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Andrew Tate Interview Pt. 2
Andrew Tate Interview Pt. 2

Andrew Tate Interview Pt. 2

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Andrew Tate, Patrick Bet-David
23 Clips
Jun 12, 2023
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You know how sometimes like I've been in sales for quite a while if a guy who doesn't have any responsibilities and he single yes. Thirty thousand dollar month but only is going to Vegas having a good time and then he doesn't work as hard until he runs out of his thirty thousand. Three months that I got to go make to 30,000 again. Oh my God panic. I got to pay my bills. I'm beyond on the phone, let me buy this. Watch and make 40 Grand. I'm going out again. So it's very inconsistent, right? And then as you're in
sales longer, you're like, okay, the
The profile of somebody that's going to be more consistent is not a single guy. It's a guy that's married kids, homeowner and all those three are signs of what married commitment, homeowner commitment, responsibility. Kids, commitment responsibility. Last time we didn't talk about your kids at this point. I think it's public video. Your daughter, running to me, give daddy a kiss. All the stuff everybody knows at this point. Do you when you're in jail? Sometimes I sit and I got
Books on my desk. I'm like, I'm like 50 bucks behind and I like to read. I know you don't talk about reading a lot, but I like to, I'm like I'm 50 books behind, but I bet, if you're in a place where you're in jail, you're forced to think you're forced to Andrew, you don't have to phone, you don't have a computer, there is no emergency podcast, go away and think you're sitting there like, okay, family kids, you know what, it's really all about those decisions decisions when you think about your kids.
Does it influence you to say? What are you doing this? You know, why are you? Why are you going through all this stuff? Maybe got to make some changes in your lifestyle and if yes in what areas or does it say? No double bond, even more, cause I'm fighting for them. And that's a really interesting question. I'll start by saying, how thoughts in jail or different than thoughts in the outside world because this is actually an observation I had in the outside world. I don't think you carry a thought for very long that you don't want to carry. You can sit and think about something if you want to, but if you don't want to think about something, these get found out.
Some pubs in your head, I don't get fun. I'm just crackers or you get your laptop or you call someone where you do something, right? It's not very often in the real world, the real world. You thought you don't want in your head and you have nothing to take it away. You have no phone, you have no outside interaction. You have nowhere to go what a perspective. You're just stuck. Yeah, you're stuck with yourself. So, there were times in jail were for the first time. Like I have a lot of mental control, but there was the first time ever. I'm battling with my own mind saying I don't want to think.
About this. And I put another thought on the way they kept, it was on the door of knocking on the door all the time. And this is for weeks because there's no, it never does. Every day is the same, you never get the inter outside interaction, and you also what made it worse? Is you never get the answer that. You know like the open-loop if you ever say to somebody I'm gonna tell you something. I'll tell you later and it bothers them. That's what jail is like because you might think of something doesn't matter what it is. I won't say what my fault was, but I'll give you an example. Let's say,
II thought. When did Constantinople fall what year? I can't just Google it. I don't know. So stuck in your head, right? So you have this - you don't know the answer normally in life when you want to know something, you find out, but in jail, you don't seem like, I don't like I can't get this out my head. So when you have a negative thought, yeah, specially, there's an open loop to it. You need to know something. Or you want to know something, you can't get it out of your mind. I would sit there for hours, just meditate and trying to just
Keep the door closed on negative thoughts. It's really difficult. So really strange experience and maybe in normal jail in Western countries where you get to go and interact with people. You can distract yourself, but I was stuck in a room for 93 days in one room, I did not leave. That was where I was, I was allowed to go to the fridge once a day, which is a three meter walk and back, then it in my room, you and Tristin are in the same room or know at the beginning, we weren't, but then, we ended up in the same Academy. Yeah. So, yeah, the thoughts in jail are very pervasive and it's also a long time.
Time maybe, never maybe, never an outside world where I had a thought in my head for weeks and weeks and weeks and you just satisfy the problem. You fix the issue in the real world in jail. You can't do that. So yeah. Family and kids and those are the positive things that you do think about.
But it's difficult because I think of children, I think of legacy and then you're going to think of your Legacy, by your children, you think of your Legacy by your actions and then you have to sit by extension go. Well, truly, truly on my deathbed, truly, will I be happier if I gave up? Well, if I continue to tell the truth,
I'm scared of the regret of thinking. You know what I was, most famous man in the world and every man on Earth was listening to me. And I was really making a difference by got scared. I don't think I can live with that. I don't think I can live as a coward. I don't, I feel, I feel like a pussy. I just feel like a win and sometimes inside of men, that's all it takes for us to do the most stupid things there is, the idea of feeling like a coward, a man will run into a burning building to not be a coward. If the if the firefighter they go, there's children in there and the whole buildings on Fires have like a coward.
Our, I'll fuck it and you risk your life. It's something that's built inside of us, honor and pride. It's something that should be. So they're trying to take away from us but it's what used to be built inside of men. And I just feel like
I can't give up. I know what I'm doing is good. I know what I'm teaching is good. I know people don't like it but I know I'm not teaching anything, that's bad. And yeah, I want my children to be happy but I have daughters to. And how do you make sure that your daughters are secure and have a good future? Well, I think you do that by building. Good men. How else do you do? My daughter is mine now, but you won't be mine forever. She's going to marry somebody. I like the idea of her marrying. A good man with honor and principal a man like me. I don't want to marry some idiot. So they call me a misogynist and I'm
The woman, I'm Pro woman, the best way you can improve the lives of women is make men. Better men that are at being men because when a man is a good man, he's good for all of society, including women is good for everyone around him when he's good at being a man. So I feel like I'm helping them as well by extension and it's difficult. And yeah, I I can't say with honesty that I strongly considered, giving up, it never crossed my mind that it was there for a second. Do I need to do this? And after, like, half a second is again, I do, I do.
No, why? I can tie. It doesn't make logical sense. So, kids didn't influence it. One way or another. It's that's what I wanted. Kids made me want to do it. Kids made you want to do it. Kids maybe want to do it. We got it. I look up to my father as a hero and I would hate for my son's to look up at me and not see me as a hero because that's how I believe you should see your dad. That's a hero and I feel like I've and you're not hero without an enemy, you know hero without fight. Did they ever try to? And by the way I don't see this working effectively at all, but did they at all try?
Come in between you and Tristin or you and the two girls or the two of you and them, was there any manipulation and divisiveness divisiveness going on there? What about these stories that came out that you've got cancer and lung cancer, and then you were poisoned and these Matrix attacks. Yeah, so the cat planting these stories, I'll be making these things out. So the cancer thing is interesting because by Romanian law, every 30 days to extend to arrest, there has to be new information. They can't extend the arrest based on the previous information, so he put together.
