeah, but okay. So you say disrespect, you have someone disrespects, your wife in front of people all this stuff, which, which though that's kind of the two issues, right? That people are either for this whole incident or against the incident like for Will Smith era, you know, guy,
Guy standing up for his wife, you know. Beautiful. Right. People think or it's like yeah guy can't take a joke or a girl. Can't take a joke. Whatever, right? Which thing is bro. What is it? He's not standing up for his wife brother. That was a joke from a comedian about a feature of, of Jada, Pinkett Smith. She has alopecia, which is the same as its balding. That's all it is. It's not like cancer. So she had to savor is shaver head or nothing. It's literally only for looks. That's what it is. They are losing. Okay, cool.
Not to say it's awesome. I'm not saying that, but he made a joke. He didn't disrespect the life. This respect. You can disrespect the someone's wife to me. Anyway, this much and catch a beat down in front of everybody. Very small amount. Yes, that wasn't it. That was making a joke. There's like a roast. Like that's that's part of the game that they're all interested. That's the word. Yeah, like look disrespecting is the kind of where it's not a joke or it's like like, oh, like I don't know if you would have said something like a, you know, you kind of deserve that or something something that's not a joke. Something that's disrespectful.
No, now you go into the realm of like, okay. Well Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith. That's who really couldn't take. The joke, is the girl. Yeah, Will Smith has just suffered the consequences of the situation. But guy because of what you said. This would have seemed to pry. Can't read his mind. I don't know. But this is what it looked like. Well, yeah, he's laughing and Jada Pinkett Smith, of course, she's not laughing. She's rolling her eyes, and then it kind of cuts. And then all of a sudden wants mrs. Madden going up on the stage are costing. The three key Toast of the freaking award show right there, and he's um, but
It's like a roast everyone gets roasted For Worse, stuff than that, by the way, not just, for balding, like, put bread guys are balding all day, every day, key. And guess what? They get teased about their bald head every single day, all day. And then, all of a sudden become sensitive about all of a sudden, it's this big disrespectful freaking attacking, someone's wife. And then this hero standing up from no value, guys couldn't take a joke because you guys are all sensitive and weak. That's what it was in front of everybody opposite. Yeah of hey, this guy's tough and
Great. Because you standing up for his wife. Actually. This guy is weak because he couldn't take a joke, a joke, and then he stands up to Chris Rock, by the way. What if it was another? Who's a tough comedian? What about Joe Rogan? Let's go. Let's just go. Let's go. Joe Rogan. Do you think was gonna stand up to Jordan here? No. No, he's gonna take the beating from Jada Pinkett Smith. That's what being he's gonna take. He stood up to we go. Chris Rock, and what's Chris Rock going to do? Nothing? Nothing, do nothing. Yeah, we'll spend those. I can stuff. Well, as far as Chris Rock goes,
My thoughts on Chris Rock, first of all, this this dude got caught completely off-guard completely and utter, utter lie, off guard. Don't ever ever ever let someone walk it. You like that in any situation with your hands down and don't cut and and don't lose control of distance. Right? Don't let someone enter your space without getting your hands, your feet and your body into a fighting position. Now, look this
It doesn't mean that you square off, doesn't mean you put your dukes up. Yeah, but you raised your, you know, you've seen this before. Like this is what we teach in Jiu-Jitsu. Someone's someone starts approaching you you put your hands up kind of like the hey, I don't want any problem. But now your protect your face. When you're ready to do something, you switch your stance from being Square. Which you know, your Square stance where you're just facing completely forward, you switch, you know, you drop a foot back and you put your hands up. And that's kind of looks like you're back in a way which you are because you're creating some distance. So you
Don't you don't let anyone ever walk at you without getting yourself in a position where you're ready to fight? Now? Listen, the dude had good reason a good excuse for this. No excuses. But his excuse is, bro. He's at the Oscars. I know talking to a world famous guy. That's about to win an Academy Award of him, you know, a guy that's worth hundreds of millions of dollars. And this guy's a known. This guy that saying stuff, Chris Rock is a known actual comedian and the standard
call at these things is people get roasted. So here's the deal lesson learned for everybody. Yes, no matter what the situation, someone starts walking at you, you get your hands up, you get ready to defend yourself and that's what you do. And by the way, Will Smith actually ends up kind of looking weak to because he sucker-punched the, Dude, any and Chris Rock, barely. I actually checked, he takes after he gets hit, he takes like a half.
A step back, and it's no factor to him other than it's, it's humiliating. Right? So then once he got slapped, he made a choice, he actually made a choice and he kind of read it the way that I was talking about earlier. He wasn't assaulted a little people like he got assaulted. Hey, you didn't get punched in the face. He didn't get knocked out. He didn't, he got slapped. And he read it as a warning that he had crossed the line. And like I said, the slap didn't even faze him.
