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The Daily Stoic
Why You Should Never Borrow Unhappiness
Why You Should Never Borrow Unhappiness

Why You Should Never Borrow Unhappiness

The Daily StoicGo to Podcast Page

Ryan Holiday
4 Clips
May 21, 2021
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Episode Transcript
Welcome to the Daily store podcast. Where each day, we bring you a passage of ancient wisdom designed to help you find strength insight and wisdom everyday life. Each one of these passages is based on the 2000 year old philosophy. That is guided some of History's Greatest men and women for more you can visit us a least out.com
Why you should never borrow unhappiness sometime around the year 64 ad senecas, friends. Lucilius sent him, a letter lucilius was nervous about an ongoing lawsuit. We're not sure what the suit was over, but we know that it was a serious case in that lucilius made himself anxious about the outcome and had written to Seneca for some advice. What did he say? He said, why are you borrowing unhappiness? Why would you be miserable now? Just because you might be,
In the future basically. Seneca told him, what will happen will happen. So, stop being anxious. And while this might sound, like, a strange thing to hear from Seneca, the creator of the premeditation malorum exercise that we have talked about here so often it's stranger, still considering that in the very same letter, Seneca tells lucilius, let us think of everything that can happen as something which will happen. How does that work? Isn't that contradictory advice? Nope, the
Point of pre-med. Etosha malorum, negative visualization is not to make you worry to eliminate worry by being aware of all the possibilities that lay before us, we can now proceed with our preparations. Who has time for anxiety. We should be fortifying ourselves for what may come. Why waste time preferring one outcome to another. We are ready for all of them equally but what if the worst case scenario happens? Okay, that won't be fun. So let's enjoy the present moment while we still can premeditation
Lorem, whether you carry it in your pocket, in the form of our Medallion, or you just run through it before, embarking on a project or a journey, or a long-distance flight is form of Freedom, a form of empowerment, a way to help you meet the future by season. What's in front of you right now,
so use it,
If you're looking for ways to keep these stoic lessons with you, check out our daily stoic store. These are all items that were designed to embody stoicism to help you carry the stoic practice with you. We wanted to make things that we would actually use ourselves. So we don't make t-shirts or stickers or wristbands we make things of super high quality that we stand behind that we think are awesome that embodies doses. Mm, we have our Memento Mori Medallion or a more fatty medallion
We have Prince with Marcus Aurelius quotes and so much more. You can check out daily, stoic.com / store for more. Thanks for listening and see you soon.