All this garbage case and arrested me for 30 days to keep me another 30 days. They have to find something during that 30-day rest period to keep me for the second month. But of course, there's nothing to find. So, when I was having medical scans into by a scar, a dark spot was identified on my lung and I had follow-up tests booked for February. So, when, after the first 30 days, I called up my PA, and she said, are you coming to Dubai? I said, Well, yeah, if they let me go at the end of these 30 days, I'll come
Buy for my medical tests. They took that conversation and shown it and used it in court saying, I'm trying to flee the country and trying to escape the judicial system as motivation for the second months. Arrest, and the judge agreed and locked me in jail. Because I said, I would go to a medical appointment if I was 3 and I use that as proof. I'm trying to run because I had nothing else and the judge agreed it. Some reason kept me in jail, then everything Romania leaks. So it leaked the, I had this medical thing into by had a problem.
My lungs. And then there's a whole school here, and I decided to go to the hospital here and have it looked at because although I was not concerned, I thought, you know what, although it's difficult to do procedures in jail, I have time for once in my life. So I decided to go to the hospital here in Romania in Romania. Does have some private healthcare which is actually very high quality. It's not as poor as people think it is, and I went to a private hospital and I knew it wasn't cancer. I knew it was. I sat down the doctor and say, we're really concerned about the Starks vault in your lung. I said, it's not cancer. So how do
It's just not my life path. It's not my story. You told him that? Yeah. The doctors like, okay, but we have to investigate as I mean investigate, but it's just not my story as it's not cancer. 90 percent when BBC Kane. What did you have guys? Like watching every move? They were making you have to almost felt like one-on-one, right? Somebody's watching everything, they're doing, whatever you have to do it. Like you can't be, you have to be overly paranoid and skeptical with the they want to hear about, you know, Ricky tangs crime, Lord. They want to hear more about the crime syndicate in Hong Kong. I could tell all about it because
Currently, he's gonna get under control. But, um, yeah. I, this is the things. This is actually really important are going to before I finished a long story. So I went to the doctors here in Romania. Everything leaks. It leaked out to the Press, I had this Mark of my lungs, I supposed to go to buy, they've made me go to the by this and that's enough reason to hold me and keep me in jail. Which is absolutely insane. All because I was, I had a phone call about a medical procedure. It's crazy, but they were always going to keep me anyway. And find some reason. I went there, I had a bronchoscopy, the river had one of them.
I wouldn't call it painful, but it certainly horrible. So they put a camera in your lung so it's not that it's down your throat but in your lung it's not done with roads into the airway so you're trying to vomit and you're trying to cough and you can barely do either and they're moving. This camera around inside is extremely unpleasant, even suck. That had three years ago in Dallas for the whole allergy thing that you have a real girls. Yeah. They have to knock you out, it's terrible. Yeah, you've had this absolu. You awake or asleep? No, they gave me anesthesia. So I was I was asleep, bro. Here, how are you? I was awake wide awake.
Wide awake so excited. Yeah, it was they gave me this. They tried to numb your throat a bit and then they gave it to me. And the doctors all around me, it's kind of interesting because when something is in your mouth and you're choking, you want to grab it, right? So you're on a chair and your chant, let your tight tied to the chair. So you can't move your hands. So you're like, tied to the chair and you're like this. And they put this thing down your throat, this camera. And you're trying to vomit and you're trying to cough, but they can't move the camera when you're coughing. So even the guard armed guards who took me the police officer, the guy he was in the corner of the
But even he was like, I see this face is like fucking hell and I've I don't even want to re-enact it because it's probably so horrible to look at. But you're just like, like, you're trying to vomit, you're trying to call here. Like your face is bright red. You can't breathe and they're like, stop coughing. Stop coughing. Stop goofing on, you have to try and stop coughing for like two seconds. They can trust the camera a bit worse. 20 minutes, my life is horrible. They finished that and they go. Okay. Well the good news is, there's precisely zero smoking, damage on your lungs, and your lungs are perfect. But the lesion, whatever it is is on the outside of your lungs.
We couldn't see. So I completed that procedure went back to jail. That was a nice evening horrible. Anyone has bronchoscopy, I go to sleep. Don't stay awake, horrible. Then they said, we have to find it, we have to put, we have to biopsy from the outside of their lungs. So we have to put a needle for your back and needle like this long through your back through your rib cage to your lung a CT, guided biopsy, it's called, and take a piece of it and then pull the needle back out, and then do a biopsy on the piece.
Now they're like, this is an operation. Do you want to have it while you're in jail? Because I'm the bronchoscopy wasn't much to recover from. I had a really sore throat, whatever. But this is an operation. Do you wanna have it while you're in jail? And I was like, well, why not? I'm in jail, I have time. I can't recover, but I have time. So, I went for my CT guided biopsy. They put you on your front, they get, they show you the needle. It's like this long and then they stick it in you, and then they scan you with the biopsy and they try and see what the market is. And they adjust the needle and they scan. It's like 30 minutes of them shoving, this needle, and you trying to get to the right point.
And eventually they did, it did the biopsy and they said, yeah, it's benign some lesion on my pad from what I had, I had pneumonia when I was a kid or something tonight. I thought, I told you. I knew that cancer wasn't my life path. I knew it wasn't but obviously rumors spread like wildfire wildfire wild everybody in the state, especially because I think, because I smoke all the time, but it was actually very refreshing to hear. I have zero smoking down into my lungs zero. I was like there's zero. I mean, I'll accept a little pain, I'll take a little bit, but I think it's cause I train every single day I work out every single day. I train
Every single day I think you know you burn it off a couple cigars here in there and I'll be deals, not cigarettes, I think cigars lebreton cigarettes. I also believe nicotine is a super drug so I'm not going to stop. I think nicotine and get super drunk on exam. What does that mean? Nicotine and caffeine or what I run on. 100 100 Saul I run on coffee's for closers growing 10, guys. Only one that drinks coffee the Jetta to of, I really do. You know, who who talked about nicotine Tucker Carlson, talk about nicotine, right? Have you seen that one of you talks about nicotine where he starts his day?
Days off his day off with nicotine. Oh 100%. Firebird I have about 10 to 15 cups of coffee a day and two or three cigars a day. And I only eat once a day and it's funny because people have to 15 cups of coffee a day minimum,
Wow. You don't do drugs, zero drops. You'll do you have a sip of alcohol every once in a while, I used to, I haven't had alcohol nine months of quick, but you're running on caffeine, and nicotine and nicotine, it's funny because people look at my physique when I put pictures up in the, like, what's your real plan? I'm like, bro. Cigars coffee. It's once a day. Once a day. What time are you dinner? That's it. Only dinner and a so you do intermittent fasting for every 18 hours. What? Yeah, at 80 to 90% of my calories on me.
That's it, I'll just have like three steaks for dinner. Now, how much of that is genetics? How much is that? Like, I'm not sure if its genetic, that's just how I feel best. I feel best when if I smoke and drink coffee all the time, I feel hungry, which motivates me, and I feel energetic, it's energetic hungry. That's how I like to feel loved working. I want to be hungry if I eat. I'm tired, life's too good. If I am in my Mansion of just eat it, she's beautiful and little bit nobody. But about yeah, but if I don't eat I'm like maybe I wouldn't say angry but I like
To have that tinge of.