Him, it was a weak slap. Like he chuckled immediately. He was laughing and it made a joke. He may Well that took him a second, but it barely moved him. He and then he kind of laughed it off.
You can see Chris Rock was totally like shocked and surprised and he didn't really know what to do. So he lighten the mood. He tried to make a joke. He said we'll smash Will Smith. Just smack the shit out of me. Trying to deescalate, right? Trying to deescalate, good for him. You know, he's trying to he's a professional. He's trying to deescalate and share. This might be people right now. Like, you gotta be kidding me if you get stopped. Well, he's trying to maintain this whole freakin big deal. What's he supposed to do? We gonna We gonna get a fight right now. Yeah. Brawl. He decided not to do that.
And he decided that he decided probably almost instantly that this guy's got frickin issues like this guy, you know, it's like when you're driving your car and somebody cuts you off and they start going crazy. Like, you know what, this guy has issues this guys having a worse day than I am and Chris Rock realized real quick. Hey Will Smith's having a worse life than me by a long shot. He might be rich. He might be famous and might be a movie star. He might be getting an Academy Award, but he's has a worse life than me. He's hooked up with a crazy woman. Apparently. They're in weird cultish activities with Scientology.
She like, this is a nightmare. And so, Chris Rock completely surprised tries to make out. And then we'll Smith starts yelling, dude. Yeah. And swearing and and Chris Rock's. Like, it was a joke, dude. That's literally what he says. It was a joke, dude, and, and then yells again. Keep me. Keep my wife's name. How your fucking? I like, you can tell, no, okay. He's this guy's not he's not healthy, right? This guy's not. Okay, and then Chris Rock.
Again, you got to give him some credit. He totally detached. He didn't lose his temper. He just act like a. He actually act like a man right now. Look.
Is there part of me that if he would have like duct and delivered like a left hook? And not this dude out that would have been that would have been every kind of Epic, right? Yes, sir, but he didn't do that because he already failed nine different ways by letting this dude get up and get close to him. So he already screwed up but I'm talking after it happened. What was his reaction was? He going to do like run after him and have people holding back and start that whole thing? Now that he would have really look stupid. So he was caught off guard by this happening so bad that it took.
A couple seconds to realize that once you realize the position he was in, this is where this were all given credit. Once he realized the situation. He was in he didn't make it worse. Yeah. Yeah, he salvaged it to the best of his ability. And by the way, you know, he had to put his he ego in check to do that. Right? He he had to put his ego in check to do that to stand there and be like, hey everybody, that guy's got issues and I don't I'm actually I'm actually a grown-ass man, that is secure in myself and
And I'm not going to react to this idiot. That's losing his mind, over his wife, that obviously has issues. So, he dies collated. Now, if he wanted to, if he gets fired up now, dude, he could rip this guy apart by being verbally. Like he could go. He could make a YouTube video that would get 100 million views of him. Just bashing this guy, making fun of him. Hey, this guy slapped me. It didn't even feel it. Oh, hey, way to beat you. He could just go off. He could pull their hole.
Freaking weird relationship. This open relationship. The fact that this girl's been running around with the guys, the fact that they're in a weird cult that, you know, like all this crazy. He could just rip them a, but he could rip him apart. He could rip her apart. He could do that. He could do that. He could shred him like in a in a YouTube video, but I think Ashley the power move.
I think the power move would be to say Hey, listen Will Smith is clearly not happy. He's clearly having a tough time in his life. I never would mean to hurt anybody's feelings. If I knew it was going to affect him. So deeply, I wish him the best. I hope he heals up. I hope he, I hope everything works out. Hmm. That would be kind of like, Chris Rock. Doesn't have much anything to prove, bro. He's a legit guy. He's a self-made guy. His mom was a school teacher and his dad was a truck driver. He's
Eight kids from Brooklyn, right? And he's one of the most famous comedians of all time.
And he's one of the most famous comedians of all time.
So he doesn't have anything to prove
you know, once he got smacked, he already looked kind of dumb letting it happen getting all nuts. Afterwards. Like I said, would have made him probably look even dumber. He wasn't even heard. He wasn't even fazed. So like I said, he should not let it happen. Don't let people get in your face like that. Don't get emotional, you know, if and, and don't let don't let people talking smack.