Irritable. This does that make sense? I don't know. Maybe I sound crazy. It's how I get things done. That's how I get life done. This is how I'm some coffee a day. Now we cigars and you eat once a day. That's right. And you train every day, I try every day and it's working working for you. It's how I feel bad. I don't know if I if you wrote a book on Tates diet, if that bullshit. Well I had I had, well this is interesting cause I had a blood test when I was in hospital for all these things and my testosterone level, I'm not going to pretend to be an expert on male hormones because I'm not, I don't understand them, I don't know what measurement it's in but it's between
I'm in 27 is the testosterone level the market between 9 and 27. The normal range I'm never taking steroid in my life. I don't inject anything I don't take any pills nothing and I was 32 miles above the normal scale and I'm 36 years old. So let's be going down. So whatever I'm doing and stick it. What was your diet and your regimen while in jail? There was no coffee. I had coffee. And cigarettes, don't worry, bro. I had this really, I spent my commissary money on coffee and cigarettes. I call feeds aggressive one meal a day saying, so there was commissary money. Yeah, so we had give you that. Yeah, so a friend of mine, put money on my
count. So I was a rich guy in jail because in Romanian jail, most people haven't got money right now. Okay. There's a limit to how much you can buy, but I was spending the maximum. So I plenty of cigarettes coffee. I actually quit coffee with now, we're talking about coffee and then I went back to the point I made earlier, but I quit coffee for the first 30 days in jail because I've never, I've never not been caffeinated. My experience of life is Catholic Catholic. If you write I'm awake. It's Kathy. It's not like I don't need energy. Now, I'm in jail. So I quit caffeine.
And all coffee for 30 days to see if there's any tangible benefits. And I can confirm to the world that there are not 0. I did not sleep any better. I did not go to sleep. Any easier. I did not dream anymore. Nothing. Absolutely nothing good happened, except I was tired. It was garbage. Look at my coffee back. I'm back too much. 15 coffee cups. Of coffee a day, reaffirms. Your Cloud to have that much coffee. The last time, I drink coffee, I was 25. We have really front, literally, we have one friend that drinks almost as much about the everybody Romney loves coffee including my love.
When year old son, Tico the him and his mom got into an argument the other day because she didn't want to take him to Starbucks, he said what it means. I want some coffee, so you're not having coffee at 11 years old anyways, but it's working for you. It's working for your body. Sometimes, when you, when you find a diet, or a combination that that hits your body, well, you'll know it, you'll feel it. And you have to know your body the best. Correct. I think there's no perfect diet for everybody. I agree. It's likely to agree. And that's just and I think you are what you eat to degree and also depends the mental
You want to operate under some, if I want to operate under comforter, I certainly wouldn't eat the way I eat. I do it because I particularly want to operate under a degree of irritability and high energy and hunger. I like feeling hungry. I don't like feeling full, I like being hungry all the time. I love that. I mean, that's, that's the quality of people where, you know, you can you can tell a lot from somebody, how big they think, after they make money and to have some success one day, make money, that's when they slow down, that's when they get casual. The hunger goes away, you'll really know. Somebody is hungry.
Re when they made money and they're still going, what is this guy doing still going? Yeah, you've already made the money. Follow the at the success. Let's transition to couple other stories here. So all of a sudden you put in your profile, obviously, I joked about a year the most Googled woman on Earth. You know, that was based on your Twitter profile, you know Nina Turner comes out and says, if somebody says they're a woman there, a woman. Not a tough concept, your responses. I'm a woman, right? You do that and you left it on Twitter. Tell us why? Because I am, you don't believe me, you're a woman or you Miss Jenny.
During me, I have to choose that you refused to agree with you. Rightfully hands, are she heard that but did the level of it's all a joke, right? But there's actually a very Sinister undertone to all of this garbage and the Sinister undertone, is that your Baseline instincts? And your Baseline senses are how you've always perceive the world, right? They have to attack them at some level and they did, I mean it's fantastic with covid covid-19. Oh we can talk about it now. It was amazing. I used to see people all the time. Who have you seen die?
Do you see a pandemic? Yeah. On the news. No, no, no. Do you see ambulances rushing back and forth. Wherever where do you see bodies on the street? Do you see lines outside of hospitals? Do you see appendix? How a pandemic would look? Do you see a pandemic? Oh, but my grandma, my friends Grandma, your friends grandma was 96, okay? So I'm not saying, it's not sad. I'm saying she was 96, do you see a pandemic know you don't, but they have just lied to you. So many times that you're ignoring your own.
Eyes. That's the final stage of the slave mind. It's the final stage. The final stage of the slave mind is when your eyes tell you this is green but the news told you it was blue. So has to be blue. So when they're doing these things is nothing to do with caring about the mental health of gender ideology. None of this garbage. They're deliberately attacking you and saying what your eyes tell you is wrong, because if they can make you start to admit that your own eyes are wrong then. What water defense do you have against prop?
And if they're going to give you a lie but your own eyes can't protect you. Well, then it's over, isn't it? So all of these things, they're doing all of these things are deliberate assault on the senses and they do it by controlling the language. If you control what someone says over time, you'll control what they think. You don't think what you don't say, it's very hard to live a life for eight years. If you're lucky and think things and never say them, you think it you're going to say it, sometimes you're going to give the idea, get some
Feedback on the idea, build on the idea, change the idea, whatever it is through discussion. If you never ever, ever discuss it, you're not going to think it. So they say this is the truth. Ignore your eyes and you have to say it. So truth you can't say, it's not the truth and the people are in charge of the world. They think generationally they have time right now. It's a joke. 200 years from now will be a joke to reduce an outlaw. Be fucking standard operating protocol the grandchildren, the people are in charge now that that's what they want. They'll pull it off in the end slow.
Incremental damage, they'll take they do with new everything to take all your rights of ethnic 100 of your rights away. They'll upset give you 99 back.
We're going again, don't worry. And there the grandchildren, the people in charge the world, get what they want in the end, they think generationally. So now we're at the beginning of, it's all a big joke, right? But especially before he on high Twitter, when you couldn't say the truth online, when you couldn't say, my eyes CX on the internet, without going to jail, losing your account. We're getting a hate speech charge and you care some garbage. They're controlling what you think.
And on a long enough time frame, what you think becomes true. If to we all believe two plus two is four boy the hard enough sayaka if you can't say that if you have to say, it's five on a long enough time frame math breaks down, and it was just going to believe that two plus two equals five. That's what do you think we're going to get there? Have you ever seen the experiment? There's a really interesting experiment with monkeys and a banana and a waterspout. You're seeing this. They put five monkeys in a in a room. And at the top of the room, there was a banana. And when one
monkey tried to climb up, to get the banana, they turn on the hose and splash, all the monkeys ice-cold water. So, the monkey will come back down and we can get the banana. I want another monkey would go to climb up. They Splash all the monkeys who likes cold water. And what would happen over time is what a monkey went to climb the Rope, to get the banana. The other monkey's would jump and pull them down and hit and teach him a lesson. Don't go for that banana, you're going that bad. I would get spikes along then they swap one of the monkeys out. Now there's a new monkey in the room. Does another game? The new monkey would attempt to climb and all four monkeys.
Attack the monkey pulling back down and kick his ass. He knows if he climbs to wrote to get the banana, he gets attacked, he doesn't know. He gets splashed with water, if he doesn't, if he gets there, he doesn't know the game but he knows if I try and climb, they're going to attack me laughter. Certainly a weeks to change another monkey and another monkey Another Monkey over time you have five brand-new monkeys who have never been splashed with water ever but nobody goes to climb the Rope because if they do they're attacked by all the other monkey's and nobody even knows why
That's just how it works. You climb that rope will beat you up, that's just how it works. That's what they're doing on a long enough time. Scale to humanity, there are already x amount of people on the planet. There's already a population X percent, who knows what it is who ignore their own eyes and repeat what they are told you can't say that that's not what they're doing because they're already successful with x amount of the population. They put gone to seed, is there two percent, three percent, 7 percent, who knows they've already proven. They can do it now. It's just a matter of not showing up and having
Learned of the Tamil get home. Make sure they repeated in schools. Children are young, they believe things are impressionable Hammer to the kids, especially put it in every Disney movie. Give it to the kids all day long. They grow up sooner or later long enough time frame, that's it, it's generational attacks. You think that's kind of work to do because I let me maybe I'll pack the question. So, I'm from Glendale, I want to go on to high school and still oily, right? So yesterday a big fight broke out in Glendale massive, it's all over the news.
So the fight was over these parents Armenian parents who are for four years. I like listen, we don't mind if you're gay but don't teach our four year. Olds about transgender, don't put these folks in finally yesterday. Bagel brawl, it's all over the news, they're fighting for our meaning parents are like, we're not going to tolerate this. This is just not going to happen to us, right? Then you go to YouTube, YouTube comes back and says, hey starting such and such all the videos that were put up about, you know, the election and you know, whether it was fickle a
Or not. We're no longer going to give a strike or take those videos down, they can stay out there. Right? This was totally fine. Then you see the Surgeon General comes out, the attorney. I don't know if you saw this one here, he comes out with an article saying, new Surgeon. General advisory raises alarm about the devastating impact of the epidemic of loneliness and isolation in the United States. This is the same guy that was part of the camp is now saying, hey, our epidemic of loneliness and isolation has been an underappreciated.
Good Public Health crisis that has harmed individuals and social health. Our relationship, our source of healing, Etc. So, this is the same guy that said, wait a minute lockdown, you know, do this. Do that. So the more and more arguments are coming out against even ESG. I don't have clothes you follow ESG, where why are we doing this? Did you see how much Target lost ten billion dollars? Did you see how much Bud Light Lost 25 percent 12 percent this is no longer working. What if you want to like even wonder insurance companies, I work with closest. One of our biggest one. We work with yesterday. I see their post on
Wall because of pride month, we're doing this. I know the people in that company but they just raised a few hundred million dollars. One of the companies they give the money to was one of these bigger guys, the Vanguard BlackRock and you know, say street. So, when you take money from those guys, you have to have to have a certain ESG score. But a lot of people are now saying this is not a proven formula that it works. Stop doing it. So do you think guys like you who are maybe in business who are maybe in church? There's a pope, what are you doing? What are you talking about? Who are
Maybe in the Christian church or maybe in different denominations, there in the military, sitting back saying, I didn't sign up for this. So meaning successfully, do you think these guys will be able to manipulate their in genders down? Everybody's throat or there's going to be certain people standing up? Well certainly I'd like to believe that the tide is Shifting and we're starting to get some degree of Victory against the Matrix. So I do believe that the public sentiment is Shifting. However, the fight is long as very, very difficult because I agree with what you're saying, only a year ago, I would argue it completely and say it's basically
Over. I'm actually very impressed with the back with the, with the ground we've taken back with common sense.
But these people operate so slowly, it's generational, these attacks, the attacks were suffering. Now, were started in the 70s and 80s, they take it over time and yes, it's fantastic to those parents fought back against that school. That's fantastic. But there's a whole bunch of schools where they didn't and who knows, okay, that particular book might be removed. A softer version will be implemented next year. Maybe that book will come back. They have all the time in the world, all the money in the world and they're insulated from these things that's what's most scary. You talk about Vanguard a black bra.
And all these companies was actually scary about. It, is the people who are making these decisions are completely insulated from the consequences of the decisions they're in Switzerland. They fly private. They don't care. You think they care about any of this crap. They'll say I'll do this. All its calls to Ryan. They don't live there. They're nowhere near it that had nothing to do with it. When is the last time? You've even seen a politician? Do these people don't exist that I've been near. There's nothing to do with where they operate. It's actually amazing when I was in Dubai. Once I think about three years ago, I saw the
The by walking through the mall, I was like he's a person. He'd walk through the mall. I was so impressed. Imagine a western leader, walking through the mall, never never never in a million years. It's just pieces of paper, private jet vanish. All these people are in charge of everything. Don't you live in these communities? I do believe that yes, we can win because I don't think you can fight to the best of your ability. If it all hope is lost. I do believe, we're winning and taking ground back. Absolutely. And I believe that we're doing that by purely telling the truth. What our eyes see, or is what's real?
We're doing it in the name of God, which is saying Armenians are strictly religious. I think God and religion is one of the best ways you can combat these things. However, the fight is never ending because their never-ending going to try and Implement you talk about USGS course. It's garbage. They put together this not going to end shouldn't get worse and worse and worse over time. And it's kind of unfortunate and it's kind of upsetting that we still have this system where the people can be unhappy with something. The Peasants can Revolt to a degree but does it even really matter? At some point you get to a point of power where you don't care about money,
And then things really difficult, right? When you control everything, you don't care about money. I mean, I'd like to actually argue, we talk about Bud Light this Mulaney whatever it is, it is still moving, whatever, yeah, yeah Dylan Mulvane sweetheart and yeah, I know we've damaged their share prices cetera, et cetera. I would believe people who own that company, or beyond that company. I don't think they truly give a fuck in both. I don't think they care. Maybe they care a bit. I don't think the losing that much sleep over it. Maybe they are a little bit but I'm saying you get two degrees of power and levels of power, where you don't care.
About money. I'll give you a perfect example of it. I know we keep going back to this, but it was actually a massive pivotal event in Awakening. So many people was to covid scam. I said this multiple times in many different countries. I visited, I say, if they cared about they would have left, everything open, maybe put a tax on everything extra tax percent, whatever and built hospitals. Why didn't I do that? Why they? Why did they lock you all up? Because it's a mask, Appliance exercise. They want you to comply, they don't give a shit about your health is way to comply in order to test how many people comply and they were saying, yeah. It's
All about money. It's all about profit. And I said, that's actually a very optimistic way to look at it. I think that if you destroy the economy and walk up one of their houses and Destroy everyone's businesses, you don't care about money through your Beyond money, you're above money, you want power, and you want control. Because once you become actually rich, you learn that the world is all just about people.