Affect you emotionally like that. It's just embarrassing and imagine if if Will Smith, if he would have done that and he would have gone up to the microphone late late, you know, when he got his award and he would have said something then something that he could have fought through and said something powerful, you know, if he said, listen, you know, my wife has this disease and it can be really hard especially in this industry and, you know, to me the most, the reason, you know, I love my wife is
Who's you know, whatever. Like he could have, he could have really risen above it, and come across like, a really powerful good dude, but unfortunately lost his temper. And, and just cause this whole scene. So what can we learn from it? Keep calm. People are going to talk smack. That's what's going to happen in life. Don't get spun up. If you're getting mad. It's probably because you're insecure or they're striking at some level of Truth. So be careful of that.
Remember that, if you're the one that's talking smack.
You don't know what the other person is going through. You don't kind of day. They've had and if you run your mouth you might get smacked, so don't be surprised. If you're running your sock, if someone gets up and slaps you in the face. So and that means don't let people get into your personal space without getting into some kind of a defensive posture.
That's what I got. Those are some thoughts. I'm sure I'm not right. I'm sure I'm not wrong. I'm sure there's some things that I don't know about the situation because I don't know about these freaking weird Hollywood characters, that who, despite their Fame, and their money, and their luck, and their entourages. And their position of elevation in our culture. They're still just human beings, and we human beings are still just animals. So, try not to act like one.
Stay safe, everyone out there and do me a favor. Be nice to each other but wait though. So wait, so what's the? So there's no consensus then for you. Like like, was it right? Was it wrong? There's 40. There's probably a hundred and fourteen critique points where this could have gone in different directions. You so it's not like right or wrong. There's a bunch of right, and right or wrong decisions that are made to hallway, right? You're so right because you started to stink this thing when you're saying them.
You got to expect. Okay. So okay. This to the two sides, right? Where it's like, okay, you got a comedian making a joke, right? So people when you make jokes about someone, especially if you make a joke about a girl, like, I'd like a roast joke to a girl in front of her husband. Just think of just think about that regardless of where it was Oscars. No Oscars, whatever, your you making a joke about a girl roasting a girl, a female in front of her husband.
If you were to take a multiple jaw true or False, A and B question, do you expect to get slapped by the husband? Or would you not expect to get slapped by the husband, bra? Half of us would say? Yes, you should be even more than half put. They're both right, you know, like they did to put it this way. Eat any answer is not surprising. Right? If I roast a girl on the street. Now a lot of times I get it where it's like comedians is a joke and it's in a setting with a joke or whatever. By the rule doesn't change much. Actually check this out bro. You and Sarah, Charles go to The Comedy Club. The comedy
Of whatever. It's called in La Jolla. Yeah, and you're sitting three rows back and on the front row and the Dude Looks out there. He sees Sarah Charles and she's like, you know, she insults her. You're sorry. The the he the comedian insult sir. Yeah. So if he you're at a mere at a little comedy show. Perfect. Yeah, that's actually a good question. So I'm at a comedy show, right? And a comedian makes it depends. It depends on the joke. So okay, so and even that, that is a bunch of
Wait, so what I mean, dude, there's like the Joe level of joke insult would have to be insane. Insane for me. It means did I end up and smack it, dude? Hundred percent. So, by the way, I wouldn't slap him. He would have to say something where I'm attacking him to kill him. I would say, to answer your question, if put it this way, the worst realistic scenario is like that he'd say something about Sarah that she's insecure about that really hurt her feelings.
But that doesn't warrant me going be in trying to beat up the comedian. Yeah, it doesn't want me that at all. Yeah, first of all, like that, and this is just my side of the thing. Not the comedian side, the comedian side. You got to expect that kind of stuff. You start roasting girls in the husband comes Max, you bro. You gotta be ready for that half percent for that hundred percent, but I'm not the comedian in this scenario. I'm the guy okay, there's a difference between how you feel and then how you behave, I've surgery for where yeah, you can offend me. What's the grown-up thing to do for real?
Like I understand Defending Your Wife and someone's attacking your wife and standing up for your wife like all. I understand that, but at a comedian shell, yeah. And a guy makes it look even if the shitty joke. Yeah, and it hurts your wife's feelings products. Different. Yeah, but you don't like the show. We'll just leave. Yeah, I'll be like, hey, you want to leave. I get it, you know, and you just leave that's night. You're not not defeat, you're not failing to defend her honor just because she got offended by the joke. Yeah. Well, that's a whole different thing. You know, what's interesting about this is let's say, you know, the
Say I was the comedian, right? And I'm 230 pounds and I'm up there and I would start ragging. There's some guy that's 70 pounds, whatever 150 pounds, and he's a nerd, and he doesn't train, and he, and he, and I certainly, eyes are a ragging on his wife, right? He knows that he can't fight against me, right? And that's real obvious. Right? But here's the thing.
Let's say.