Right? The best things in your life for people, but soon, as you like for family things, make you happiest of your friends. Your life experience is the best of you have good team, around a good, assistants, good helpers, good staff, whatever it is. It's all about people and controlling people. What do you want money for to get other people to do you want? That's all money. Is I want a Lamborghini. I can't build one. He can. I'll pay him to build me a Lamborghini. It's all about people. So once you get Beyond a certain level of money and there's a certain level of control. You want that money, perhaps can't buy.
By then you think. Well, I don't care about the money. I want the power. I don't want money. I want them to stay in their houses. Why? Because it sounds, so I don't have to, they have to haha, it's funny. And I've said that several people and said, do you really think people in charge of the world are so petty that they would lock up one of their houses? So they can laugh and say yeah I actually do. I think if you were born into a wealthy family, where money has precisely zero value and you are arrogant to the Moon because you're this whoever and you believe you're God's gift and you don't offer re gonna make you happy because my Ferrari.
Always freeze Kenny's. You don't care about any of this shit. Well makes you happy. Is everyone respected human being afraid of you to a degree. You're going to try and influence and power and fear, but that's what it is. So I think a lot of these companies when they're doing these things and they're upsetting people Etc. Yeah, it's good that we're fighting back but I also think part of them, enjoy the show. I think part from genuine, enjoy the show. I think part of him, do you know what? Let's do. This is this is insane. Let's do this. Oh, they're fighting. I really believe it. I know, it's a pessimistic way to look at it but I think they enjoy
The show apart, I don't disagree with you, in regards to that. I can see that how, you know, you see it in movies or scenes, where you know, condescending arrogant, you know, and they kind of want to, they enjoy bullying. The guy that can help himself right? Hey, do this a cleanup, pick this up. I look at this. He'll do anything that I need them to do, right? I fully believe those types of things exist, but and empires have fallen so many times because they thought they can get away with murder stir. And then, eventually people said, listen,
Stop. You're not gonna do this to me anymore. We're not going to take a Cent and typically when that happens you said it earlier. You know, what is really why what's going on in Glendale or some of these other cities that people are protesting? Why is there an organization called gays against groomers gays against groomers? What what do you what are you doing this man? I was just wanted to be gave him leave me alone. I'm not trying to be a, you know, grooming kids. That's not my job. I just want to be gay. Leave me alone. We've made so much progress. These guys, I'm not that guy. I'm not this person, right? So
So, I think the part that they fear the most, if you read Communist Manifesto, there's a book written by Cleon Scouts and I think it was like a former CIA agent for like 15 years. He wrote a book called The Naked communist. One of the things he talks about how getting rid of God. Well, they're succeeding in that area, but not fully yet, you know, getting rid of the family. Nucleus. What? We already know, what is the purpose of this lgbtq movement? What is the purpose of this transgender? What is the purpose of? Let me get this straight.
A person cannot buy a gun at 13. This person cannot go in the military at 13. This person can avoid at 18. This person cannot own a car at 13, but they can transition the most, the most important decision of their lives. You're okay with yes to another. That doesn't make sense to me. That doesn't make sense to me. I think you said something at the beginning, the concept of being intolerant, you know what? Yeah, it's okay. We can have gay, so, it's okay, we can have this it. So listen, man, you've crossed the line a little bit. I think Faith Family, Kids values,
Principles, they fear the hell out of it. And I think that Community is rising up. No, you're totally right. But you made a really interesting point there by Empires falling. And this is where I kind of feel like we're entering a new stage of the world, but it's never really done before because typically, when Empires fell, the world was far more polarized. If the empire fell there was nowhere for the corrupt dictators of said, Empire to go the Empire's follow. What I say? England fell you can't. It's very hard to get Exile in France. You could do it a little bit but let's say America.
I felt today. Let's say, it completely collapsed and it fell the people who archetype that downfall. Do you think they'd be in America? Didn't they be sitting there waiting to get scooped up? Do you know who they are? If you recognize them? What's her name? Even if you could do you think they're an Americorps to think they're skiing in Switzerland?
This globalism, the whole point of globalism is that they don't care when Empires fall. When you globalize the world then you have a chessboard I lost the night, doesn't matter? Publication sack the queen, who cares? There's so many things I want to say but I don't want to die, but there's truth in this can be proven and shown even with this current proxy war, Europe and all the gas prices and the inflation rate in Europe has gone to the Moon to fund, this proxy war in Ukraine.
Why is this happen? Because America is in charge of everything, in America, has decided that Europe has to Bear the brunt of the bullshit for its proxy war. You're going to have higher gas prices, you're going to have inflation, you're gonna have my civil unrest, you're going to do with it all and we're going to sit over here and insulate ourselves because we have the global Reserve currency and the war is going to happen over there, that was going to die and we're in charge. So now we have this globalism. How can an Empire fall? When you have basically two camps, there's two teams. Now, there's two sides less. So it's I agree with you completely.
Empires falling, but I'm saying, if the Empire is fell in days of old, the Kings would be strung up. But now with the Empire Falls nobody notices doesn't matter. We don't know the Kings. All we don't know who's in charge, we don't know where they are. They're not gonna be anywhere near the trouble, that's for fucking sure. There's gonna be somewhere else. Oops. Oh well, and do they really care? Do the people in charge of world care of America's crime, rate goes up, 1000%, would they lose sleep? And I actually think they do partially because think about it. So, I'm with Andrew Schultz and I'm taking your position with him. Yeah. Okay. You know what to do?
This is good guy and he says, you know, part of me that gives me Comfort is knowing these guys are so obsessed with their money. He may be wrong this way. We can debate this, they're so obsessed with their money that there's no way they're going to let America fall because of America Falls everything else Falls. So they're going to go just as much as they can to control but not enough to get the machine to break because they're so in love with money and power. They don't want to give that up. Well, I hope that's true.
I would love for that to be true, but my argument is that these people are already so deeply entrenched, they print them.
Go print the new money. I don't care, they cared about money. Covid-19 at it. They closed the entire economy. I don't think they care about me. I think they could, I think they control the world to a level where you want to eat. If you want more, like I don't think they give a shit about money. They'll print the new money, change the name of it and put the new one, a certain level of power. I think they're so above and beyond all of our concepts of how the world works and they don't have any interest in any of it. I don't really give a shit. I think if you were to go to these people, whoever they are and say we're going to take
Audio way? They would just laugh at you. You think you can take my money? You think you understand money? You think you're gonna damage the stock market? Think I give a shit about the share price. I think there's a level beyond all of this and they're the ones who truly are running things and they truly have no influence and in fact the harder they damage the economy and the more damage they do to money, the more people are dependent on governments to eat. That's what communism comes from, right? The more poor, we get the more you need the government. Just so you got food in your mouth. How can you resist a government if they feed you?
You can't so yeah like and I sound pessimistic and I'm not pessimistic and I do believe the answer to all of these. Things is free thinking and truth and God and Community standing up for themselves and changing the general consensus. I do believe that because to a degree although we talk about people who run the world to a degree, we run the world because our tolerance level is what runs the world. There's more of us than them. So two degrees say who's in charge of the world, why I like to say, well we are because it's all about, we're the
Where the abused wife in this relationship. How much crap we're going to put up. We set the limit. They're going to come at us with everything they can, right? We set the limit. But the problem is, they try very, very hard to want. Increase our limit to the max, which is tolerance and to to divide us to the point where we don't ever unite long enough. I love what happened in Glendale. You just told me about that. Should be happening. Every single School Across America. All of them.
Oh, they would love it. If you retweet the video for them and get more exposure. Will do, you know it when you're saying this?
I'm reading a book right now Robert Moses I don't know if you know who he is or not power broker it's a guy it would be very interesting guy for you to study this. The guy that built New York. Okay. And he came up and I hate it complicated person, misunderstood the more they would push him back. The more he stood up the more they would say, no, this is not fair. What you're doing, the more he would even say I'm going to go more even more extreme.
And so if in New York, you mentioned the name Robert Moses there's going to be a camp that's going to say, scumbag racist, white supremacist, all this stuff and there's a side that's going to say this guy, build a bridge just can't get this. This guy did that he would make it so hard for a certain Community. Go to the nicer Community, he would put the card, you know, the bridge so low that trucks couldn't go through because he didn't want the bad people to go into this, like, he was that sharp. And one time in the book, they talk about how Robert Moses. He says, look, the one thing about Robert, Moses, he could give a shit about money. He could.
Give a shit about it was all about his influence over so I agree. There are certain people that don't care about money, they're more driven by control influence all of that. The part that you know we're talking about the movie Fury Vinny and you give me this whole thing about Fury the scene where Shia LaBeouf is reading out of the Bible and he's crying while he's reading this and then write, if you want to text me, what's what the in afterwards, you see? Brad Pitt quotes, exactly? What scripture was but they never
Showed how much Faith he had. And the whole point was I'm ready to die. We know we're here. This is going to be happened when the tech there's don't I think the people
There's a part about Trump had a grown on Whitney. Well I don't know if you know who Whitney Weber's, we had a wrong. Okay. Yeah. And we start talking about different things and I've been having a lot of weird guests on lately.
And making a comparison between the Kennedy family and Trump. This is a lot of people off but those two families forget the fact that one's a Democrat was a republican. They were both anti-establishment they were both anti military industrial complex that were both anti CIA anti FBI anti all of this stuff, right? We saw what happened with Kennedy. We saw what happened with Reagan. We saw what happened with Lincoln? All these guys were anti-establishment guys, we saw what happened with trunk, the part about Trump that, you know,
Made the other side, uncomfortable. It's okay. We can kill the guy. That's been the strategy for a long time. You can't really do it today.
As much because they fear one thing that they're the most jealous and envy. You know what that is. They don't want. They do not want to build a martyr. They fear building a martyr because that's the ultimate hide that they want to get. They do not want to build a martyr, right? So okay, we're going to humiliate the crap out of you. We can embarrass the crap out of your. We're going to publicly try to do this. We're going to come in between you and your kids. You know, we're going to go get your daughter to be more LGBT. We got to get her to be on this side and we got to pin this that's the strategy, we're going to put the
Second, our family apart, right. And he still stands up there and to them, it's like what the hell do we need to do? If we do was, you know, just sit down and be quiet, not willing to do it. That's right. Do you think again, going back to it, more of those types of men and women who are misunderstood and complicated stories. They are not perfect far from it. More of those guys are the ones that are saying. Yeah, it's just not going to happen on my
Watchman and that's what we need. And the, the
by the very nature of being the kind of person who's principled enough to risk his own personal situation in life, if you have principles that strong, you're going to be disliked. By some people, you're never gonna have a person who is principled enough to take risk to his public detriment for the good of what he believes in. Who is liked by everybody? That's a logic fail, right? Because he has principles, which are hard lines and people exist across the entire Spectrum. So there's many people exist outside of those lines. That's why I liked about Trump. He's not perfect, of course not. But he says what he means and means what he says. I actually disagree with him on many.
Things. But he says, what he means, he means what he says, and that's what they're afraid of their afraid of a man. Who says, what he means, and means what he says, because he can't be bald. Because he's principal, you can't be bought even. Now me if their country with a hundred million dollars and say will sponsor you with this company's hundred million dollars. Just have to shut up. I'd say no, I don't I don't want the money, I don't need money at is nothing else to buy. I bought everything, I don't need it. I buy principles worth more so and that's what they're afraid of their afraid of principles. And it goes back to the original point. They're trying to remove all of our morality all of our Baseline understanding of things.
My neck is an
application which allows you to take a minute to connect with influencers from all around the world. My name is Andrew Tate and I'm available
to speak directly to you on manette. That's that's how they inject you with the slave market. This is equities and you're right. Jim Schuster has always been that way. And now it's under conscious assault.
I've never said this before, I never even thought this before, is a brand new thought for me. But I would like to think in times of old in history, perhaps everybody was the same. Everybody was principal, everybody had parameters, but they were different parameters. Perhaps, they were competing ideas, but I think in the modern world is not so much competing parameters, it's just people who believe in things and people who don't believe in anything besides what they're fucking told that changes every day. It's do that the empty brains the the slave mines and the people who actually stand up for something and this Lakers and the free thinking, but the slave mine,
Can't say, well, they believe in a different ideology because they don't, they believe in what they're told to believe in on that particular day changes. They don't have any true core belief, they just repeat. I talk about the Matrix all the time. People say, why did you choose that terminology? And I chose that terminology because is perfectly accurate in. Describing. Exactly what is happening. The Matrix is a computer program, which is designed to control your mind, so that your body can be used to power the machines. That's exactly what happens when they make you watch the news to control your minds, you continue to use your body to work some garbage job and suffer from inflation.
And power the machines machines being sold as people who were in charge of the world. But as also a million other different ways you can compare the Matrix of the real world. In The Matrix, they say, anybody can become an agent. At any time, if their mind is not unplugged, they become an agent. If their mind is not freed, they turn into an agent. You can see that in real life, mention covid, to an NPC mention Trump to an NPC, you can sit in our perfectly cordial, normal conversation with somebody for an hour and be fine. And you can mention one of the particular subjects which they are.
Hey, by The Matrix itself. And it will turn into an agent in real time, and you will see them. Now, start to genuinely emotionally dislike you, as a person, they were your friend for an hour. Yeah. Now they hate you. They will turn into an agent. Kobe was perfect. I would say, the people, we'd all be friends. As I mentioned the covid garbage and it
Now their agent. What do you mean covid garbage? My friends, grandma was 99, she got sick. Okay. Sorry, I think I don't change my view and they change and the Matrix is actually a perfect, absolute explanation of what's happening. And Morpheus says, if your mind is not free, you can be one of them and that's what's happening. And this is why we have, we don't have competing sets of parameters which are trying to argue about which is the best way to run the world. We have people with parameters who believe in family and love and God.