The roles are reversed. I'm in the crowd. There's a 150-pound nerd, comedian up there. I'm there with my wife and he starts talking. He starts insulting. My wife. I actually don't have the riffs, or the, what's it called, like the Schick to talk smack back. He's a professional shit talker. So, if I engage with him, I'm actually going to lose. He's gonna make me look even stupider. Yeah, he's gonna go. Oh, you can't put a cent of that your best comback Ive.
Got all these things ready. So it's an uneven fight. So it's kind of an uneven fight for Chris Rock. They said that, he told that joke during rehearsals and no one ever was like laughing. Thought it was funny. They were laughing even during the thing. Yeah, you can left. So, so,
You have an unevenness of, you've got someone with a microphone and you've got the person in the crowd and you've prepared to insult them and you probably have some comebacks ready. Well, just because that's what you do. If so, that's why I'm saying even to eat, you know, if even if you're going to yell something back, you're engaging in combat that you're going to lose. That's my point. If you live, you like don't talk about my wife like that, you know, the what he's gonna say to you. Next is gonna just,
Are you? Yes and her. Yes, right. Yep, it's going to. So what your best to do is laugh and look if she's totally insulted. Cool. Well, we'll walk out and even as you walk out, expect to get stabbed with some shots in the back because that's exactly what he's like, fun to you. Oh, she's must be real insecure about that. I can tell why, you know what? I mean, like it's coming, it's gonna happen. So it's best to keep control over your emotions. It's best not to give people the satisfaction of me, you know.
Know, if they can see it on your face. I mean, they're common in hot. That's one thing you learned in the SEAL Teams, right? If you show that, you're if that's whatever they're saying you bothers. You they're coming at it. So don't let that happen man. So there's another theory to about the Will Smith Chris Rock T. So this is I think in 2016 Chris Rock was hosting again and he was talking trash about Jada Pinkett Smith. He was he made a joke about a roasting her again. She wasn't.
I think that was the time. They're boycotting it maybe I forget. So Jada Pinkett Smith not they're not at the Oscars. So they're like something about Chris Rock's jokes. Had something said something like this where he said. Oh, yeah, Jada Pinkett was like, yeah. I'm not coming to the Oscars or whatever. I declined to come to the Oscars. And then he said, hey, you can't decline to come to the Oscars. That's like me declining to go into Rihanna's panties. I was never invited in the first place.
So, there is that, we're not. So he was roasting her since 2016. So maybe we Will Smith because he said, keep my wife's name out of your mouth. Maybe that had something to do with it. Some say, maybe it was boiling boiling over. Yep. And again, if you're Will Smith, bro, man, you got you got to let the stuff like run off your back and he's a comedian. Yeah, he's comedian and it's just going to be awkward now, but you know what? It kind of felt like to when you watch it because like he read he went up there, smacked a little guy around.
And just walked but turned his back to you and walk back. All casually and almost kind of proud. You know what it really came off and smelt like like like entitlement, like I'm Will Smith. I can just roll up and smack, guys, a smaller than me weaker than me because I get salty about their jokes and just walk back to my seat. It was super entitlements or your little pissed off about that whole scene, huh? It was, it was pretty wack. It was a bad luck for sure. And I wasn't pissed off. But I was, I was more like, you can see the violations on both sides.
Because comedians will do that too. Sometimes where they'll just make jokes and they're out there. This little guy, like, you know, this guy's not prepared physically for this thing. And I learned this, when I first moved here to San Diego where in y, if you talk trash to somebody, you just got to be 100% ready. Its tracks. Yeah. For cracks. Exactly. Right. For, at least this crap. Yeah, and this is not a like, there's no exception like you you got to be ready for that kind of stuff. So in say San Diego, moved to San Diego and I get it. It's a little bit more of an upscale club or
You know, little bit more entitled folk might frequent. So man, the way they would talk to me was like Brad was baffling. It was confusing to me, but then you can see it. In their eyes are like, brothers. Guess, not ready for any physical confrontation? And that's how some comedians can be. Yeah. So I was a little bit salty with that to I was like, oh Chris Rock, you know, you you know brother man brought it brought it back down to the streets and bright. You weren't ready for it bro, even though he did handle a good and it wasn't even that hard like, well, you know what it did when he swung he kind of almost like he was almost trying
Dodge it right at the last minute. So I don't think it connected as hard as it could have weak behavior on bolt on all sides. Be Careful thinking stuff right on. Anyways, I guess we'll add our freaking stupid opinions to this whole freaking dumb ass situation. Don't put these people on a pedestal. They don't deserve it. Stay calm out there, be nice to each other. That's what I got. We'll catch y'all later.