And tradition and taking care of yourself and taking care of others. Yours people with moral standard. And there's people with none zero, empty vessels agents who are programmed on any given day of whether what they're supposed to care about. These people can't tell me they care about things. That's what's most annoying about my position because it's absolutely an hourly weaponized virtue that use against me. The people who hate me hate me, because one I truly believe and I know this is arrogant to say that. I feel like I have to say, there's a huge. There's definitely a massive Jay.
C compliment if I wasn't so tall and rich and good-looking wouldn't be happening if they don't fucking like me, they don't like me. Because I remind them of The Jock at school that took her girl, that's part right. They don't like me personally. So they can't, they try, it's true. So they try and find an attack vector. And what happens when you have somebody, who's monumentally successful across all Realms of human endeavor? Then we can attack them is by calling them a bad person. They don't call me stupid. They can't call me ugly. Can't call me, bro, can call me weak. Kick the Can go into these things. So how do you attack this guy, but he's a bad person. How do you call someone a bad person?
You weaponize virtue. None of the people not who are pretending to give a shit about women, and I'm bad to protect women. Have any interest in protecting with none of these people think? I better become physically strong zapotec woman. No, not that. I'm even believe in protecting a woman. In a physical scenario. One of them. Even believe in protecting their family. None of them have any none of them? Donate any cherries involved women. Nothing. They're just taking the virtue and weaponizing it and attacking me with it, me as a person who donates 25 million dollars, a year to charity to feed both.
Male and female children, me as a person who believes I have a responsibility to be physically capable. So that any woman, I'm walking down the street with his safe. I do more for women than any of these clowns would ever do. But they're just weaponizing virtue in attacking me with this, not even genuine virtual. That's what's upsetting about these people, The Matrix minded people have. So few for a and so, few virtue whenever there's virtue inside of them, it's only so they can take it weaponize, it and fire at you. They don't give a shit about any of the issues they talk about. They don't care about race, They Don't Care About Women. They don't
About gays, not of it. They take it. They put it in a bullet and they shoot at the people. They don't like, it's all fake, all of it.
You when you were, when you were talking about this, I wrote all these things down there were talking about principal virtues godparents True. Believers Fighters Traditions. These people they fear, right? All these people, they fear and these guys are slowly but surely start to stand up the scene. We talked about with Shia LaBeouf. He says, what we're doing here is a righteous act. Here's a Bible verse, I think
About sometimes many times. This is his words. It goes. And I heard the voice of the Lord saying whom shall I send and who will go for us and he Bank began crying and said, here, I am send Lee Brad, Pitt turns around and says book of Isaiah chapter 6.
For me now business, I asked this question so curious to get your thoughts on this for the longest time when I got into business I was you know younger guy 21 on the cocoa. Very coachable. Tell me what I gotta do. I'm coachable guy. What are you got it? I'm a coach about super coach won't want to make money. I'm sick and tired of being broke. My dad's at the 99 cent store, too many heart attacks. I'm going to get out of this some, okay? Patrick basic stuff when you're doing business and you talking to rich people at Morgan, Stanley, Dean Witter, never talk religion, never talk.
Politics. Never talk sucks. Just don't talk about those three things. I said, okay guess what? Never talk politics. Never talk religion. Never talk sucks. No problem. We're going to business. So what do you think about the political climate today Patrick with David? Oh what do you think? No, I think this is, but what do you think Patrick? I don't know. You know quite frankly I think I'm trying to figure it out for myself right now but we'll see what's going to happen like you know the whatever way you're deflecting and you kind of go in your room. Hey what do you think about God? What is your opinion on Islam or Muslims? Well, you know, for me, you know there's
You deflect that eventually you're sitting there, you're like the people that I know at that level want to talk about those three topics. Now, sex is, maybe off-camera and they're kind of having fun with it, but they want to talk about politics and religion. So we for the longest time, I've been silenced, and now the ESG Community all this time, they've told us to stay quiet and they're saying what they're talking politics. Yeah, they're talking religion and they're talking sex sex the way through. Lgbtq what's wrong with that? What's wrong with it's normal, it's normal, it's normal.
Normal. No, it's not normal. Well listen, you guys shouldn't talk about politics and sex and religion shouldn't be doing that. And then you see this one, you know during covid-19 Aster Australia, Syrian man, I don't know what his name is Benny. What's his name? The Assyrian Pastor priest from Australia and he was fighting all the anti covid guidelines and he his stuff is going viral. He's doing is he's seen these messages. Some of the people that stood up. They stood up because they feared God, okay.
For you with your life. It's been interesting. Watching, you go through your evolution of your faith pre 2022, former atheist. Couple the things you've said in the past God isn't real because you can't prove it, okay? Kind of like that was more the Malcolm X argument, right? Bad, things happen to good people and good things. Happen to bad people far too often for God to exist. Yeah, I'm the Center of My Universe. That's pretty 2020. Then gradually you start talking about Christianity and you know, in 2020 made a video announcing that you were
wrong about what you had said previously about God. Right now, you start saying people are who are atheists are angry bad energy, people and I don't want to be on that team anymore. And even if God is not real, the world is a better place. If people do believe in God, I know God is real because there's so much evil in the world that there has to be an equal and opposite Force. The devil can't exist if God does not. And if you look at the world today, it is very obvious that the devil does not exist and I'll go to the last one here with Muslim.
Quotes from you Christian's don't have a religion anymore because they tolerate everything in stand for nothing. Yeah. And by the way, I actually agree with you. The fact that they're tolerating way too much Islam. Is the last religion on the planet, God is something to be. Feared respected in to prove yourself to, which means you got to earn his right. It's a, hey, I want to earn your right to do respect, right? How did you go if you don't mind talking about your own Evolution because us as men,
If you know me at 25 years old, you probably would have liked to party with me. I was a selfish guy. I was a guy, you would have thought I was, right? And we go through this phase of where the selfishness kind of comes down a little bit. You still need to be selfish because you need to be driven, but to the point where you're like, listening I got to really do something. And then somehow, somebody got enters what's been your evolution of your faith and where are you at today?
Yeah, I think Newton's. I think it's third law is equal and opposite Force. What you just said there is absolutely true. There has to be equal and opposite.
First of all, the evil in the world and that the equal and opposite Force to all that evil has to be God. And I've talked about this at length, even with atheists and I try and say that regardless of whether you're an atheist or not, you're thinking of God is a man in the sky, but you need to think of God as a concept as a whole, and once you do that, it's impossible to accept that he doesn't exist, right? I said to The Atheist, I said, let's say there was two islands were Shipwrecked, right? And there's two islands, both of them are full of savages on wine. On one Island.
Your friend are Shipwrecked on one Island, your friend goes and he crashes and they kill him. And they knew go to another Island and they want to kill you and eat you, but they don't because it's against their religion, did God save your life.
Who cares? Who doesn't know the name of their God, but their God said, don't kill shipwreck survivors and now you're alive. So they're God saved your life. The concept of God in and of itself, saved her life. You o God for the concept of the idea. So even the idea of opposing evil as a whole, is a belief in God. So you're either an evil person or you believe in God, in some regard. And then I became once I understood that there has to be an equal and opposite Force. I was raised Christian, I live in a Christian Nation, Romania is actually
I think the second or third, most Christian country on earth is very Christian country here, it's churches everywhere, they strongly believe and that's where I began my journey. But I always had a very healthy respect for Islam because I understand that to a degree to have a religion at all. You have to have an intolerance to a degree because without an intolerance, you don't have rules. You don't have laws. You don't have any like you said, you have to earn God's respect. If you're a religion which is tolerant of everything that you don't have to earn God's respect, you can be a bad person and do bad things. God loves me, so it's fine.
Well, no, it's not because that's not the point of the religion. So then you extrapolate that out and I'll sit in and thinking, what's the primary function of a religion and the primary function of a religion. I don't believe it's the religion exist so I can live forever. I mean, that's a, that's a nice fall. But I think on a macro level, the primary objective of a religion is to restore and contain some degree of traditional value within the site. How do you judge? We changed the way I worded that. How do you judge the success of a religion?
I don't think you can judge it by the number of people who join it. Because there's lots of people who are Catholic, who don't act Catholic, they'll act in any way. Particularly Christian, anyone can say they're something, you can walk into a strip club and everyone says to her, I just crush doesn't mean anything, right? So how do you judge the success of religion? Well, I like to think the best way to judge, the success of religion is how successful is it at fighting evil? How successful is it at preserving the morality of a population in X parameter in X and X?
Local area. So when you look at it from that way, you can't say that Islam isn't the most successful religion on Earth. It's the most successful in regards to opposing evil. It's the most successful in regards to opposing its differing. Viewpoints is the most successful in regards to having people act within the limits and the confines of what it finds to be moral and good to God. It's the most in here too. It's the most feared. It's the most respected in most forms
and then also I'd like to I would say it's the most
fear. Yes, I most fear but what is respect without fear.
Do do we respect men? We don't fear, but there's a man who could do absolutely nothing to you. On any level at all, you might be nice to him. Sure. Because we're not bad people, but would you really respect that? If you could take his chick in front of his face, says car on fire. He would do a thing. You would expect and you might be nice to him. We're not bullies. We would expect it. Respect and fear are linked, but not always the same thing. And you can, you can maybe have fear without respect is very hard to have respect without fear, but also I heard someone say once that we see the world as we see
A ourselves, if you're a thief, you think everyone's, the thief. If you're a liar, think everyone's a liar. And I kind of agree with that. I understood that. I also like to think we see religion as we see ourselves, I like to see myself as a person whose respect you have to earn. I like to see myself as a person who has strong rigid boundaries, I like to see myself as a person who stand up and say, no, that's wrong. I like to see myself as a person who's not afraid of being shamed by whatever Community for saying. I don't agree with that particular. I do I like seeing myself that way so if I'm going to see myself that way, then I'm going to naturally aligned with a religion that operates within that forum.
So when I say Islam, is the last religion art, if I say it because it seems to be the only one who will stand up and say, no, we don't care. No, that's not what the book says, no, I was raised Christian, and, and Muslims. As a whole, we have no problems with Christians, none at all. I don't want him to think I'm anti-christian. Like, I dislike Christians. We don't have a problem Christians. We believe in a lot of the same things, we believe in Jesus, we put more respect on the name of Jesus that most Christians do. I just don't like the idea of people saying they're a Christian and thing but because I'm a Christian
I can do whatever I want through all the rules way, none of it matters. Because once you have that level of Tolerance, you no longer have a religion. Islam seems to be the last religion left with parameters. We don't for a, you know, religion all. So, the closer I found myself to God, the closer. I sup, I found myself through Islam. That's just how it ended and Andrew. Speaking of fear, one could argue that Islam, these days. Certainly the last 20 years with the war on terror. They've also been the most vilified. Absolutely. Right. So, you know, everything that we've seen happen with
Extremism and everything that's going on all over the world. How are you grappling with that? You've been a Christian for years now Islam? Everything, you know what's, you know, what does such an interesting question? Because when I was younger, especially when I was an atheist, I would, I would say. And I've said anything people are really doing Terror attacks and do all this crazy stuff because, you know, they're upset over a cartoon so stupid and nobody should kill him. Nobody should kill Charlie hebdo'. I think that nobody should kill anybody. Nobody should kill anybody. I'll make that very clear.
Also part of me is now saying, why would you want to insult the prophet for billions of people? Why would you want to do that? I'm not saying, I'm not even, I don't want to make the argument against Free Speech, may be say, you couldn't be allowed to. This is a sensitive subject. I'm just saying, what kind of person wakes up and things? I want to do that? I don't know. I just don't think that's a healthy mindset. Like, when I see these satanists, and they're, especially in America, and they're doing, let's keep it on Christianity. These satanists and they're dressing up. Jesus is gay, and all this stuff like that.
That's not done in any kind of good faith. There's no good reason to do that. That's done with genuinely malicious intention and what kind of people want to do that? And then the answer by extension is, I thought America was a Christian country. So how can you have a Christian country? Were the prophets of the religion, are mocked to the highest possible levels within the confines of the country and and it's promoted.
Is that Christian country, doesn't seem of Christian country to me. I don't think the same thing would happen with Islam and Saudi Arabia. I can't imagine that happening. So how can you say we're a Christian country, but everyone is mocking Our God on the streets. Ha ha ha. It's on Netflix. Ha ha ha. That's not Christian country to me. So, if you're not Christian country, then
Where's the religion? What religion is supposed to enforce certain boundaries is supposed to at least show it respect you know and it's also kind of interesting because in Christian countries there's more respect for Islam than there is for Christianity.
Then a Christian country name one. They still don't do it with the Islamic Prophet. Why do you think that is too much smoke? It's just not worth the Heat.
Because people believe, and I'm not advocate for violence on any level. I'm saying that even these degenerates who are trying to destroy people's belief in God, like, we've discussed earlier because they don't want you to have any Baseline morality. If you believe in god, there are Commandments. Yes. And that Baseline morality prevents you being an absolute slave so they're trying to destroy it but even those degenerates we're trying to Mock and disgrace. God understand, there's a point where it just backfires and moving. This is smoke.
And they don't want the smoke and shouldn't God be feared. I'm scared of God. The only thing I fear, I Fear God, they put me in jail, I know I'm telling truth. God is on my side. I Fear God so God should be feared. So once again does anybody feel the Christian God? I haven't seen anybody scared of him in a long time and it's kind of crazy because it's very interesting. The max the like the mass migration, all these things are leftist policies. But then also Islam is the most right-wing religion on Earth with kind of very interesting.
Thing I grew up in England and I grew up in Luton, which is a town, which is mainly Muslims like this. It's huge Islamic community. And there was a bunch of English people who are complaining about this too much integration, we losing our culture and I understood their point. Absolutely. But these are the same people complaining about all the left-wing, LGBT and schools, all these issues. And after the only allies you have against this of the Muslims, the only allies, you haven't any of this? The Christians don't protest against any of this stuff, the Christians don't care. The curtain is very few. Christians will get up off their ass and complain. In fact, I saw on Twitter yesterday,
Day. One of the churches was lit up in rainbow.